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Everything posted by battlecat

  1. I always thought a Kaneda with bike would be a great fit for the vehicles line, as a one-and-done. But otherwise I agree, it'd be difficult to really capture the stylization or even just to get to all the main characters in many anime series.
  2. I think Bendis is doing really well on the X-books, especially All New, but Age of Ultron is pretty crap. Has made for some entertaining comics reviews though, like one I saw pointing out the whole book is basically a "rubble" pin-up collection, where the most exciting thing that happens on one page is
  3. I'll see what we can do. This one's Bill. Is the blue one Bert? Yep, the toy was Berbil Bert. And he was blue and awesome. That's all I can remember. I think you'll get another Berbil before it's all over. Nice! Berbils 4 life...
  4. Not to be contrarian, but my Stryfe vote would have otherwise gone to Enchantress... unless we were talking janitor Toad. Love that janitor Toad.
  5. Yeah that comic was garbage, it's amazing how the same story looks so much better in the trailer. Only thing I'm a bit wary of with this one is it's a different writer and director, but from this it looks like they recaptured the fun of the first one.
  6. I don't have these yet, but I just noticed from the pics that the Berbil comes with his badass little knife, which is awesome... If they do more sets, I'd actually love it if the pack-ins were just the different Berbils, my fave was the blue one.
  7. Well, I don't read Astonishing, but in Uncanny X-Force
  8. A lot of podcasts I go through phases of interest or just download when they have a good guest (like WTF With Marc Maron, he gets amazing comedy guests sometimes), but I listen to two consistently: a funny and interesting comic book podcast called House To Astonish, and a comedy show called Doug Loves Movies.
  9. Well like I said, if Bucky/BuckyCap and Penance don't count as Winter Soldier and Speedball... Also that Jewel mate was really a Skrull
  10. Unmade characters with some degree of importance in the comics the last decade or so: Dr. Nemesis, Danger, Rescue, Jessica Jones (if Winter Soldier and Speedball count, she must too), Amadeus Cho, Pixie, Tigra, Agent Brand, Doop, Kid Loki, Quentin Quire ("hero" might be stretching it), Gravity, Nathaniel Richards, Spider-Girl (the other one), the Cuckoos, Legion, Pete Wisdom, Mimic. And all the kids teams, but we're not doing teams. Anyone notice that Death's Head has shown up in multiple comics this month? Could almost give a guy hope. Least likely: maybe Moira MacTaggert? Female, unpowered, and they didn't even do the movie version of her?
  11. Well I'm pretty thrilled we're getting the TRU Picard, he looks great... plus I really didn't dig the Stewart likeness or the translation of the TNG uniform on the old one, and Die Hard Picard was the one thing I didn't like about First Contact. Although I guess with that angry LCS headblock someone can put their old Patch minimate to good use.
  12. I'm with Doc, Marvel's so hero-centric that I think we've had all the "important" villains already. Not on the list, but the three unimportant ones I'd go with are Madame Masque, Purple Man and Death's Head. For a never-happen, I can't imagine we'd ever get Cassandra Nova. Or a White Rabbit. Or anyone from Lightning Force, the alt-universe Nazi version of Excalibur And I would like a Toad actually, but in his janitor's uniform...
  13. Do those POPs require an action figure/toy license? I had just assumed it was so easy for them to get so many licenses because it would be under a much narrower product category. I remember hearing that was how they used to get so many licenses for the bobble heads, because they didn't technically count as toys or something?
  14. I guess DST did such a good job with this line that it feels pretty complete to me, at this point it would take a GB1 Janine to get me properly excited. But these do look good, so I'm in for the set and I'm definitely looking forward to the mega Stay Puft.
  15. There's an in-focus pic over at Michael Crawford's site:
  16. The press is there. Last year I think Zach said that was the reason they didn't allow pics to be posted until Monday, to be fair to the press/interviews that were all scheduled for that day.
  17. The ship's grown on me too, but I'm more impressed with the updated Kirk, the expression and hair seem much more Shatnery to me than the original mate did way back when. In fact the actor likenesses on all of these mates are pretty excellent, really selling me on the line this time around.
  18. Yeah he's not great looking. And with that waist-to-hip ratio, he might even have Jessica Rabbit beat.
  19. True, but I don't know if we should be happy that millions of people who didn't know anything about the character going in now think he's the worst This trailer looks surprisingly good, but I am so just so wary. Until/unless he finally makes a movie I like, to me Snyder's always going to be the guy that took Watchmen and somehow made it feel generic and mediocre. The Pa Kent line doesn't bother me, it looks like it comes after someone sees Clark saving the bus and threatens to tell. He just doesn't want his kid getting dissected by the government or whatever!
  20. My Link from AmiAmi worked out to $34, plus $14 shipping, but that wasn't the cheapest shipping option they have. And he might've been discounted, I can't remember, they do that a lot with preorders.
  21. Well it's been a looooooooooooooooong while, and I've never reread them so could be remembering totally wrong, but I thought he was revealed to be the original for sure late in the series. Some woman had decreased his age and implanted parts of some other dude's memories in his head to mess with him though, I think?
  22. Yep, he was a hacker who uploaded his consciousness online as he was dying, and was then downloaded into a robot body. He would make for an awesome Minimate. Doom 2099 would too, and no variant question with him since he's just Doom.
  23. I liked Samus, but this Link is just beautiful, pretty much a perfect toy and easily the best thing I've bought this year. No, the top of his head is about level with the bottom of her helmet. They look better together than I thought they would but they're not proportional, her head is tiny compared to his.
  24. I don't mind swearing when it's crucial to the scene or the story but swearing just to swear and be "mature" puts me off.Anyway,is the story good and captivating? Yes. But there's a lot of swearing.
  25. Yep. Not really. If you go back and read interviews with the two of them, JMS was totally on board with the marriage retcon. What he got mad about was Quesada changing it to a magic spell, initiated by MJ, instead it being a science solution and Peter's decision. Also JMS wanted to use the retcon to get rid of the lame Stacy twins he'd introduced, and change '70s continuity even more by erasing Gwen's death. Other writers convinced Quesada she shouldn't be brought back. JMS was pissed at Quesada about his stuff being rewritten, not the concept itself.
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