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Everything posted by pawcanada

  1. Off the beaten path? Are you suggesting that DST should never have made another Spider-Man in his black costume? Or that Stealth Iron Man, a Doom with a face instead of a mask, yellow Daredevil, etc, should be off the table? Given all the changes that have been made to minimates in the past few years, both design and distribution, I don't see why anyone would expect DST to be handcuffed by a policy from the very beginning of the line. If they think updating characters that were formerly variants can help the line, I'm 100% behind them. I agree with all three comments. Heck, I've never been a big fan of variants to begin with, especally when it was something like "Unmasked Doom" or "Visor-less Cyclops". At least now a days they're using the army builder as an "appology" (and an awesome "appology" at that) for forcing us to buy a dupe, and the vast majority have been different to the original version (i.e. AoA Mr Sinister vs 616 Mr Sinister). Not everyone was around back when minimates started and if you want a Black suited Spidey you need to pay through the nose to get the Wave 2 version. And in all honesty, it's bland now a days. I appreciate some people like the charm of that but I much prefer the more detailed Back in Black Spidey, and the fact he has a slip on mask, one thing I'm dissapointed to see go away, made him even better. I also like the bulked up Thing/Hulk/Juggs etc. as while it may go away from the bare and basic minimates, I think it represents the character better. As long as they're the same height or there abouts or need to be bigger to properly represent the character (i.e. Bogieman) I'm happy. And as for re-releases I feel some minimates were poorly handled. I'm a HUGE Scarlet Spider and Spider-Man 2099 fan and while it's great I have minimates of them in my collection, both could have been handled with better. So I'm happy to see them get re-released as an "appology" for screwing them up the first time. Personally I want to see more cosmic (especally after seeing Shamrock's AWESOME Ravagers custom (go read "The Thanos Imperative") and mystical characters (make an Incredible Hercules wave damnit!), both of which were some of my favourite comics. Frankly I think we're more likely to see Kang than a Herc/Cho two pack, and while I'd much rather see more minimates of one of my favourite heroes than a villian I personally couldn't care less for, all in all I am content.
  2. Did no one else read the awesome Cosmic storyline "The Thanos Imperative"?! That comic had Beta Ray Bill, Nova, Quasar, Gladiator, Silver Surfer and Ronan team up to kick ass! And Rocket Raccoon. He makes anything awesome. Anyway, thoes Ravager customs are brilliant! I might have to commission some of them from you myself in the future .
  3. Looking forward to getting this set. I think it's a shame Spidey doesn't have a slip on mask/alternative Peter Parker head as I'd definitly display him unmasked with the rest of them. I take it they come with everything in the photo, but does Reed have the "beefed up" arm that MvC3 Super Skrull will be getting?
  4. The Proton Cannon looks awesome. Can't wait to get it in person. One idea I had earlier that looks like won't get represented - Arthur in his boxers; it's probably more iconic than Arthur in his armour. I was wondering if the armour was all sculpted so we could have the boxer look under (like in the game) but ahh well. Great to see he will still come with the lance as well.
  5. I like the idea of using the Stone Man as an army builder due to his connection with Thor, but why not a 616 version of Asguardian warriors? I know we got it with Movie Thor but if they released a different looking version I can mix and match more easily. I don't mind the Thor variants as I've wanted more Thor minimates for a while, but the Beta Ray Bill is dissapointing when it's identical to the one in the boxset. Cap looks a bit out of place IMO and I personally think they should have used Kirby Thor/Balder or how about comic style Hogan and Fandral (to compliment movie Volstagg) and made 43 a Cap wave. Still I view it as a break from X-Men and becaue I prefer Thor/the mystical side of Marvel to X-Men/the Mutant side, I have every intention of getting all the mates in this wave and the complimentary TRU wave.
  6. Considering as how RGB wasn't part of the GB licence at first, I'm optomistic. Strider has been a favourite of mine since MvC1 so it would be a huge shame if he can't get released. And if Rocket is indeed in it (I think the likely hood is 99.99999r%) it would be a great way to add in an awesome Cosmic character. Heck, the entire Ultimate line could be done in one combined Specialist/TRU wave, with perhaps the second Strider skin for another boxset .
  7. I dare say old chap, though my screen name and place of birth is Canada I currently reside in the old United Kingdom. Rather and all that.
