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Everything posted by pickle

  1. Give me a minimate of this Imperious Leader :biggrin:
  2. I think it would be nice to see some forum changes. Lets say...... move the Street Fighter to license past and give Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek their own forums. Those two because we already know (or so DST implies) they both will have lots of releases in 2008 and Street Fighter has been finished for some time. I know it will be a lot of work to change it all around, but I would love to suscribe to a forum that is only BSG. Thank you for your time MMMV Gods and please don't strike me down. P.S. Hope everyone has a merry Christmas.
  3. Great minijeff, glad you like it. i really like what you got me. thanks I do have one question about this though. at the end of this secret Santa thing, will all involved get a +1 in their feedback list? just wondering.
  4. welcome to the boards. i live in ontario. what area to you hail from? i am also a supervisor in a toys r us if you need some inside scoop
  5. Looks like I am the first to receive a gift. marvel cyclops/dark phoenix, street fighter AFX chun-li/m.bison, sdcc cylon and DC supergirl/bizarro. These are fantastically great!!!!!!!!!! i like them all so much.always wanted a dark phoenix and supergirl. plus the street fighter is such a nice surprise. and a cylon!!!!!!! i love bsg who got it for me? well..... the other Canadian member i am aware of is a Mr. minieff, so i think it is him. Thanks so much. woot woot merry Christmas everybody... P.S. i sent my package off yesterday, so whoever is getting mine is getting it soon.
  6. Old man's war by John Scalzi is the only book I can sit and read for six hours straight. Ender verse series by Orsen Scott Card are simply amazing!!! The Battlestar Galactica novels for the new series I enjoy an awful lot. What can I say, Science fiction is a good read.
  7. I think the box set should have: Husker (young Adama), Kendra Shaw, Jurgen Belzen, Helena Cain (new hair mold) and a chrome Cylon. I think that a show with a finite cast, no matter what way you look at it, should never have random human character like marines and deck crew for minimates. Everybody has a name. Just my opinion and I know so many are going to disagree. In other BSG news, the 26th of December sees the release of Galactica 1980 on DVD?!?!?!?! I also hear that the DVD release of season three is going to be April along with the start of season four. I hear this is so to get good sales from Razor and I assume Galactica 1980 as well. At least I got a little hit with Razor, I will be jonzin real soon for more though
  8. To bring this post back. Battlestar Galactica Razor was fantastic!!!!!!! Box set, box set, box set!!!.........
  9. Diamond Select and Previews are saying that the Lab Baltar is the variant. When did this happen? was the miniseries Balar supposed to be the variant? Makes sense to me though......... Only a few more sleeps until Razor
  10. Could someone from the West Coast let me know when the Mouse Guard PVC set shows up in their comic shop's release form. thank you for your time. :biggrin:
  11. I don't think that because the show is ending that they will stop making minimates for them. It has a large enough cult following that it will last quite a while longer, espically if the do make Caprica. I want all and any modern BSG minimates they can come up with. The only ones I really want are: New Caprica Starbuck Romo Lampkin Margaret "Racetrack" Edmondson Baltars, more Baltars For an exclusive, a Razor box set.
  12. I have a question as well. Was the UK and USA just a short example? will Canadians be kept with Canadians as much as possible as well? and what happens to people that are the only members from their country, like down under for example? thanks for your time
  13. Sorry to bring back an old thread, but I hate starting new ones So here is my idea for a minimate multiverse exclusive: skip the whole minimate idea and have an accessory pack. I would really want one, and multiples to boot. It could have a few guns or swords, some odds and ends like kryptonite, maybe a top hat...... about half dozen pieces in a little sealed bag with an MMMV sticker on the back. It might not be that much cheaper then doing a blank minimate but an accessory pack holds more interest for me than a mate and I could see people being more interested in extra weapons then more random mates. just an idea I wanted to throw out there in hopes of people still being interested in the MMMV exclusive idea.
  14. For those who love BSG as much as myself, the upcoming 23 of October will see the release of the new PC game, with the XBOX live version coming out the very next day. So say we all.
  15. According to the DST website, this set was supposed to come out on the third of October. Are these next on the list for a minimates release? Has the date been pushed back and I have yet to read about it? Can't wait to pick up a set
  16. hey tookytoo5, i know you are new, but you should have put this in the wave 21 and 22 thread you already started. Waves are three sets and a variant set, not four and a variant set. Those are some cool ideas, but an all villian wave would not float, i believe we already got word from DST that it would not happen. still though, some fairly good ideas.
  17. I just picked up the role playing game core rule book today. sweet stuff. Yeah, I am a little hardcore for BSG. For those Canadian members, toys r us canada has series one of the action figures on order I can't mention price or anything like that, but i will post when they ship. Also, the season three soundtrack is scheduled for October 23. here is keeping my fingures crossed for a dvd release around the same time.
  18. Quoting myself??? ......guess so. I got my replacement Wolverine the other day from DST, only took a few days. DST is such a great company. Because of their fantastic customer service and products, more of my paycheck is going their way
  19. It is about time some more exclusives started showing up for BSG. I know I will be getting half a dozen of these
  20. I am also keeping my fingers crossed for a Razor boxed set.
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