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Nervous Rex

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Everything posted by Nervous Rex

  1. the link works, but none of the pictures are showing up
  2. :sad: having trouble seeing these, could someone post another picture? thanks in advance
  3. I like the details you've done here. I've been thinking of reworking my charlie brown custom into this scale, now I am inspired!, keep up the great work
  4. Hey everyone, It is coming late in the day, but how could I end the reveal week without including this guy? There are some more I am almost done with, just some decals and touch ups, but today is the last day of the Joe-a-day customs. More to come soon, thanks for all the great feedback! I hope everyone liked them as much as I did making them :biggrin: and a bonus, one of my all time favorite figures to play with(along with Torpedo) when I was little :tongue:
  5. I just knew someone would say that, lol The hat was sculpted, and the camo, was painted on, along with Gung-Ho. Really getting into the painting side of these customs, but I guess you guys could tell that So, just because I had a late night at the casino, and am a little groggy waking up doesn't mean we are done and just for that, I'm gonna show two today, how do you like that one How could I have a G.I.Joe week without these two dudes? Duke was a basic redo, just painted over, I did the little sleeves rolled up modification, and a new backpack(lego modified) which actually comes on and off lie the other ones A note on Snake Eyes- I was bothered by just the strait plain black and grey/silver to the previous versions I have done, so with this one I wanted to give his uniform a more gritty, worn look, so he actually looks like he's not new to the commando game.I am really proud of this custom, hope you enjoy
  6. Love them both, but I think I prefer the Batman, just digging those gauntlets, and overall paint scheme
  7. man, thanks for the link, I may actually be looking forward to these moreso than the new minimates(minus Thor, of course) These are perfect, and I cant wait to display them!
  8. Hey there, back from the lab, where I was cooking up some custom gumbo, with our favorite cajun... He was always one of my favorite Joe's growing up(wonder if subconsciously he is the reason I became a Marine) Well, I think I was able to come pretty close with the backpack he came with, and I had a lot of fun painting him. As I did with the Viper, I used the rub'n buff on his grenades and gun(I think I'm gonna go back and do it to Torpedo's scuba tank), and did a little drybrushing on his backpack, and vest. Hope you like :biggrin:
  9. Hello everybody, Back from the lab,for another one. I have been working on this dude for some time now, just couldn't get the helmet right , but finally worked out a pretty decent one. when I was done painting him, he just looked to "clean", so I decided to scuff him up a little, and tried to add some add some wear'n'tear to his boots, helmet, vest, and wristguards. It is the same stuff I use for the guns, called rub'n buff, and really gives a nice aged look.I'll do some close ups later on. See you tomorrow :biggrin:
  10. Nice, thanks for the update! Can't wait for these mates to get rolling
  11. I am totally looking forward to these, they look perfect, except for Duke's huge crazy gun gettin in the way. We'll see what the rest of the gang looks like. I'd really like to see an updated Flash, Torpedo, Airborne, Snow Job, Doc....actually all the old ones from about 82-86...I wonder who we'll see next
  12. Hey thanks again guys. I agree about Colossus' head, but I am very anxious to try out Steel's head when he comes out, looks like there is even the bolts in there holding the mask together.But, it also looks to be a much darker color, so might not work out as well. Ok, today's custom.....what to do with all those extra blade coats tomorrow might bring another Cobra
  13. It started out as an Iron Fist shirt, and i trimmed it down, then used miliput for the roll. here are some of the places I get stuff from. They are all made to be held by lego hands, so sometimes I have to trim down the handles. (if you want, breeze through the bricklink site, its great for getting any parts you need, and hopefully someday, we'll have enough parts and accessories to be able to do something like this) while I am here, I want to say thanks to MINI-MYTE for providing so many good ideas, and tips in his tutorial, it has definitely helped me take the next step in my customs
  14. Hey guys thanks for the words :biggrin: drgnrbrn316-all the guns I use are from a few different lego customizers who have had them made, that one is actually a star wars blaster. I'll find out what is from who and let you know.Some of the weapons here are from a different guy. well, next is one of my favorites, a certain Chrome Dome , The main squeeze of the Baroness, with his very own crazy fashion sense... hope you like
  15. couldn't agree more!, great work on yellowjacket
  16. Hey guys/gals- Well I finally have had some time to do a bunch of customs(looking for a new job), so in the spirit of last week's reveals, I want to do the same this week. I have a few updated characters, as well as some new faces, so I will start the week off with an old favorite of mine: hope you like, enjoy! :biggrin: tomorrow.....An old friend!
  17. man I dont know, but I want to make a custom of that, lol.......Timbo?
  18. This is a tough one for me, all I ever really cared about/needed was Thor, and we will be getting him(knock on wood), and was happy to get whoever else. So, I guess my vote would be for Captain Marvel (Genis-Vell), I just think it is such a cool look! Others I would like to see are: Namor, Captain Britain, Union Jack, and Red Skull
  19. hey man, I really like the Ant-Man, especially the helmet! what do you have planned next?
  20. Man, I love this set! I see a nice Luke Cage fix mixed in as well , And all the other new parts, and accessories(now I'll have to make a tiny freezer to keep the beef in, so it doen't rot) I like the box set idea as well, would like to see a 2nd one with Apollo and Paulie in there. Looking forward to the rest of the gang, like Drago, Thunderlips, And clubber Lang too!
  21. We'll never know until we have them in hand or perhaps maybe more pics from Toy Fair. They do look awfully close. I agree as well, is seems almost the same, but enough of a difference to make you pump the brakes a little for a second look. I wonder, do you think the white paint job actually displays more of the details, and shadows, than the black does?
  22. I may be in the minority, but I have a few of each, and I must say, I favor the classic Gold Command Centurion. Had I known, I would have voted for him as #1 of 2006, that is how much I am digging him. It may be my favorite mini of the moment...although the downloaded modern cylon is pretty fresh!
  23. So far, this wave for me is the dream team! Cannot wait to see what is tomorrow (crosses fingers for a Hawkeye) I really like the pairings on these sets.
  24. I would be so down with a defenders series, or even a great lakes avengers
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