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The Vox

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Everything posted by The Vox

  1. Do you need to mail in the broken pieces somewhere?
  2. Wow, I really thought we'd see something Marvely this week. No offense to Ghost Rider fans but I want to get that wave out of the way and get on with the Avengers ASAP. Gotta set up my Quicksilver VS Flash race. Also there are some Spiderman 3 mins that I'm looking forward to as well. I don't mind waiting if the dates would just become firm!! Chuck told me at the booth he thought Avengers might show up by the end of August... Then in the panel I believe it was said we would be seeing the next Marvel waves within the next few months. So, who knows? Oh well, I'm just happy they have announced so many sweet waves!!
  3. I just want to see firm release dates on the upcoming waves.. I really can't wait for the Avengers wave.. and the next avengers wave.. oh and Angels x-men.. oh and Spiderman 3 minis.. ok ok I'm just really stoked by all the news lately.
  4. I think Fire & Ice make a lot of sense as a two pack. It would also make sense in current comics with Ice coming back to life recently.
  5. It's sounding like Wave 8 is already done and Wave 9 is being worked on.. Can't wait for these announcements!! I know, I know.. I have 3 other waves to look forward too... so sue me, I like to see what's coming next year. Great Call!!
  6. Great News!! I know I'll continue to do my part with a case and a half per wave (nephews collecting as well). I have to agree with TBT! that Marvel may have had a lull for a bit but they seem to be listening to the fans with how sweet their future waves are looking.. I would be happy to see both do VERY well and continue feeding my mini-passion for years to come. As far as Waves 8 and 9... speculation should be flying... it could include ABSOLUTELY ANYONE from the DCU. ..and that makes it very fun. (...come on Kyle and Sinestro!.... hahah) Vox
  7. I pre-ordered at the SDCC as well. I hope they ship earlier than November!! Oh well, still excited for the mates.. especially after seeing the Doctor Strange movie.. it made me a fan of the mini!! Vox
  8. I didn't get a chance to check the boards first and stepped to the mic at the end of the panel on Sunday and asked about the Target mates and got a very short and quick, "nothing through Target right now" from Chuck. From all other accounts, in this thread, it sounds like there is a chance to see them eventually by some means. I really wanted a armored Spidey and Civil War Iron Spidey so I'll continue to cross my fingers. (really geeking out in the panel.. first time doing any of this stuff after years of collecting... )
  9. SWEEET! Just after meeting TBT (et al) at the DST booth, the staff threw a couple HUNT shirts out and I snagged one. If I can make it back to Cali next year I will definitely get involved in the hunt. Cheers. Vox
  10. Coolest thing that happened in the panel is someone in the audience randomly won a complete Avengers set (1 to 2 months before they hit your LCS.). And it was cool to meet TBT and the crew. ...oh and Chuck.
  11. So I was snoopin' around the DST booth and saw some boxes stacked in the corner with white T-Shirts in them. I folded back a bit of one shirt and I thought I could read the minimate logo, and possible DST and Art Asylum. I asked the guy at the cash register if they were selling Minimate T-Shirts and he said, "NO, NO WE ARE NOT" kind of snippy. Are these shirts for the people doing the minimate hunt? I should of signed up but me and my friends just had way to much we want to do this week and so I didn't bother. oh well..
  12. Like TBT! I talked to the people at DST about the Kelloggs mates as well.. he mentioned these were their last chance to get interest. I'm keeping fingers crossed. Man this has been fun..
  13. on a side note, a guy at the DST booth told me the Avengers wave should hit LCS's before the end of August. I know that's nothing big, but thought I would pass it along.
  14. Wahoo! My first SDCC and minimates were everywhere!! I couldn't get enough of the Angel minimates and Vision was sweet! I took tons of photos (geeking out a bit).. looks like I'm a bit late to the party.. barely getting back to the room.
  15. The hunt sounds great in theory but with so much going on that weekend I don't know if I will have time to do it.. TV Show Panels, Film Festival, Video Game Testing, Booths, Beach, Clubs, etc.. just don't think I can add another thing to my trip.
  16. is 15 pounds close to 30 dollars? Just curious.. I've seen it in the US for between 17 and 20 USD.
  17. IMO Pocket Heroes is the most recent/similar line that DCD offered.. and thus far there are already some trends that seem to be spilling over into DCMinis.. (Pairing some of the same heroes in 2-packs) Pocket Heroes did at least 4 box sets that I know of (plus a JLA table and chairs set) that repeated some characters but also offered new characters that went with the theme.. Batman Boxed set added Alfred and two face along with others you would expect Superman Boxed Set included Lois and Jimmy et al Green Lantern Boxed Set gave a unique version of Kyle, Hal Parallax, Yellow Ring Guy Gardner, Jade etc JLA Box set was pretty much typical versions of the JLA Anyway, the main line was 2 packs of pocket size DC heroes hitting ALL OVER the DCU just like the current DCMini line seems to be doing so.. Box Sets may be a long shot.. but I really wouldn't be too surprised if we saw something eventually. I think it would be great just to get some more rare characters like Lois, Jade, Alfred and such. My 2 Cents. Vox P.S. Pocket Heroes also did several Legion of Super-Heroes 2 packs.. I wonder if we might start seeing these work their way in to the waves....
  18. Thanks for all of the input. I have been so confused as to what is an unveiling and what is for sale or available in some way at the Con. I'm still hoping DC has a surprise single figure like last year. I know its a long shot but it would be a great way to say thanks to the fans that have gobbled up the first 4 waves!! (and I know John Stewart was just to launch the series.. a man can still dream)
  19. U2. Bono with Fly Shades would be a sweet mini.
  20. Ones I'm surprised haven't been announced yet: Black Canary Vixen The Atom Kyle Rayner Others that I wouldn't be surprised to see soon: Sinestro Amazo Black Lightning Solomon Grundy Alan Scott
  21. Pre Orders are closed for Comic Con Exclusives and they never officially announced the Dr.Strange, Namor, etc pack. Anyone got any news on whats up with these? Are they just going to have the pack there and whom ever can wait in line gets to buy it? Man I was hoping to avoid the lines.
  22. Ditto to Mystery Man. Once the surprise of a new wave settles a bit I can honestly say I have found something I have loved about every single figure that DCD has produced thus far. At least a case per wave for my family every time. Rock on DCD.. Rock on.
  23. I love this game: Alan Scott / Grundy Kyle Rayner / Sinestro Ray Palmer / Atom Smasher 2.5" Orion / Darkseid I really want to see these before this line ends.. and with how great the selections have been so far.. I think every one of these are possible.
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