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Everything posted by jjwspider

  1. Given the amount of properties that Shocker toys claims to have, I wonder how long each license lasts for. I hate to admit this but I have interest in the Solar and Madman Shockini's, if only to see what the articulation actually is like. However, that would require them to actually release SOMETHING before the end of time.
  2. Interesting that TRU has this listed. Given that they were the only place I ever saw the Speed Racer mates (that I should have picked up when they were clearanced for $2), I wonder if this just became an exclusive instead of being canned. Hmm....may have to watch this link and see what happens. After all, who doesn't want a Mr. T and Hollywood Hogan mate?
  3. Did they ever release pics of these or were they only discussed?
  4. He-Man, Skeletor, Lion-O and Space Ghost all look fantastic. Chaz - any chance you could do a Prime and/or NightMan mate (from the Ultraverse line of comics)?
  5. Here are a couple that I would like to see (Note that I'm probably alone on many of these) - X-Man - Spider-Man (Unlimited Costume) - Dusk, Prodigy, Richochet and Hornet (Spider-Man Identity Crisis set) - Spider-Man (Negative Zone costume) - Scarlet Spider (Joe Wade version) - Spider-Man 2099 (Hydra costume from Exiles series) - Age of Apocalypse - Weapon X, Scott Summers, Dark Beast and Sabretooth - Captain Britain (both 70's costume and current costume) - Guardian - Union Jack - Prowler - Maverick and my biggest wish - ULTRAVERSE characters! - Prime (with Variants) - Spider-Prime - NightMan - Prototype - Hardcase - Lord Pumpkin - Sludge I know Marvel hasn't wanted to deal with the Ultraverse basically since they purchased the universe, but I would love to see these made.
  6. Awesome! Looking forward to the exclusive Deadpool pics!
  7. I still think that this wave is still going to be a Wolverine movie based wave. Given the rumors of characters appearing in the flick, I wouldn't be surprised to see the following characters make the wave: Wolverine, Deadpool, Sabretooth, Gambit and/or Maverick (Agent Zero). Given the newer costume Maverick has, I could even see him being an Army builder for the Weapon X project. Not sure who the silver age character could be with this one and the Army builder is a long shot.....
  8. Considering these will likely be released around the time of the solo Wolverine movie, I think both Deadpool and Gambit could easily be included in the 26th wave.
  9. Got another update from Robyn about the status, here is what should have run in Toyfare: So, it doesn't look like anything for this year but hopefully next year. Thoughts?
  10. Some excellent ideas within this thread, with some of my favorites being the GhostBusters, Rocketeer, and Pulp heroes lines. I would also like a Captain Planet mate, but wouldn't have any interest in the Planeteers. Also, a huge show of support to the Atomic Robo suggestion and the Aztek minimate (since DC is now gone). Here are a few of mine (not sure if they've been listed yet): - He-Man - Just imagine Eternia brought to life as Minimates. How sweet would a He-Man w/ Battle Cat set look? Throw Skeletor, Stratos, Faker, Man-At-Arms, and Teela into the first wave and sit back and count my money as it comes flying in! - Halo - I know there is already a Kubrick line, but this is easily one of my favorite game franchises of all time and a Master Chief figure would look fantastic in my collection. - Invincible - One of the best comics in print today, I need an Invincible mate Art Asylum! - Doctor Who - I know this line is rumored, but until it gets produced, it's still one of the lines I would like to see the most. Add a few Daleks and Cybermen to the line and I'd be quite happy. - Last Starfighter - One of my favorite 80's movies, this line would be a lot of fun. - Mortal Kombat - If only for Sub-Zero and Scorpion. This line could come out looking very good. - Firefly/Serenity - Awesome series that was canned before it's time. Would be great to put next to my BSG and Star Trek mates. - Wing Commander - Another space series that has a ton of untapped potential. - Hanna-Barbara heroes - I know I-Men did a line similar to this (with the Blue Falcon, Birdman, Thundarr and Galactic Trio) but I would love to see Space Ghost, Birdman and the Blue Falcon as Minimates. - Sports Mates - I know the licensing fees would be high but I would love some MLB, NFL and NHL mates. Just being able to put up a Roberto Clemente, Bill Mazeroski, Troy Polamalu and Mario Lemieux set of mates would be fantastic! (Yes, I am one of the few, near extinct Pittsburgh Pirate fans in existence). I'm sure there are other lines that I would like, but these are the ones that spring to mind.
