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Twisted Two-Face

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Everything posted by Twisted Two-Face

  1. you know i thought about doing this name and ones similar to it. but in the end i felt they were to similar to mine. and i wanted to pay tribute to an old timer, like myself, who remembers when the board was still [art of minimatecentral. I didn't know you did, but that's who i used
  2. Jenny, if my GF also COLLECTED toys like you do......I would propose to!!! I must admit, if my girlfriend were into mates - or even "pieces of all shapes & sizes" - I'd be a litlle afraid of our home getting much too nerdy. Here's to that, brother! Wow; this is really showing us how deep our devotions to 2-in. pieces of plastic are. I tmakes me want to go on a soul-searching journey to the Himalayas and discover somwthing about me i never knew...and maybe find a solid 24 karat gold minimate while i'm at it!!!
  3. That's a pretty big comment from someone who's mommy and daddy won't let them play with spray paint. Haha, your hilarious. Really, i'm not kiddin'. Your so frakkin' funny!!! It's just an opinion, Aaron, something that everyone is entitled to!
  4. No tellin' wrong here, though i do play Sports (bowling!)
  5. Hiya!! If you're wondering where all my old work is, i'm re-doing the pictures more professionally. If you haven't visited my thread before, you are probably totally out of touch with that comment!! XD Well, i'm getting used to buying in bulk so that means more customizing from me...scary thought. I'll also be doing more You could say i'm doing hundreds of WIPs right now. Why the hell am i boring you anyway?! Don't lisen to me, view the page!! <<FIRST-POST CUSTOMS BEING EDITED. CHECK BACK SOON. SEE LAST POST FOR UPDATES>>
  6. Pre-ordered lego batman and expecting to love it and not put it in my "I-hate-the-frakkin'-Wii" pile (yeah...i have one...) Hopefully i get my Joker Keychain!
  7. Wasn't gonna buy it...still ain't buyin' it. Nintendo will always feed us crap, though, becasue they have yet to realized that most of their fans have grown up and want frakkin' more mature games!!! Wii is a great console, and is definetly opening doors for video game future. Nintendo is ruining it with crap. Hass anyone seen Madden '09 for the Wii?! Why the hell do you want to ruin a football franchise with that, Nintendo?! And in the words of BSG: Stop putting crap on our shelves "So Say We All!!!"
  8. Sweet! I finally get to help!!! Found this looking up something totally unrelated: He even has the list of parts ready on screen! Have fun building!
  9. Totally agree. i mean, what Marvel character didn't drink? but i'd have to say no to the coat. It's a tad too furry in my opinion for a criminal like Jigsaw.
  10. I have that dogtag... And that girl...
  11. Happy fifth, MMC! Seriously, Danny, you've done a great job with the site. I remember that after i got my first pack of minimates, i went online to find more, and you site was the first i found. You got me hooked, and i want to say thanks. Without you, i would never have known my favorite Six doesn't wear panties... Let's head for 5 more years of excellent reviews by Danny and The Crew, guys! Oh, and that punch goes double for me
  12. The clear "camo" (never understood how something clear can be called camo over chameleon... ) Is my fav by far in that Master Chief collection. The black is a close second, but how rare is it? My local EB Games may have it in one of those 4-packs, and if it is pretty rare, i may just have to attempt dabbling!!! :biggrin:
  13. I found it at Target. It's in the same wave as Silver Surfer and Human Torch. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Marvel is prepping us for FF3 or a SS spin-off?? Must buy calactus, but i just spent 30-somethin' on a Gaius/Caprica Six two-pack, Dead P. Six, P. Six, Three/Eight, and the BSG comic #0 with Tricia on the front... I need to cool down my wallet, unitl i have enough for the Razor set
  14. Dude, you are my hero... Well, maybe not my hero, but just i guy that posts on a forum with me that i know...little about... \ Anyway "Josh," I love them. keep up the great work.
  15. Not actually all too thrilled by it. I may just skip it...
  16. Just when I thought I had heard pretty much every idea!! Good show though, I'd buy a set! Hells yes!!! And we'll get a 1/2 size mate with it!!!
  17. Yeah, they're a little too "safari-ish" to be for the Vietnam War.
  18. Really mad that they used CEO/Demon in a Bottle Stark's hair for one of them... Good set either way!
  19. I gotta say, they look pretty fantastic! I think i'll buy a set now...(I was gonna all along! Shh...don't tell!)
  20. Nevewould have thought of using Sue! Great work! It makes mine look silly; then again, it kida was...
  21. I think most here want the Red Skull but in the meantime we're getting a caricaturisation of Madonna who famously said that she " would be less controversial if I (she) joined the Nazi party". I guess we'd all demand a C3 Reichstag to be produced if ever it was deemed safe to give us Red Skull ,the 2" monster. Family movies like 'Silence of the Lambs ' & 'Platoon' are fine however Who wouldn't want a Nazi Madonna minimate?? It can go next to our "Spidey" Madonnas we all know will come in the future...
  22. Ugh, tokyopop. don't get me wrong. I love manga, anime, and BSG and thin kthe pairing would be interesting (if Tricia Helfer LOOKS like Tricia Helfer!) but Tokyopop?! come on; they made Spongebob "manga!!" i'd have loved to see Shonen Jump Advanced take the title, although their manga isn't really "pop" culture, but i've seen tokyopop ruin things far too many times. Still readin' it though
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