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Everything posted by Cyc

  1. *crosses arms on chest and falls to his knees* The Creator...
  2. I don't see it vital that it be directly intergrated, but definately like the idea
  3. I swear that Hulk's tampos in the protos Toyfare showed look identical to the Minimate Hulk. But alas, another idea that likely won't cross the pond to my shores
  4. Evolution is more likely now days, we're talking near a decade since the original X-men Animated series started. I'd buy it out of a sense of completeness, as I believe we already have 900% more X-men minimates that the world can stand...
  5. Youtube throws it up as a suggestion when you view the Dave School clip Ady mentioned a week or so ago.
  6. RAGH! Still No Booster Power Bands! Booster Fan Smash!
  7. They were in Previews.... original solicit in March and occasional delay/update date mentions since then.
  8. Very nice, especially in comparison to the original versions of the strips which were pretty damn fine
  9. At any rate, months after the Wave 2 C3 stuff sells out in North America, I walk into local Big W and notice Mini-flyers. Ah, that's nice. What's... that's a Mini-Javelin! Don't have one of those! Score! It quickly dawned on me that there was a second one there, and realizing there was still demand snapped it up to and a Big W catalog to confirm the location of stores nearby where upon I found others and Batcycles. Grand total, 5 Mini-Javs for trading selling purposes. Most were traded with people on the AA boards, but I sold at least one on Ebay, it went for "just" $30US, each one was $20Aus retail (around $11US) And if anybody asks do I have any left, I will HIT you.
  10. No, locally I go to places I'm on very good speaking terms with so plan on going back to, or places where they're kept behind the counter so not really going to be able to knock off AND escape with my ill gotten booty, arr!
  11. I want to, but my prefered LCS knows that I'd want them but that they won't because nobody else will buy them. Too many times where they've gone out on a limb and I've had to slowly buy the case while apologizing. And other retailers here locally are learning the same lession, toy store chain bought a large number of Wave 6/7 cases on release and took until the middle of THIS year sell the last of them at a heavy discount, and other comic store bought single case of SFII mates and they've only sold three packs.... to me. Rest are still there
  12. Not really, as the recent blurbs in Previews ("A Diamond Select toy release! An Art Asylum design!") tends to show who wears the pants in the relationship, and the Cereal Mates leaks means things are much more tighter in regards to release of info.
  13. Magazine in question is almost completely focused on the new series, so...
  14. Kills two birds with one stone, means that they don't waste the work they put into them AND cut the time required to produce and get approvals on a new wave, especially Marvel has already signed off on them. As for Colossus, assuming Wolverine's hair piece is a new one as it looks to be, he's made from stock pieces, where other characters would need new molding. Think of him as a Mr. Fantastic to the rest of FF mates, gotta cut corners somewhere to pay for new molding...
  15. I'd probably agree with Xybot's suggestion that we may see a double movie line-up, Ghost Rider taking 15
  16. Probably right, which makes me sad as that means both those waves will be bought by me just because their minimates, not because the subjects interest me in the slighest It seems to me that they may have a limited budget and had to opt for reuse wave to counter all new molding waves. Either that or the even more painful movie licensing funding is being used to help bolster the line, which means non-movie waves will continue to get the short end of the stick...
  17. I was about to say "Yes, the creator posted it to the AA boards pre-crash"... but not that version. The one previously posted was called Real_Life_Lighting_DeanLewandowsk and just had Batman and Wolverine leap off, with Wolverine climbing back up. Very nice, and check out what else that person has on You Tube. Kill Vader looks veeeery nice
  18. Man... selling a Mini-Jav for $30US on ebay doesn't sound as great as before if their going for $200... Not that I'm calling BS, but how many of how many $90 buy now Mini-Javs have we seen sold...
  19. "Look Mummy, I got a chase figure of Adama with glasses!" Man, even Chamelon as JJJ had a little more effort than that... Also any idea which issue of the mag? It's yet another imported mag we get, but we run a month or two behind so wanting to know the issue number
  20. I do agree on magazine, long yeas since I bought every issue (old issues did come in handy for AA wiki entry though) BUT.... Another ToyFare exclusive would help to spike interest in the line and mates as a whole, if only from speculators who buy every exclusive...
  21. Bootlegs = Customs ahoy I do think it's sort of devalued the original box, but reusing retailer exclusives isn't new, Marvel Wave 7 anyone?
  22. The classic slow boat to (or from) China. And people wonder why I never send using/or request people use Seamail...
  23. The newer Minimates includes such changes a hole in the middle of the headblock to allow the use of hair pieces with pegs.
  24. I'm actually talking about how there is a $1 price difference between series 9 and series 10 in that list above, not based on pasted prices. Not to mention that Series 9 has a higher volume of molded items and accessories especially when compared to Series 10...
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