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UK Collector

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Everything posted by UK Collector

  1. I love the Costco quinjet! I had no idea such a thing existed. Are they still in stores? Or were they released months ago and now I'm stuck?
  2. Perhaps you could all come here ? MinimateCon 2013 @ BHMs farmhouse and lake. Sounds wonderful!
  3. Further to the above, the Monsters v Zombies playsets are 3 for 2 in TRU at the moment. If anyone wants me to get them anything, let me know.
  4. Thanks Zach! It was honestly my absolute pleasure. And as for my other plans, I think that my girlfriend was more than happy to be stranded in NYC. When I eventually found her in the Starbucks in Macy's she looked very comfortable surrounded by her shopping bags!
  5. Further to my earlier post, looks like we'll get these at the end of the month now. There's a Frodo set too. Again, I'll try to get extras, but would appreciate a small donation to the charity I'm working for for my efforts. PM me if interested.
  6. I don't buy Lego. I like it, a lot, but it's just so expensive. The set revealed at NYCC had a price of 60 bucks, which will likely be £60 when it is released in the UK. And for that I won't even have all 4 Turtles! The LOTR stuff looks great too, but to get the Fellowship I'll need to spend about £150 or something ridiculous. I understand why they package the sets the way they do, but I do wish that they had the licensed figures in blind packs, or that you could buy a 10 figure pack or something.
  7. Great! Someone warn Indy, because the ball is officially rolling!
  8. Thread necro!! I propose November 17th as a meet up date, in London, with the exact venue to be decided. I'll be PMing those of you that I know live in the UK to hassle you to attend, if I miss you, please dont be offended, just give me a prod and we'll add you to the list. There's a couple of us down to attend already, but hopefully we can get one heck of a meet up between us, and drink some fine ales!
  9. Very nice way to organise a collection. Aces.
  10. The queue was for a raffle ticket only. They gave them out until about 2 o clock, and then did the raffle draw at 4. We had three tickets between us, and got nothin....although I think they were only giving out about 50 so not surprising. eBay prices reflect that too. Was great hanging out with you and Zach at the party, even if it was brief. Just landed back in the UK and the Con seems a long way away now. Edit: not sure if it's been mentioned but there was no build a mate this year. The kids (my cousin included) loved that last year.
  11. You realize that ballista exclusive is free and is exclusive to the UK, right? It's being given away with a newspaper there. Well, it was suppose to be, it seems it fell through. It has yet to be announced as a retail polybag set. Also hobbit pictures Annoyed that fell through actually. I normally get loads of the free Lego sets for some charity work I do at Xmas. If the papers start them off again I will try to grab extras for anyone who is after them.
  12. Welcome'll never leave....none of us will ever leave.
  13. Yeah I went for the Friday option. Figure I'll find something to spend the $50 on! I'm effectively being kicked out for the night on the Thursday so my girlfriend can hang out with her mates, so if anyone is in town and fancies a beer or something then let me know!
  14. I don't have much to say, just stunning work.
  15. Good to see you back here Rich! Was the Batcave accident cat related? I say it because my cat always used to ruin my Legos etc back when she was around.
  16. Arkham City was actually a lot of fun, and I could have played it for a lot longer than I did but I had to return it to the rental store. Coincidentally my next rental was the Amazing Spider-man movie game, which I got bored of within about 20mins. It could learn so much from both Arkham games from a production standpoint. Level design, character design, voice acting (in particular), script and score were all very weak. A hell of a lot of hard work and love went into those Arkham games....and it shows!
  17. These look brilliant. Morbius is sure to become one of my all time faces.
  18. Have rented Arkham City and will play it tonight. I'm a very casual gamer, and get easily bored/frustrated/fed up when things become too difficult, so will probably only give it a few hours of play. The only games I have completed in recent years have been Lego games, and that's mostly because they're set at about my level of ability/patience. 'I'm stuck, and don't know where to go, just shoot things until some building blocks appear'. If only all games were as much fun...
  19. Invisible man was my favourite too. Haven't seen the single packs yet, but my eyes are peeled.
  20. It's nearer $25 even on clearance over here. Will give it a miss then.
  21. Did anyone buy the new toyline Tower of Omens to use with these? They have a couple at 50% off in my local TRU (in the UK) and was wondering if it's worth picking up. Seems like a pretty basic set to be honest.
  22. Also posted this link over in the U.M Topic, but they probably fit here too, and wouldnt look too bad next to the Lego sets. As always, if anyone in the US wants me to try to grab some of these, let me know. Always happy to help.
  23. Am enjoying all of the Lego Monster Fighter mods that people are using with these. Saw a set of these today and they seemed interesting. Perhaps someone who got the Doctor Who playsets can verify their suitability for minimates? The set I saw was the Crypt of Terror set btw. £20.00, which seems expensive to me....but then so did the Who sets and people seemed to like them. As always, if anyone in the US wants me to try to grab some of these, let me know. Always happy to help.
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