  8. If any mods out there have been itching to use their ban-hammer, now would be a great opportunity IMO. Wait what? Why? Don't get me wrong, minimates are my favourite mini figs and I'd much prefer the revival of the DC minimates line, but a) I think hell will freeze over first and b ) I've recently started collecting Lego for my work desk so having Superman beat up Bizzaro, Hal (or better yet Kyle) fight Sinestro or the rest of my lego minifig collection kick seven shades out of Batman on my desk would be nearly as awesome. Anyway, bit surprised they seemed to have gone for Movie Hal but he looks good.
  9. I've never read the original comic, but if nothing else it's been retconned that they were orange. One was part of Hulk's "Warbound" during Planet Hulk/World War Hulk.
  10. Loving the look of CS 42 and TUR 12. I do like how the TRU waves seem to be complimenting the CS wave. This could well be the first time in a while when I have to have everyone in it. Honestly, the only thing I would change would be to make 42/12 pure Thor and 43/13 pure Cap.
  11. Oh I hear what you're saying jcastick and agree you're going to spend over $100 on the same game and the "mk 1.5" version. However I'm uncomfortable with the angle Mortal Kombat 9 is going in, which being DLC is apparently meant to be the better option. Both have their pros and cons, don't get me wrong but I disagree with the "DLC = The right answer; Re-releasing an enhanced version at less than the combined cost of DLC AND original = The wrong answer" outlook. As for including it in the initial game, I'm not so sure. As a web developer, it's all well and good knowing what you want from a system, but if resources and time won't allow you to include it between now and the deadline (and where I work, two months to build a complex system is a luxury) it won't be in; simple as that. Plus there may be some politics. Street Fighter IV (from what I read) was a last ditch attempt to revive the franchise thanks to the luke-warm reception of the IMO superior SFIII games and the death of the arcade. It's likely Capcom never expected it to take off the way it did, so I suspect the budget and possibility of DLC characters (from what I understand, the option to add DLC has to be programmed into the game) wasn't there in the first place. Thus to deliver the SFIV they'd have perhaps wanted to go with in the first place lead to Super SFIV. Arcade Edition was apparently never meant for the home but SSFIV must have been made with the option to implement it if they did change their mind. Tangent aside, maybe Marvel vs Capcom 3 suffered a similar fate?
  12. Rocket Raccoon and Nova, along with Strider make that roster awesome. I'll admit, minimate potential aside I am disappointed they're using Phoenix Wright but ahh well. I personally disagree. If all the new characters were DLC and cost $5 each, then that's $60, aka the price of a new game. This includes all that AND touch ups for $40. Even if I bought it at launch it would still be a bargain to get Ultimate than to download everything. [edit] This article shows art for all the characters.
  13. Some more alt costumes have been announced for UMvC3. The first one, which you get from can be seen here: Strider: First Apperance Akuma: Cyber Akuma Dr. Doom: Doomwar Sentinel: Classic Look The second batch have been announced as GameSpot pre-order bonus: Chun-Li: Street Fighter Alpha Costume Storm: Morlock Costume X-23: X-Men Evolution Costume Morrigan: White Shirt, Pants/Business Attire Costume Now I'm all for the alts for the Capcom characters (especally Strider; two different Strider minimates will make me a happy bunny) if this means we can get more minimates of them. Also is it me or does one of the (cropped; grrr...) silhouettes at the bottom of the screen shot look like Talbain...? [edit] Scratch that it's just Zero.
  14. Lego Superman and Green Lantern! Definitly makes up for the lack of DC minimates. Any chance of Lego Mon-El?
  15. I agree with you on all three, especally Stryder. All we need now is Capcom Commando and Talbain and for the Ultimate MvC3 wave to get announce and I will personally mail my credit card to Capcom as a way of saying thank you. Off topic I know, but uber second! I don't agree with the "DLC = Perfect way to update a game; Disc version/Capcom playing by their old strategy =/= Isn't" way of thinking. Ignoring for the fact I have a crap internet connection with no WiFi, meaning no way to download Rain at this moment in time, Rain, Kenshi and Skarlet will all cost me whatever $5 is in pounds each. Now I know it's less but already that's £15. Plus there's the next to be announce DLC character and the possibility of more new MK characters. I will soon be reaching £30 if more are announce and I want them all. Then there's the issue with disc space. This solution gets around that problem as Capcom doesn't need to consider the limited connection speed or space I may have. And as for SF1 Ryu as a minimate, FRICKING AWESOME ! Now all we need are a representative for Alpha (DAN!) and 3 (Gill please!) and all the main SF games (1, 2, 3, 4, Alpha and Final Fight (part of the same universe)) stand a chance of getting released as minimates. Sentinal also looks brilliant but bloody typical he's TRU exclusive. He needs to be easier to Army Build!
