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arnim zola

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Everything posted by arnim zola

  1. mine came off, but fits snuggly back on. I even dropped the head on a hard surface and it stayed together.
  2. a wheelchair is more of an extension of a handicapped person than a vehicle and the word board implies that it is a board. and hardly counts as a vehicle. So I can understand how they got away with that. Also, the marvel movie license is a totally different contract. So they can do stuff there that they cant in the marvel comic line. Super glue and a single lego peg painted silver worked for me, it can work for you too. Im going to do the same for my goblin glider (kubricks).
  3. This is what I do with my toys. I play with them and make them awesome to look at. As if I'm getting to write out my own issue of a comic and I get to choreograph the fighing. I planned on cutting the white background and inserting some city shots, but I havent had time. I'll play with it more later and give new pics periodically. Let me know what you think. I hope this motivates you to do the same and enjoy your mates as much as I enjoy mine.
  4. "Well, main character or not, it doesn't change the fact that Wolverine sucks. The fact that he's getting only 2's and 3's seems to back that up." That has nothing to do with wolverine. And, that is a close minded thing to say. We are all here because we like minimates. not to dog eachother and what others like. Good job. Like I said when I first signed up, Ive been on here reading posts for quite a while, I just never had the means to interact until now. Ive probably been on here as long as you. So have a little respect for others.
  5. I will say it again because no else seems to care. The hulks chest being a cube is not nearly as crappy as the paint tampo they used instead of the comic accurate one from the prototypes. And the only problem with wolverine was that they didnt use a clear arm like they did with spideys leg. The plastics used may have some issues too, but other than that, These and the sdcc 2 pack are all have an incredible likeness to the comics and the covers in which they represent. I hate wolverine variants too, but this wolvering is a beautiful transfer of a picture to a 3d object. Maybe Im the only one that likes them because I've read every book they have shown up in. The acolytes saved black panther who had the wasp's headwith him. The gave a him cybernetic limbs (which the mate will come with) and they gave the wasp a robot body where her head sits in a glass dome at the top. Theres a lot of backstory to read now before marvel zombies 2 in october.
  6. The best part of the set was that the box art was the cover to GSXM #1, except the art was drawn in minimate form. I really wished they did the same for the zombie box. : (
  7. I love making diorama's and I am really wanting to do it with my minimates, so I think Im going to start with the bank and construction site from the spiderman 3 mega blocks. I also here the lego batman sets are good for use too. I need info on good sets to use and from what brands, also, Only 1 guy on the board had a set up similar to what I have in mind, so if any of the rest of you have minimates displayed with lego or mega block buildings, then I would love some pics to help me figure out what I need to get. So help me out here. Thanks
  8. I want to build some lego city pieces before I do something cool like that. actual builds in the background with blood splattered everywhere. I think Im going to zombify my variant thor.
  9. I can post a big pic tomorrow. He turned out better than the prototype. His whole chest is covered now instead of being half topless.
  10. I had 2 complaints after I opened the box. The adamantium arm painted on wolverine is shorter than I remeber, and I also remember that part of his arm being clear plastic like spidey's knee. My other complaint was not the hulks chest piece, which does kind of suck now that I think about it, but the fact that the proto hulk had intestines and blood and muscle definition on it and the one in the box does not. it doesnt make as much visual sense as the prototypes paint app. Also, the brown on the back of wolverine is not a skin patch, but a stain on the costume. And if you are going to review a box set, do it for its contents as they are and leave your personal problems with a character out of it. These mates are the 1st super detailed marvel mates to come out and are helping pave the way for marvel to have better mates in the future. I can not believe I read this thread and heard so many ridiculous complaints. Be happy for getting something cool and obscure and if you dont like it then dont buy it and complain about it. I should have just uploaded my pics and done this myself.
  11. I like the gigantic pics they have. with all the reuse they do I doubt a feathered set of wings will be with angel, on the plus side, hawkman is out in a week so you have the next 6 months to buy him and some super glue.
  12. This is the important quote from their site about series 19 and 20 and others: "Both series will ship later this year and include limited accessories sure to drive Minimates fans wild. Also be sure to be on the lookout for the Diamond Previews exclusive Taskmaster & USAgent two-pack as well as the Previews exclusive Zombie Iron Man & Black Panther set (both due in December)! Another special release will bring the Scarlet Spider & Hobgoblin into fans’ hands later this year as a Suncoast/FYE exclusive!" So later this year instead of january for series 19 and 20, and apparently hobgoblin is going to make it this year also. We need to start a hobgoblin request thread b/c all my suncoasts and FYE are dead.
