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Everything posted by McDurg

  1. I freaking know, right? For Gods sake DST, just give us Puck already!
  2. I'd DEFINITELY be up for a remake of Carnage if a Max Carnage box set was in the works. Carnage, Doppelganger, Shreik & the obligitory Spiderman variant. Carnage with better colour-matching, muscle-cetailing & some symbiote tendrils would be very welcomed by this particular collector. If you ask me, It'd be along the lines of Carnage, Doppelganger or Shreik(probably Shreik), and some kind of battle damaged versions of Spiderman and Venom. I'd definitely buy it as long as the Carnage update was decent and has a slip-over mask. edit'd: COMPLETELY 100% agree with you, Gillbob. Consistency has been a major issue with mates lately, and it also bothers me to no end.
  3. Going back in the previous thread to say Carnage is in need of a long overdue update. Saying he's perfect is ridiculous. He has NO muscle detailing, non-C3 feet, his large claw/small hand are different shades of red, and since he doesn't have a slip-over mask it makes his head look extremely tiny(same issue with current releases such as Anti-Venom, Gargan Venom, and Scorpion). Plus I'd love to have a good Kasady head underneath. Plus it'd be excuse enough to get a Max Carnage set and hopefully 1 other villain like Doppelganger.
  4. I love my Marvel Knights Daredevil, he looks just fine to me. Now Carnage on the other hand is definitely in need of an update.
  5. Right about now I'm considering myself incredibly lucky to have family I'm actually somewhat close to down in Chicago. I'm definitely calling tomorrow to see if my Cousins are going, since they have a heavily renewed interest in DC.
  6. i'm pretty sure that's just a different way to configure the set, probably just showing it off a bit. doubt it'll be coming to TRU too, but even if it does i'm passing on that steep-as-hell $30 price tag. go get a cardboard box from walmart and cut it up/paint it fancy for about $7, screw the "exclusive" mates.
  7. Honestly, it doesn't look that bad. Some of you are making this out to be as bad as Barakapool. What, there can't be a sleeker armor? If it's any consolation, Stark is constantly changing/upgrading armors, so I doubt you'll see this armor beyond the end of IM2.
  8. Sorry if this has been discussed already! Alright, this is probably an incredibly stupid idea and is just pure speculation, but I got down to thinking. Could it be possible the "Hammer Drone" is actually Justin Hammer? I mean, the Drone kind of looks like it's wearing glasses, and on top of that it's the only "Drone" that has a humanoid appearance. Not to mention in the trailer we saw, none of the robots IM/WM are fighting look anything like the "Hammer Drone". It probably will just end up being something of a prototype, but I'm just hopeful we'll see a villain with better armor than Whiplash. By the looks of things with that pile of junk on he wouldn't last long against Iron Man, let alone him and War Machine, so I'm thinking we'll see another villain after him.
  9. Deadpool is an incredibly popular character with a vastly growing fan-base, but I honestly think long time fans such as myself can only take so much more milking of his character til we become unfaithful. I'm already beginning to find myself a bit turned off(don't be nasty, you know what I mean) from his character due to his spiking popularity and most of his comics are total shit, especially Suicide Kings, nearly all Team-Ups, and the more recent issues of Merc with a Mouth. The self titled Deadpool series is the only thing I consider true-canon because it's the only one that's remained a good read. In the end, I think Deadpool is more of a trend who will eventually pass, just like Lobo, Carnage, T-Bolts, and other villains/anti-heroes were.
  10. that argument was actually just being discussed at Eurobricks, drgnrbrn316. Lego really does kind of support Xenophobia. If you've noticed as of late, most newer action themes don't last more than a few years. Agents: 07-09, Pirates: 08-09, Power Miners: 09-10, Batman: 05-08, Exo-Force: 05-07, Vikings: 05-06, Knights Kingdom: 04-07, and now you can chalk SP3 up there. I suppose it's better this way.
  11. I....I think I just cried a little. Fantastic, simply fantastic. Those demons and random Mates are great, 2010 will be a painful year for everybodies wallet.
  12. It pains me to say it but by the looks of things and after much speculation, like all good things, SP3 is coming to an end(LEGO announced their focus of 2010 will be Atlantis and the new Knights series). But Lego is sending it out with a bang! Undercover Cruiser: Lunar Limo: Space Police Central: I will probably skip the Cruiser, but the Limo and Central are INCREDIBLE!!!! The Limo is a great and sleek set, and the Police HQ is by far one of the best Lego bases done so far. For the minifigs there is a good new selection. "Hench" is a pretty good figure, he's pretty humorous looking. It appears he is the Snake of this wave, he's included in every set. The "Insectoid" is pretty damn neat, loving that torso. They could've picked a better Helmet, as the Skull Twin helmet seemed rather special for the Skull Twins and them alone. I would've gone with Snake or Slizers helmet, or just something totally new. Rather curious as to know what's under his helmet. But the "Brickfather" is definitely the star of this wave! He's a great fantastic minifig!! Looks like he is possibly the leader of the Black Hole Gang. Absolutely perfect, he's by far the coolest alien Lego has released IMO. Billy Mays guarantee you I'll have him!!! SP3 has been an excellent wave(took the spotlight for 09), and while it's sad to see it go I'm hoping the end of a revamped Space Police will mark the start of a revamped Blacktron! We got a bit of a Blacktron homage with SP3 villain Rench, so here's to hoping that'll come to fruition.
