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Everything posted by pawcanada

  1. As a fan of Rain and water based characters, I'm glad to see the empehsis on him is more water than thunder, like in Armageddon. Both Raiden and Nightwolf are thunder based so I don't feel we needed another. Plus I'm liking his new design. We badly need Mortal Kombat minimates now more so than ever IMO . I wonder if we'll see a Classic Ninja skin for Rain and Skarlet in the future... Having said that, so far that's $20 (give or take) extra for the three characters so far and the classic skin costumes. All of them look great and are worth every penny but I have to admit, I do wish they'd release "Super Mortal Kombat 2011" with all the DLC on it. I don't have a good enough connection to download anything at the moment and I prefer to have disc copies of games anyway.
  2. Except you have to take into consideration that the games he stars in are all titled "Mega Man Zero". Yes, but this is the Zero from the MMX era who had been put to sleep or something (I never got far in MMZ1 and it's been years since I played the others). He did get a shiney new look but he's still the same robot created by Wily and teamed up with Mega Man X. It's been a while since I last played the game, but if anything he took the title Mega Man to honour his fallen ally. He otherwise has no connection to Dr Light, whom made Classic and X. Or Capcom slapped the Mega Man title for those who weren't familiar with the series to know it's a Mega Man game, which has ultimatly lead to confusion about Zero being Mega Man. Better way of putting it. Probably is the case. However as an "obscure SF fan" (i.e. I like people who AREN'T/didn't originate in 2), this minimate is high up on my wanted list.
  3. SF1 Ryu, classic Chris or Resident Evil 2 Jill (playable in MvC2)are probably the most likely conclusions. Zero was created by Dr Wily, the villain of the "Mega Man Classic" era and while he adopted the name "Mega Man" in the Zero spin off, still isn't connected to the character other than being X (Mega Man Classic's successor) BFF and brother in arms. Don't get me wrong, I'd even sing Kang's praises if we got Classic Mega Man (or heck, X would do), Talbon, Captain Commando, Strider and the 1,000 other obscure Capcom characters I want to see in MvC3 (and thus as minimates) but I sadly don't see that being confirmation for Mega Man. Blue Pallet Zero is still the clocest we will get at the moment. If I'm wrong I will make a "I want Kang" sig.
  4. As a fan of Scarlet Spider and Jessica Drew, I second this. And I'd personally love to see a boxset or wave based around these costumes.
  5. Personally I agree with this. While I can see the charm of having a Hulk of the same size and bulk as Spider-Man, I do like the sculpted pieces we've been getting recently to bulk them up. Then again I've never felt a minimate HAS to be 2". I have no problem with the Boogieman minimate's extreamly large head and torso.
  6. Personal the more series the better, so hopefully you're right and I'm wrong. While I can understand a line can be killed from too many waves (i.e. Star Trek from what I read) and potential doesn't always matter I'd still think it would be a shame if we only get two or three waves. Have to wait and see though.
  7. I need to re-watch the cartoon as I don't remember Evil Slimer or Killerwatt. They both look good along with GB Louis and the Sandman. I'm right in thinking DST have hinted they may not do any more after series 2, right? Huge shame in my opinion as while I don't remember much of it (bar season 1, which I picked up about 18 months ago), I do feel they could probably get a few more waves with ghosts alone.
  8. I'm afraid I don't have the Gabe at hand but I just dropped you a message about a Sgt. Johnson minimate I have if you're still looking for one.
  9. I must say old chap, that comic was rather spiffing. I was sitting there drinking my tea, eating crumpets, adding u back into certain words and generally being quite British and thurily enjoyed the experience. I dare say Bravo to you.
  10. Thought of a few more Hercules costumes. However I appreciate they may have been covered off in the two above (only started following him with Incredible Herc, aka one of the best Marvel comics EVER) Current Costume Spider Island costume (not yet released) "Cosmic" Hercules/Price of Power Hercules as Thor ( Thor Thor as Hercules IMO Thorcules and Hercor should be done as a two pack over Kang . Kang can never match them in pure awesomness. Need I say any more?
  11. Well, I feel like a cool for posting in the other thread.. As I said there, both of the new sets look great, especially the diver one. As for the re-releases, I didn't manage 2 get all of them first time around, so its great to see the fire chief set is back, but too bad we're not getting special ops. None the less, looking forward to this.
  12. Both of the new sets look great, especially the diver set. As for the re-releases, I didn't manage 2 get all of them first time around, so its great to see the fire chief set is back, but too bad we're not getting special ops. None the less, looking forward to this.
