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Fo Shizzle

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Everything posted by Fo Shizzle

  1. Man that's awesome! I just asked my comic shop yesterday if there were any Mates this year and they said no....A chance to win that Spiderman Mate would be cool!
  2. Really bad ass Winkerbean thanks! You could even combine the two to make a S.H.E.I.L.D. Base or something!
  3. Mostly Star Wars figures and just random superhero toys, Marvel Legends, JLU, etc. Majority of them are female characters that I like and if they are guy figures I only collect the good guys for some reason. My crowning piece thought is a the Star Wars Battle Pack Capture of Tantive IV. I found mine at a Target here in Tampa but instead of the old school Stormtroopers that are on the back of the box, it has two Battle Droids packed on either side of Darth Vader. I thought someone was trying to play a really sick joke on me but after looking at each piece of tape for like half an hour when I got home and doing research for months to see if anybody else had something similar and nothing has even come close. But the Mates have pretty much taken over the focus of my collecting and I've slowly been gathering old Mega Bloks sets to eventually set up a cool minimates display.
  4. Amazing! I see an Avengers mini display on the horizon.... Thanks Winkerbean!
  5. Ok, little confused... When did the Avengers go missing, before the comic started? And who is missing, everybody besides her? (She's a member as far as I knew correct?) Loved the fight scenes, keep up the amazing work!!!!
  6. "and feces-flingin' fun!" Are you fu**ing kidding me?
  7. We can only assume it was the same person right now since there was no distinction if the attacks happened at different times or simultaneously. The mystery deepens........ Oh, and my question is not so much who has it out for Apocalypse, but who has the ability to take him down in one shot??
  8. Do not buy them from anyone else on E-bay!!! (the prices they are asking are beyond ridiculous) Or go to
  9. Wow, can't wait for the rest of the story to unfold! One thing though, you can kind of tell who the villain freeing Carnage is.
  10. I just ordered mine this morning! I can't wait *foaming at the mouth*
  11. I would like to see an accesory pack that has teeny beer bottles for my Mates. Hell, after saving thd they need to unwind too!
  12. My theory is that when they do begin to sell them in the stores TRU is going to to review and make sure that they are "appropriate" for the mass market. They don't want alot of angry soccer moms writing letters complaining that DSS Mates made their kids start smoking. DSS Mates aren't being currently sold in a typical family store and you also kind of have to think, if you owned a comic store right now and you felt like they were inappropriate you just wouldn't buy them to stock in your store. On the same note, if some parent came into your store and told you they thought they were offensive you would have the option of telling where to stick it. In order to make them marketable to kids I don't think we will ever see another cigar smoking, drinking minimates.
  13. Seriously? I think we've all been salivating over them ever since you got your pack and taunted us with the pics!
  14. 2008 Toy Fair Minimates!!! Thanks Shanester & AFX! Not suprisingly everyone wants the Civil War pack, next time you get something like this Shanester I suggest a gladiator style fight to the death!!
  15. It was awesome!! I was wondering when you were going to update again. You should post on here when you add more comic pages!
  16. Avenger, I understand it's just your opinion but, alot of people may say thing the same thing about Kiss, Ozzie, or Rob Zombie who have actually been made into Minimates. And from a marketing standpoint the millions of albums sold and a career apparently worthy of an induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame beg to differ. And no, I do not own one Madonna album or have ever been to a concert.
  17. I'd like to see these: (I know I didn't mention Gambit or Deadpool, but that's because it's a given and everyone knows already that we all want them ) series 24 Captain America 1 Black Widow & Falcon 2 Red Skull & Winter Soldier 3 Sharon Carter & Sin series 25 Young Avengers 1 Hulkling & Wiccan 2 Patriot & Hawkeye 3 Stature & Speed series 27 Inhumans 1 Black Bolt & Medusa 2 Triton & Gorgon 3 Crystal & Lockjaw <----( tell me this would not be awesome!!!) series 28 Avengers West Coast 1 Wasp & Yellow Jacket 2 Mockingbird & Moon Knight 3 Tigra & Spider Woman
  18. Umm, in all fairness guys i printed them out and they were just a hair bigger than the body of a Mate(just the male and female chest pieces and the suit template, I understand with the others you just cut out what you need), but my questions I guess then lie in another area... The instructions state that you need Photoshop, so does that mean when you open that file in Photoshop it will be in scale or does it mean they are but just need minor tweaking? Also, I don't currently have Photoshop but am looking into getting it for customizing purposes, designing Mates, etc., I looked online on Adobe's site and on Amazon and the only versions I see are going for like $600. Is this right or am I a complete moron? Also if anyone can point the way to a cheaper or even free version that would work for this, would you be so kind to point me in the right direction? Thanks!!
  19. THIS...........IS........AWESOME! (get it?, yeah I know but I couldn't help myself) :biggrin:
  20. Not neccesarily....The jerk bastard that reached over my shoulder and grabbed the last two BSG mates before I saw them got them for 3.99 a piece. The same that I got my Scarlet Spidey packs for.....
  21. My avatar is something a friend happened to send me in an e-mail one day that I just thought was one of the coolest little things I've ever seen. My name is just anod to the great Snoop Dogg, I heard him say it a long time ago and thought it it was cool and unique.....
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