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Everything posted by bilbofett

  1. So has anyone tried to customize the wave. I thought about Guile and Ken(maybe Dan too).
  2. Hey, I think these polls are a great idea. I like it better than making lists. It's more consolidated and easier to view.
  3. I'm not even sure the joints would be that tight. Regular mates shoulder and hip joints click/snap into place. If you did this, it might not stay in place. Somebody made a Sentinel out of wood(I forget who it was). It was pretty sweet. I think it was even articulated.
  4. I totally agree. I hope there are no more Marvel "movie " mates. Just focus on the comic interpretations. The movie mates could be relegated to a 2-pack or 4-pack set(hero/villian and couple of other characters).
  5. Yeah, I LOVE Star Wars, but I collect the 3.75". I just couldn't keep up with them($$$). So I think MORE ZOMBIES!!!!!
  6. This is pretty cool, thanks for the tip. I think I'm gonna get the classic Batmobile.
  7. haha. the marvel minimate god must hate us all. the last wave of marvel mates hit store almost a year ago now. jeez. Uh, actually the X-men 3 mates hit in March.
  8. If this happens, we'll get the 2nd Mr. T minimate. Wow! :biggrin:
  9. I give you....minikirk!! I thought Shatner wasn't allowed to pull out lil' Will.(court order)
  10. I like the new cowls better. The designs on the old style threw off the look on some of the Batmans. The new style gives us "two" faces, like Batman. I think where it applies, they should use what looks best. The alternative- buy/trade for some old cowls and repaint them.
  11. Originally he was... but it didn't happen and then as far as we could tell Mr Freeze was recycled to the also never released second wave of miniflyers... ..yep even I scare myself with my geekyness sometimes T. We're all a scared of your geekyness TBT.
  12. The Lego Batcopter hit @ my local TRU, you could get that and modify it for Minimates.
  13. The Hunt-Mate is not a DC minimate. He is if you strap him to a battery. ...and I have the sneaking suspicion that you have... ...or put a Batman cape on him!!!!!!
  14. Wow, seems like there's alot of anti-Salakk and lesbianism sentiments out there. :biggrin: Can't We all just get along??!!!
  15. Not impressed. I know people have other interests, but I wish DST would concentrate on Marvel, BSG, and maybe Star Trek. I think They're spreading the minimate development a little thin. I mean all the changes to the release dates some design issues(Scarlett Spider/ Hobgoblin are under designed as opposed to some of the other mates coming). Oh well I'll buy what I want and pass on the rest.
  16. Welllll, I guess Beast Boy/Terra GA Green Lantern/GA Dr. Midnite or GA Hourman Huntress/Black Canary Aqua Lad or Tempest/Black Manta
  17. Hey, that gives me an idea. We should have a countdown clock for MM releases. Oh wait, we don't when stuff is getting released(the dates change or get passed by). :biggrin:
  18. Wait, did you order the wave w/o the chase or did they just send this with the chase coming later??
  19. Sorry I meant this week. "ever again" would be grave news indeed. Captain America was buried today .That's grave news. ba da da(drum tap) That was very punny. :biggrin: Yeah this is getting frustrating, they announce all these mates(pretty much all at once), then delay and shift dates like crazy. Must be QC issues or low pre-orders.
  20. This update seemed to happen overnight or very early today. ANy chance that it missed the list? That's what I was thinking, I checked DST's site on Fri. or Sat. and they still had them listed on 7/25/07. So maybe the late update wasn't in time for Diamond's lists. I guess we'll have to wait for the west coast LCS buyers. I hate the changing dates.
  21. Well in about 20 minutes we'll know for sure. Diamond's site will post shipping lists for the week.
  22. GA Green Lantern/GA Dr. Midnite Martian Manhunter/Black Canary Huntress/Modern Robin(Tim Drake or Dick Grayson) Sinestro/Gl Kyle Rayner These are based on the quote by DC Direct to "complete" teams and groups with future releases.
  23. Looking at the SM 3 mates, and noticed they didn't change the shipping date it still says July 2007. OOOOOPS!
  24. If you can still find them,(at TRU,, or KB Toys) they had these Spiderman stunt sets. The glider that came with GG is what I used, with some minor adjustments. Update has this $9.99.Hope this helps.
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