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Everything posted by karamazov80

  1. Two cases were out at my local TRU as well. . .and the only packs that sold were the variants. So, if the strategy here was to only sell that pack, mission accomplished!
  2. I dig both trailers. Batman V. Superman actually feels a bit fresher than what I was expecting.
  3. I don't think Harris is too keen on chasing the ladies around. . .
  4. Balls are funny. It's science. These guys know what they're doing.
  5. Pretty cool that Matty is doing Thundercats. Not sure if others here saw this, but Mondo is doing 12" Ninja Turtles in the style of the comic designs, but colored like the old figures. They look awesome, but I fear will be cost prohibitive.
  6. I work at a public university, and things aren't much better here. We did get minor wage increases the last two years, but that was after several years of no raises, given the state of the economy. It's a big problem for faculty, as those who were working here 10 years or more sometimes make less than incoming faculty.
  7. Here you go: You have to pay the NRD now, but you won't pay the full balance until it ships. Estimate is after September. --edit: if you do order, use the forum link at the bottom of the page and then navigate there to give this forum a small commission!--
  8. Unknown. They usually ship out pretty quickly. Educated guess would be $200-220.
  9. I honestly don't think I've ever seen a movie or show she was in. But if, say, she fell off of a bench, or a bicycle, or down some stairs, I imagine I would laugh at that.
  10. Probably not, unless it sells very poorly and SSC starts offering it up to retailers for a discount (I believe they did that with the Bank Robber Joker 2.0, Colson, the Demon Batman/Scarecrow 2-pack, and some others in the past).
  11. The ones last year stayed up for awhile. Iron Man sold out fairly quickly, but I think even that took a few days. These usually aren't as rare as the "movie promo edition" figures we get. Though apparently only 600 of each figure is being allocated to the Asian conventions. I doubt Maria Hill will sell out as fast as the Iron Man, anyway. She's a minor character in the films, not very iconic from the comics, and doesn't look very interesting to be honest.
  12. Yeah, SAVES is the way to go, if possible.
  13. Looks like the Toy Fair exclusives from Hot Toys for this year are: 1) that Iron Man 2) Maria Hill 3) red Raiden variant 4) Luke as Stormtrooper
  14. Apart from myself and Shane, I'm not sure of any others off the top of my head.
  15. Yeah, a cardboard cut-out that should cost about $10 max going for $75 doesn't strike me as very awesome. But putting that aside, pretty cool.
  16. Almost 70% of moviegoers liked it, according to Rotten Tomatoes. . .about 25% of critics did, but still.
  17. Terrific gallery here:
  18. Yes, it's 1/6. It may not actually go up for sale, but if it does, it's got to be one of the most impressive collectibles I've ever seen in terms of it's sheer mass! Look at the cockpit for the Falcon to the right of it, which houses 4 or more 1/6 scale figures in itself, to get a sense of the enormous size.
  19. SDCC pics are being released tonight. Some notable figures shown off--HT Leia, ROTJ Boba Fett, Stormtrooper Luke, Genisys Endoskeleton, BTTF 2 Marty, BTTF 2 Delorean, Sideshow Ash and Beetlejuice (Ash looks pretty good!), and. . .this: in. . .sane. . .
  20. New pic of modified HT Han. . .and Chewy (?) inside the cockpit of the Falcon. Chewy looks like a dog.
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