  11. Battle Damaged Wolvie looks good but the Apprentice is awesome looking! Keep it up Chaz!
  12. One question blacksun, who is it supposed to be?
  13. I would tend to agree with you, but the address is actually listed on Underground Toys website as well. Robyn is the point of contact for all licensing questions. Here's the link.
  14. Hmm...ever since I got the original e-mail from Underground Toys, it appears no one wants to contact me back. Here is the e-mail address for Robyn (who gave me the original reply) and the web address is Maybe you guys would care to give them a shout out and let them know that there is interest in this line? They apparently don't want to give me an update so let's try a show of numbers!
  15. Whilst I don't blame you in any way, jjwspider, for purely relating what Underground Toys told you ,it was apparently BS. Could I ask you to please enquire politely (or not) why they fed you it ? Thankyou,bhm. I think I'm just as annoyed as everyone else. I was expecting good news, or at least something, to come from their response. I sent a follow up e-mail to Underground Toys and requested clarification for the information that was relayed to me originally. I also mentioned that the newest Toyfare issue does not seem to indicate anything about the Doctor Who Minimate license. I'll be sure to let everyone know if I get a response and what they mentioned.
  16. I was excited about these at first, but after seeing the boxset and two-pack, the only mate I have any interest in is the Spirit from the boxset. The rest of the figures seem to be very much hit or miss, with more misses than hits.
  17. WOW! I'm really surprised and didn't see this one coming at all. Now if we can get the Doctor Who mates as well, I'm going to be one happy (and broke) collector.
  18. Just a quick update - I contacted Underground Toys and asked them about the status of the Doctor Who minimates. Here is the reply I received: "Please read the next edition of ToyFare – there’s an article in there updating fans!" I'm hopefully this means good news and that they want the official announcement in Toyfare, as I doubt they would be referring me to the issue for a rejection. Thoughts?
  19. I'm very excited about the prospect of a Captain Britain minimate coming out. I would love it even more if they provided the 80's costume as a variant figure.
  20. Loving the designs Chaz - especially RoboCop and Batman/Azrael! So how long until you open your own studio to produce "mate-like" products?
  21. This sounds like it could be fun. However, since I'm new to the game, what does this usually entail? Having never customized a mate and my God given gift to lack at all things artistic, I'm trying to find out how much of a customizing ability this will entail.
  22. That Phantom is awesome! Perfect timing as well as reports came out today that SciFi is looking into a four hour Phantom mini-series/movie that could lead to a show. The Fly looks pretty sweet as well! Keep up the great work!
  23. Who knew that there would be no love for Darkhawk?! I almost feel like Deadpool! Also was a little intrigued by the political minimates that they've discussed but slightly surprised they've never looked into public use properties. Then again, I'm not sure I could see myself ever purchasing a political MM set - that is unless it was a Ronald Reagan MM. Maybe they could do a commerative MM for the USS Ronald Reagan. As much as I enjoy histoy, not sure these would sell well. I would dig a Friday the 13th set though.....
  24. These are awesome Chaz - keep 'em coming! Any chance we could get an original Daredevil, Fighting Yank or Black Terror design? And/or a few more Joes?
  25. The easiest way to find these is on eBay. Unfortunately, they don't get listed individually very often and the set is usually around $40 for the six regular figures or around $60-80 for the set of seven that would include the Spider-Man 2099 secret figure. As a huge Scarlet Spider fan, I was recently able to obtain the Scarlet Spider figure and have to say that they did a nice job with the sculpt for such a small figure. It looks really nice alongside my two Scarlet Spider statues and next to my Scarlet Spider kubrick.
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