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Everything posted by pickle

  1. I have this problem... kinda I am new to selling on ebay, but I have sold a few things in the last year with no problems. Last week I put up two new auctions and sold them both today. On my auctions, I state that I only ship to Canada, USA and the UK. Well, the winner of one of the items is from Israel and has zero established feedback. Israel????? WTF, Is this person for reals.. I stated that I only ship to three places. Anyway, I tried to do one of those resolution things, but ebay tells me I needs to wait four days before I can do that. What do you think I should/can do? Should I just go ahead and ebay help support. I am so ticked and confused by this. Oh and I checked what shipping would be for him and it costs $45. More then the item the person purchased. Israel???? I still can't believe it.
  2. I tried to google it, but I could not find the answer I was looking for. Can One of the Video Game Experts on here explain to me why there is no Dreamcast Collection coming out on the PS3 in disc form? This makes me a sad Panda.
  3. Does anyone remember when Hasbro tired their Joe/Transformers/Tonka Built-To-Rule (BTR) sets about six or seven years ago? It failed then, why would it do well now? I am all for companies trying their hands at the 'monopolized by LEGO' building block market... But come on Hasbro, you already tried to play this game.
  4. If you get caught selling the toys you purchase, they will fire you. Anything you look up in the TRU system is not for public knowledge, espically social websites. If you share that information, they will fire you. Most stores have you wait until the case is on the floor before you can grab what you want. But these rules have yet to stop me after seven and a half years Honstly, every store will have a different vibe, so it is hard to give advice about working at one. My store knows me as the guy-who-knows-everything-about-toys and there is no competition for collecting. Where other stores might have multiple toy experts and a lot of toy collectors.
  5. After a day of shooting some friends engagement photos, the wife and I were on our way home. As we pulled into the driveway, the wife says "Let's make a snowman Dalek." I was all for it. With only about an hour left of daylight, here is what we came up with: I hope you enjoy Please leave comments. This is our First Dalek with more to come.
  6. Just got my current Grail off of Kijiji this morning. First4Figures Green Tunic Link statue for only $100 + shipping. I normally see this statue on ebay for about $300 + shipping This completes my 'released' F4F Zelda Statue Series. Now to play the waiting game for the ones I have preordered. Shadow Link just went up yesterday Next/Current Grail: Shadow of the Colossus - The First Colossus Statue by Kotobukiya
  7.;picture=aux1 Is this a good price for this exclusive?
  8. When DST lost the license to make Statues and Busts for Marvel, would this have included the Minimates Max series of statues? I don't believe they would count as minimates because minimates have to stay in the 2" size. I am not sure though, but I think DST would have to be able to make statues again before we see more of the awesome Max line. That would be cool though. I still have my Galactus from a few years back and he could use some friends.
  9. I found some pictures of the H.M. Armed Forces series: Given the amount of Military we have seen in Doctor Who, these would make nice complimentary sets. Did I mention that I am excited about this series and am too impatient to get my hands on them
  10. Oh my Gad, that is the f'n funniest thing I have seen in a long time.
  11. I believe the studio that made Halo Legends is working on this show. A Japanese Studio in fact. Hence the hyper Japanese look. I read about it in Toyfare Snarf will be around as well.
  12. I believe UT will be the only way we get these over here as I don't see anybody else (cause they can't, like you said) distributing them. I am truly hoping that they will see a profit and release them. This is me being extremely hopeful though. I thought Underground Toys only released the 'Character' merchandise over here. EDIT:Never mind BHM, I have researched and learned I am wrong. I know QMX has a doctor who license for screen-accurate prop replicas, animated maquettes, travel posters and novelties which I am very much looking forward to.
  13. I sure hope that Undreground Toys will announce the distribution of this series across the pond (like they already have with the plush line) at the New York Toy Fair.
  14. Aahh... I like these too much. I hope they make a set of companions from the new series.
  15. Sadly, double post action... Anyway, a question for our UK members. What is a good site to use to see London Toy fair photos?
  16. I am not surprised to see Toyfare go. Part of the incentive of purchasing the magazine was to see exclusive pictures of upcoming collectibles one could not see anywhere else. The problem is, the first person to get home with the magazine would post scans of the content online. This would hinder Toyfare sales because the collector would think; 'I already saw the pictures online, why would I purchase the magazine.' This is a smart move for Wizard Publication. When the item being sold is a magazine based (mostly) on exclusive photos that can be scanned and shared, one has to keep up with the times. Alas, good bye.... Toyfar: 1997 - 2011 Wizard: 1991 - 2011 off to join your sister magazines: Inquest Gamer: 1995 - 2007 Anime Insider: 2001 - 2009
  17. Perhaps the play sets will be similar to MEGA Bloks' (Halo, POTC, etc) brands in how they will look and be built.
  18. I am betting this big surprise is something we here already know, but the general public would not (like the TRU sku's, which are not supposed to be shared with the public). Anyway, I am just giving my own guess and I don't mean to offend opinions on what the surprise might be. I truly hope that I am wrong and that we get something totally brand new. A new license that does not go the way of all those movie boxed sets that never were.
  19. DC? EDIT: Seriously though, what toy company does not say "huge surprise" for every toy line at these big shows. Anyway, honest guess... Battle Beasts is picked up by Toys'r'us, so watch out....
  20. I am glad we got to do it this year. You did a wonderful job Groundhog and I hope you are willing to head it up next year as well.
  21. Those I like. I hope they do other doctors and companions. Too bad I promised the wife no new toy lines.... but maybe I can talk her into this one... @NorthRaider: They look Lego size in the picture of the guy holding the doctor on a mini stand.
  22. Holy Crap. Giants of Justice Flash for $5.98: It sucks collecting toys while living in Canada.
  23. Got mine last night as I was leaving town to go to Ottawa for some family stuff. My Secret Santa went well beyond the call of Duty. I was not very good at giving specifics of what I was looking for as I mostly just like to be surprised. My Secret Santa got me a DCUC Question MIP and an Orion/Lightray 2-pack MIP. Plus they also payed to have them shipped across Canada which in itself is crazy expensive. The very best part was on top of the figures, there was a printed out Night Before Christmas story with a minimate spin on it which the wife and I loved. I believe my Santa to be TheSpiderX. Only becasue the package was shipped from Calgary, Alberta. If it is you TheSpiderX, thank you so much, it made my day, and you are a very generous person. I could not have been more happy with this years Secret Santa and I can't wait to do it again
  24. Mine has still not come yet.... Is anybody else in the same boat as me?
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