  13. Forget Dr. Who, let me get some Caprica Mates!!! Really hope it rises from the ashes of the BSG series.
  14. I'm not too excited about HALO being announced(don't play it much), seeing as we're getting pounded with Halo products but I suppose these will be a cheaper alternative to the full-scaled ones. You can make your live Spartan without having to spend tons of money on the other figures, so that's always a bonus. I just wonder if they will do armor/weapon packs like McFarlane? ps: We need Halo Wars Arbiter!
  15. God this would be amazing. Doubt it'd happen, but it'd really be cool. Both Fallout and Halo would allow buyers to haver their in-game character(well, live character for Halo) in Minimate form. I'd totally be rocking the T-51b Power Armor and a Power Fist.
  16. Twisted, don't talk bad about slip-on masks, I'm not afraid to lay the smack down on a fellow collector. They are possibly the greatest thing in minimate history, and I am being dead serious. Mates like Scorpion, Spymaster, and now Anti-Venom all look like they have shrunken heads compared to Cap, Deadpool, Iron Man, Black Panther, etc. Too bad they went with the powerhouse piece for Anti-Venom, hope he had printing underneath. And dear god I hope he come with a slip-on mask.
  18. Here are two pictures I found of Wave 2, well at least part of wave 2. Unfortunately the last few aren't able to be seen at that angle(by the looks of it, there is what looks like Baywatch C.J., a mime, and possibly a ringmaster?) They are supposed to be out in September. I love the use of new parts, as well as bringing back some oldies but goodies. That poncho is gunna' look great for a custom Man with No Name. Edit: Poo, seems I neglected to read Scorpions post, my bad!
  19. Hell yes, we need Annihilus!!! Besides, the wings would be a simple reuse of Death Archangel. Mole Man, Terrax, and Awesome Android would also be some great additions.
  20. They look pretty nice, but they don't have a very minimate feel so these are a definite pass for me. But I bet they'd look great by TM2 mates. But movie minimates seem far too complicated and busy, the comic ones are so simple and to the point, far superior imho. I've always felt weird having comic mates mixed in with movie mates, it looks strange.
  21. Saw that myself. Guess my future army is gonna have a lot of pre-beat-up tanks and NO CLEAN ONES. Waste of a slot, where we could have gotten Silver Asylum T-1000 or a FEMALE SOLDIER. Dissapointed by the lack of character selection yet for the Delorian. With Mattel withholding JLU info, DST and Hasbro keeping IM2 under wraps, "The Carpathian Cometh..." clue, and now this, i am getting pissed off with all the secrets. they are toys. Seriously. Well, I suppose if we're going to begin the teen angst seminar I'd also like to point out the Endoskeleton was a bit of a silly choice seeing as we already have tons of them, but I can live with it. Besides, aren't the machines supposed to outnumber the humans?
  22. Quick question. Anybody else Swordsman suffer from a no-neck problem, making him slightly shorter than a lot of other mates??
  23. Ha! That' both hilarious and disgusting. I just made a huge mistake when I called my TRU since I'm going to have to be a hermit for the next two weeks, the lady who answered didn't know what minimates were, and she thought I meant superhero squad figures, so I had to hang up after about 5 minutes. I tried calling back hoping to get someone new and some guy picked up and then he had me on hold for about 7 minutes after I asked, then somebody must of hung up the phone. Serious bullshit, man.
  24. I actually managed to get out of the house to check and my tru just got in another case of the wolvy movie and the warhawk/angel wave. All the variants were gone except 1 mm/sw set, i was a bit disappointed. Guessing I wont be seeing them for a while. If anyone has a Swordsman/Surfer and the Ironman set I'd trade my Secret Wars or Infantry Gauntlet set for it, and maybe a few extras.
  25. No luck whatsoever. I got at TRU at about 12:30, a bit after they opened and they had NO marvel, except one Wolverine movie pack. That was it. I was a bit disappointed, but i went in half expecting a long ass line and no luck, and that's what i got. You basically got to take a step every 3 or 4 minutes, it was awful. I was in there for about an hour, and left empty handed. Eh, not exactly a good experience but it was a learning one. At least now I know I never want to do it again.
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