  13. Okay, so now, My shop got their invoice of items for next week and the avengers is on it and so is the zombie set. So why did dst push the date back on their site? Its getting to the point to where we cant even get an actual release date. Not that we could before I suppose.
  14. Ive never had a marvel breakage, but dc wave 1 lanterns arm? gone. dr fates knee? gone. I had to use the freezer trick the 1st 3 waves to be safe, since all 3 waves came out so fast they didnt give themselves enough time for quality control. I have hear of plenty of other peoples marvel figs breaking. and the hair for giant size storm? I should never have taken it off. It wont go back on to save my life. I do like where marvel is going with detail, and all these other lines are giving us civilian fodder. I did hear from the series 19 and 20 announcement on DST's site that they are going to up the accessories. So that should get interesting if they actually do it.
  15. Sorry to everyone I led to belive these were pushed back due to the info on DST's site. My shop got an invoice friday saying they were coming in this next wednesday with the avengers. AWESOME! Ive already made room for the slaughter of the avengers. But I might have it be the avengers versus the justice league first.
  16. sorry to everyone who I led to believe that these got delayed. I didnt think that my super reliable shop just didnt get them yet. I cant wait to have them and Im going to take a bunch of pics for people. Also, scarlet with is wearing a hobbit cape. You can see the lothlorien leaf on it. nice reuse I think.
  17. I went to my shop last night, who is always reliable to try and verify release dates. avengers wasnt on the list for next week so it was pushed back too.the only thing that was definate was dc series 5. The only marvel mates I got this year so far were X# which doesnt count and the marvel knights set from target. I havent gotten the spiderman box set b/c its sold out. So this year I have gotten 5 waves of dc without one new set of new marvel characters. good job marvel. fantastic. So what did they say was coming out on the 29th? Were they able to get any other dates from diamond?
  18. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH CRAP. I just went to and they did pushed the date back on the zombies. Stupid damn marvel mates. the inconsistency sickens me, especially with their competitor who I like less is whomping them all across the board. I have been looking at that 8/29 date with anticipation for over a month and now I have to wait again, while DC is pushing releases forward. Insanity and disappointment. That is what I am experiencing right now.
  19. Im amazed you guys know what you are missing. I started with all 3 toys r us 5 packs for free and built from there. Ive always been about characters so I passed on a lot of varients unless I like the costumes. So Id say I have most of the characters, with the exception of: J jonah jameson all of wave 11 of marvel(I was really disappointed by the lack of a jacket with rogue, but Ill still get them.) the leader gwen stacy and black costume spider-woman So I guess Im doing well on those. Only varient I really really want is the classic punsisher set and battle damaged cap. there are some other exclusives Id like but they are all varients. I have mary jane, giant size x-men, thanos, magneto and chuck, iron fist and power man, and probably more I cant think of. I have all the dc out so far, and a well paying job so catching up is the name of my game now with other stuff i want. I got all the characters for dc and c3 including john stuart except cassandra cain batgirl which I never saw and justice lords superman. I bought BSG for my mom, since she introduced me to the show and I want her to own more toys, and I bought all the streetfighter and lord of the rings 1st wave, got the TRU lord of the ring varient sets too. Only non comic mates Im missing and really want are Mr T (which my video game store has glued to the register) and street fighter series 2. Fun thread idea
  20. I didnt know this thread existed when I joined b/c I usually just lurked around the marvel and dc boards. Anyway, I Decided to join b/c aside from reading the news here for a long time, Im at a point where other toylins just stopped working for me and I honestly believe marvel minimates are the absolute best brand of marvel toys at the moment. And since I only have 1 friend that owns minimates, and he doesnt keep up with them, i was dying about not having anyone to talk to about mates. I love them. LOVE them. And I especially love the marvel and DC compatability that the old mego dolls from the 70's had. Love. Sorry it took so long to introduce myself. Chris
  21. I havent ordered from afx in a while but I dont remember shipping being that bad...Ill probably get that spiderman box at the same time.
  22. they should have had blackheart from the end of the movie instead of the human one. So starting with the avengers next wednesday, we are scheduled to have 3 straight weeks of new minimates, how is no one talking about this? avengers - 8/22 marvel zombies - 8/29 dc wave 5 - 9/5 Im going to explode. I guess it has been cooler for me though. My shop I frequent went to sdcc and ordered an assload of the zombie 2 pack, and I got two of them for only 5.99 this week, so its 4 weeks of minis for me. plus today Im going to pick up the other two sets from dc wave 4 that I couldnt afford when they came out.
  23. dc pushes forward and marvel pushes back, over and over and over. Go fig.
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