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Everything posted by elhonez

  1. This round has been pretty fun - there's clearly a lot of desire for supernatural characters, and there has been a great distribution of votes (save for poor Satannish who, as of 48 votes, is another for the no-vote pile). Our winners can be declared - Classic Brother Voodoo, with the Mindless Ones as the winning army builders. Baron Mordo is first runner up, and Classic Dormammu pulled a photo finish for the tie And we finish with a crazy 4-way tie for third place!
  2. I have a theory about Avengers 4 that has little or nothing to do with Thanos...
  3. Looks like the Mark II is locked and loaded as the Spider-Slayer of choice, but there's room for at least 3 more votes - and 2nd place in the character poll is currently a tie. Who's going to win??
  4. I totally agree - it's a pretty deep bench here, lots of untapped potential. I'd personally love to see another boxed set like the Strange Tales one.
  5. The next poll is for some of Marvel's more prominent supernatural heroes and villains from the classic era, and this was one of the tougher lists to whittle down. I tried to keep it focused on Marvel's original characters - I'm leaving room for a possible monster poll down the line, which is why you may note the absence of Dracula, Frankenstein and the like. For the army builders this time you'll find the requisite Mindless Ones, as well as the demonic N'Garai, twins the Brothers Grimm, and the delightfully goofy looking Sons of Satannish.
  6. Two more votes to 50 & we'll close the voting - Grandmaster is threatening to sneak in as a 3rd place tie...
  7. I was torn a bit because Tinkerer is a very important character to the MU, but I succumbed to my love for 80s Beetle in the end. I'm still pretty high on the Marvel Legends version, which pretty perfectly executed the wings / wing coverings. Now I need my 'Mate. I picked Slayer II because I remember seeing the issue (ASM 58) somewhere as a kid, and appreciating the creepy projection of JJJ's mug on the suit's faceplate.
  8. Takin' it to the STREETS! Or, well, much less cosmic but no less weird: this poll is populated with varied and sundry A-ish and B-list Spider-characters left to be made. Oh, and a fun Spider-Slayer army builder poll! The usual caveats apply: Classic = 1985 & prior, definitions of qualifications for this list will widely vary, blah blah blah yadda yadda fine print. If you don't see someone you like here, they probably just missed the cutoff. I expect this selection to be the most contentious to-date, but hopefully these are all characters we can agree should be made at some point. And as is now customary, here's a groovy pic of the Army Buildin' options: Clockwise (left) from Smythe: Mark I (circular monitor) Mark VIII (giant, purple: technically '87) Mark IV (spider-shaped) Mark VI (spider-shaped, smaller) Mark VII (UFO shaped) Mark V (boxy with tread feet) Mark II (humanoid with spider-deco on chest) Not pictured abovec: Mark III (spider-shaped, rounded head)
  9. Nice Death bigvis! @BuffaloDelorean: I think you may be happy with the next poll.
  10. It's been over a week, time to call it. Despite cosmic characters winning the last two polls, we had a little less participation with this one - just under 40. I'll keep it open for a while longer, but the winners are: Death, who must be extremely frustrated with her inability to keep characters in her grasp in the 616, and the Kree military unit with the coolest chest sparkles. Much like Yelp reviews, the military army builder votes were (mostly) split among the smallest and largest values, with Privates getting the second-most votes. And of course, the runners-up: Eternity, and Ego, the Living Planet. Ego enjoyed some recent exposure on a grand scale in his Kurt Russell form, so maybe that boosted his votes a bit. Or maybe we're all just curious about how this look would be pulled off in the MiniMate format? Update: ...and in our last few votes, the Grandmaster creeped in for a 3rd place tie with Ego! Looks like there's a little love for both GOTG2 & Ragnarok from the Multiverse here. Thanks for voting! After all of this cosmic frippery, it's time to take things back to the streets. I sense a spider-poll in the near future...
  11. I went for Eternity when I voted, for all the reasons cited - I think it would be a beautiful MiniMate, semi-translucent with an interesting deco. A real design challenge. ...but I was this close to voting for the Stranger, a long-time favorite of mine.
  12. I'm saving Nightmare for a future supernatural poll. He'd make a great figure, and he's really made his way around the 616. @funkguerilla you're speaking my language... a proper MTIO Annual 7 display has been on my wish list for a while. And with MiniMates, we're only a Champion figure shy of the roster.
  13. When you say the new character has ties to the Defenders world, which Defenders do you mean? (e.g. Strange-led Defenders, modern "Netflix" Defenders...?)
  14. After the first two polls resulted in some prime alien characters winning, Gladiator and Uatu the Watcher, I figured it was time to take this category head-on and see which of the most powerful beings in the 616 capture the collective interest of the MMMV forums. And for kicks, the add-on Army Builder poll picks up where the old Kree Captain AB left off - what about those other military ranks?
  15. OK, time to call it. After 48 votes, your Classic X-Men Villain & Army Builder winners: Very colorful. I think I was most surprised by the overall Shi'ar love, with Deathbird and the Shi'ar troopers also faring very well. Your runners up: Arcade has menaced many, many heroes, so perhaps that explains his appeal? Thanks to everyone who voted! I'll wait a little bit before the next poll. I plan to mix it up a bit, jump around the MU.
  16. Separated at birth. ...and now I just officially killed any chance the Living Monolith ever had at getting made.
  17. No doubt he looks good on a shelf. I'm definitely looking forward to the re-colored one in the next Marvel Legends X-Men wave.
  18. Gladiator and Deathbird in a dead heat? Who'dathunk? A lot of Shi'ar love here. Shi'arly you can't be serious? "I am. And don't call me Shi'arly." ...and the poor Sidri! They are currently off drinking away their woes with the Living Monolith. "F this place! I'm going home!"
  19. 1st app = 1987! I gots mad love for warwolves, may need to save 'em for an "late 80s X-pansion poll".
  20. It became apparent to me as I tried to write up an "X-Men Poll" that I needed to get really specific, and even then it required a series of Sophie's Choices. Some will no doubt note the absences of Proteus, Amahl Farouk and Master Mold, for example. I elected to go with classic villains this time around for a number of reasons, including: a) we've had an embarrassment of riches with respect to X-heroes of this era, and b ) there was such a preponderance of mutant characters in the late 80s and 90s they need their own poll, or a series of them. [for purposes of definition: "Classic" here (and wherever I use it) means Bronze Age-ish, or roughly up to and including 1985] So it came down to this crew, all of which I'd want to see honestly. And some interesting Army Builder choices that should prove to be tougher competition than what turned out to be a two-way race between the Alpha Primitives and Galactus' Punisher robots. Have at it!
  21. elhonez

    WAVE 76

    Boomerang's costume has changed significantly though.
  22. New villain: fairly recent, current, or imminent?
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