  16. I was thinking earlier, what if a Thor boxset, similar to the Iron Man movie boxsets we got. That would be a great way to fix the missing Warriors Three and max power Thor.
  17. I agree he'd be great for collections, but as a fighting game fan and someone who's still peeved other classics and long time favourites are being ignored, I don't really get how he'd work in a fighting game. Capcom have stated screaming "Objection" or being able to throw the letters would make him a bit unbalanced.
  18. Whoops... Sorry I agree. Of all those Marvel characters, I can't say I really want any of them to appear again as minimates. Don't get me wrong, I still view this as a "Capcom line with the odd Marvel guy", but like Nessex I want Blackheart or Silver Samurai. Also, why do people want Pheonix Wright? Great character don't get me wrong and it would be awesome to get a minimate but he's not a fighter nor does he have moves that would transfer well. Mega Man and Strider would both be awesome though. To be honest, I hope it's X, especally if he can have his Command Mission costume.
  19. As a fan of both the Old Gods and people with elemental powers, I am really keen to see what you do with the Neo Olympians. Are you planning any of the other Gods and if so, will they be elemental? I ask because I have a fondness for characters based around light (i.e. the sun) and I'm keen to see if you follow this angle with Apollo.
  20. Wow... Am I glad I held off buying. Hopefully Captain Commando will be in the revamped version, and he, along with Strider will get released as Minimates.
  21. Maybe as a compromise, they can start as seperate threads, then after a few days/most people have seen the news/it's been posted on Headquarters, the various threads can be combined into this one?
  22. Personally I agree with Pete. While I can understand it being neater to have it all in one thread, what if they announce some much needed boxset like modern Guardians of the Galaxy or "Avengers Villains who aren't Kang to rub salt into the wound" ()? These would both be high on my list but if pictures are located on page 34 of a 58 page thread I may easily miss them.
  23. If they still have the molds (and with their "Never say never" attitude about everything they damn will should have the molds,) there is absolutely no reason the Hadouken and kick accessories should not reappear. Ko represents an even more interesting delimna... If they part reuse I guess the closest one can come is the Lady Deathstrike fingers. I will admit I am a little keen to see a new Hadouken sculpt. I liked the old one (though used it more for supporting the mini fig), but considering we've lost the old style flame (see Golden Age Human Torch) for the smaller, slimmer version (see everyone since) I'm kinda wondering if Hadouken will get the same treatment. The answer: Nothing. Nothing is more awesome than that. This discussion got me to pull out Vampire Savior last night and wolf out. Fingers crossed that we have a huge DLC announcement this month.. followed by lots and lots of MvC3 Minimates. I've not played Darkstalkers/Vampire Savior as much as I'd have liked but I love the franchise. So many well design and interesting characters, all of whom would work great as minimates. I'd also personally love to see Amigo from MvC2 officially join the roster as I think he'd fit in well (someone also suggested Ruby Hart, whom I wouldn't say no to) and maybe see it combined with the Red Earth/Warzard universe as I feel a number of those characters would work well alongside the Darkstalkers. Sadly Talbon isn't that popular in Japan, which is why he's restricted to backgrounds and cameos. A huge shame IMO. As I have said before, I see this licence more as a way to get us Capcom characters so the more that we can get, whether it's DLC for MvC3 or the licence allowing characters from the previous games (would X-Men/MSH vs SF count?) I'll be happy so long as I have an army of Wold Warriors, Monsters, Robots and other awesome characters Capcom have created.
  24. BEST! KANG! COMMENT! EVER! I'm hoping she will, especally if there's the potential to re-use them. Speaking of accessories, anyone wonder if the Hadouken/Chun-Li Kick and Shadow Flame accessories will return for Ryu/Akuma, Chun-Li and Morrigan? I'm also keen to see how they'll do Hsien-Ko's arms and blades.
  25. Oh you're not alone. Talbon needs to be in this game to make up for the cancelled SF2 line (I still wake up crying about him missing from my collection ). All good fighting games need a token Brit and what's more awesome than a British Warewolf that knows Kung-Fu AND has Nunchaku?!
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