  13. At times I wonder if I'm the only person who like Cat Beast... Captin Mar-Vell Original Costume White Haired look/pre-cosmic awareness Nova Classic/Pre-Annihilation Costume (I'm not too familiar with the character pre-Annihilation and don't know how many costumes he had before the mini series) Gamora Classic/Pre-Annihilation Costume (same as Nova) Adam Warlock Guardians of the Galaxy Costume Magus (though he could technically be considered a seperate character) Drax the Destroyer Guardians of the Galaxy Costume Thanos Black and White Annihilation Costume
  14. I agree with this. As I have said before, the "alternative pallets" are great ways to get characters we may not see in the main line, i.e. Punisher Cap, Doom 2099 and White Pheonix, as well as updates like bulked out Red Hulk whom we may never actually see get re-released. As a huge Capcom buff, the alternative pallets appeal a lot to me (bar Dante's) as they're either referencing other costumes the character has warn (Arthur's Gold Armour) or other characters from the franchise (Morrigan with her sister Lilith's pallet, Zero with X's pallet). The only exception is Dante as (apparently) the white jacket is a refernece towards Ryu from Breath of Fire 3. Great game, don't get me wrong and the clocest I could EVER get to having a BoF minimate, but some of his other pallets reference some of the other costumes he's warn and personally I'd prefer that. I'm really keen to see where they go with the pallets as there are so many potential characters we'd otherwise never see get a shot at being made. Yes I can understand the frustration if you see it as say a red version of Hulk instead of Red Hulk, a blue version of Zero instead of Zero as X but for me, unless they start to release MvC2 characters Capcom foolishly left out of the game or Capcom add in characters they foolishly left out as DLC, this is the clocest I can get to some of my favourite B-List Capcom characters or games as minimates.
  15. Second. Also is it me or are DST making the TRU waves compliment the specialist store wave, similar to what they're doing with the MVC3 mates?
  16. wasn't movie GB on a set plan too? There's only so many you can do. True, but there were a good five or six seasons of RGB so they have a number of ghosts they could use, plus there are possible variants/boxsets like the neon-green versions of the four from a season 1 episode.
  17. I completely agree, especially when I thought TRU Wave 12 seems to be using Cap and Thor minimates from what I presume would be wave 42. Heck, I'm surprised we've not had a Spidey wave in a while. I think we will be overloaded with Spidey in 2012. At least one movie wave with store exclusives and probably lots of comic Spidey as well. True, I forgot about the new movie. At the risk of being shot I'd personally like to see the long over-due release/properly done versions of 2099 and Scarlet. They're two of my favourite costumes and both were a bit plain (though I have modified my Scarlet). Other than that maybe the new Ult costume?
  18. That's the main reason why I didn't buy this game. As I know I've said many-a-time before, I'm a HUGE fan of some of Capcom's various franchises and was frankly dissapointed at how "mainstream" MVC3 was compared to MVC2, which as well as having more obscure characters like Hayato, also had three new characters (though one was based off an old Capcom game), while Capcom Fighting Jam and Tatsunoko vs. Capcom also used other obscure characters with intersting designs that would make great minimates IMO. As much as I am looking forward to these minimates, I do feel the MvC3 licence is salt in the wound as, at this moment in time, I don't think it's likely I'll see a Strider or Captain Commando minimate. There have been rumours/implications that the line will have MvC2 (and maybe MvC1?) but nothing solid has surfaced as far as I know.
  19. I completely agree, especially when I thought TRU Wave 12 seems to be using Cap and Thor minimates from what I presume would be wave 42. Heck, I'm surprised we've not had a Spidey wave in a while.
  20. Personally I view this licence more as a way to get obscure (non SF2 characters, Darkstalkers' characters, Hayato etc.) and classic Capcom characters (CapCom, Stider, Mega Man etc.) as opposed to the Marvel characters we could get (ignoring the fact my wish list comprises of characters who weren't added and will probably never get included...). Don't get me wrong; characters like M.O.D.O.K and Dormamu are great additions and I'm happy for an update of Super Skrull and Taskmaster but frankly I couldn't care less which Marvel character we get (outside of obscure characters who get reference in P2 pallets that allow someone we'd otherwise probably never see (Doom 2099 anyone?)) as we have the main Marvel line. For me it's all about the Capcom characters
  21. &%$*k you, Capcom. I do remember hearing about that as well actually... If they add in Captain Commando, Strider, Hayato, classic or X version of Mega Man, Talbon or someone from Onimusha, I WILL give them my money
  22. Couldn't agree more I check various fighting game blogs for latest news and have still heard nothing about any more DLC (not sure if the costumes are even out yet). Personally I'm hoping for Talbon (MvC3 badly needs a Brit in the roster) so we can FINALLY get him as a minimate.
  23. One thought - the Subway Ghost is hardly minimate shapped but was still made (though granted mine is still in the box so I don't have it on me to check). Now granted Shuma may be more complex than the Subway Ghost but I feel if DST can make the Subway Ghost, they can make Shuma and Tron.
  24. I know Spidey and Wolverine were inevitable but still, it sounds good. Great to add another SF character to the collection. Though I'm surprised to see these will be out in October when I thought Wave 1 was coming out then.
  25. I'm excited about Rain. I hope he maintains his water-based abilities he was given in Armageddon (I'd prefer it he he's water based than thunder based, as we already have Raiden), as that was one element that drew me to the character. Skarlet looks good as well. However I am wondering/hoping for a Super Street Fighter IV re-release that has all of them and maybe the classic costume on the disc, as I'd prefer to have a hard copy of them (if possible). I agree, but I completed story mode on my friend's PS3 two months ago and have STILL to complete it on mine... Plus I find some of the bosses to be a real pain in the arse.
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