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The Vox

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Everything posted by The Vox

  1. These look good. A couple things: can Invisible Woman fly? Also, I just barely read that Torch 'died' and asked Spidey to take his place in his will. Man, I've gotta wiki up on my Marvel knowledge.. I haven't been reading the books for years and I seem to be horribly out of the loop.
  2. I like black cat.. I always liked how she called Peter, "Spider".
  3. Storm, you are my new hero. Do we know if this comes with both versions of Iron Man (P1 & P2Stealth)?
  4. I can not view those pics for some reason.. Can you describe the gun? If it is the Proton Canon, I will be freaking out. It is indeed. I had to google Proton Cannon to know for sure. Otherwise, I would have described it as the Serenity ship backwards. It looks to be almost the size of a Minimate and is on a clear stand to hold it up. It looks pretty cool. This set just went from easy pass to potential buy. Roger that, thanks turtle.. now I really want to see those pics (may be blocked at work). This box set just moved from a "maybe" to a "must have".. I know, I know, kind of silly attitude just for a gun.. but I can't tell you how many times I finished off an opponant with the proton cannon and a cheesey grin on my face in the old Marvel Super Heroes game.
  5. I can not view those pics for some reason.. Can you describe the gun? If it is the Proton Canon, I will be freaking out.
  6. After 42 waves, I'm honestly just impressed these are still going. I have loved the bulked up mates that have been coming out (I know I'm in the minority) and I've even been won over by the movie mates (at least the ones with costumes). There are new mates I would like to see from time to time.. but my core list was covered years ago so I have a hard time getting too passionate about the Marvel line at this point. I do see the merit of the different posts here, and I agree it is good to provide constructive critisism of a collectible line that you care about.. but my concerns lie more in the realm of lines killed before their time, and lines that could have been and never were.. (DC & DW) As for the Marvel line.. they keep making them, I keep buying them. I just stopped buying them by the case once all of my main favorites were made.
  7. Are they going to sell the TRU box set at brick and mortar TRU's?
  8. darn, I was hoping for Gambit & Juggernaut to return to the game. Cool news overall.. cool, but not stone cold awesome.
  9. Rumors of a possible video game seem to be buzzing around the net. I know its all wishful thinking.. but I really hope they follow through with this. Thanks for the pics Danny.. WW looks awesome. I love the alt faces of Hal!
  10. I'm torn over this announcement. It definitely fits under the "salt in the wound" catagory.. but I also hope it leads to a LEGO DCU video game.
  11. If you are interested in DCU mini-block figures, you may want to check out this discussion: -Vox
  12. Is it kosher to drop links in here? 3000 Green Lantern and Batman minifig give away.. and it looks like we are talking the full DC Comics License so Supes, WW, Flash, Luthor, Sinestro, etc. My desire for DC Minimates may force me to collect these. ..and I'm with you guys.. I REALLY hope this leads to a LEGO DCU video game. Playing Batman Lego, I always made home made Hal Jordan's and Superman's to play in the game... the whole time I wished that this would be the next step!
  13. why did you add a link for John Tilbane? jk, thanks for the correction.
  14. My nephew picked up a civi Thor for me. Thanks to all those that offered trades. Now I am wishing they would flesh out the rest of the main characters from the flick.. but I agree with those of you saying its over.
  15. Looks like early leaks (pre-SDCC) are hinting towards an Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 version of the game (10 or 12 new characters). I don't mind a ton of new DLC, but buying a new disc within months of getting the first game would tick me off. I wonder what this will bring to their license with the minimate world.
  16. Does anyone know if Kang has ever run into Rip Hunter or Dr. Who in his travels? Also, if he did rejigger the multiverse to create this thread.. does he also have the power to rejigger Chuck into believing Kang is the new Spideymate?
  17. The answer: Nothing. Nothing is more awesome than that. This discussion got me to pull out Vampire Savior last night and wolf out. Fingers crossed that we have a huge DLC announcement this month.. followed by lots and lots of MvC3 Minimates.
  18. Kang was in no way the final baddie of the season o.O Oops, my bad, I guess I have only seen half of the first season.. or 2/5ths or 3/7ths. Point being, it was my first intro to the Kang character outside of seeing the constant "Kang it, Dang it" stuff in this forum. Now I can officially throw in my vote with the "Make mine Kang" crew.
  19. wait a second.. who is Kang? just kidding, couldn't resist. I'm not a big Marvel reader (outside of civil war) but I enjoyed the most recent Avengers animated series which had Kang as the final baddy to finish out the season. I watched that and I thought - "Hmmm.. why hasn't he been minimated yet?.. I wonder if anyone else cares about this..". Seriously, though, I'm sure it will happen soon.. just not in the MvsC3 line. Now back on topic.. who thinks SDCC will stage the announcement of 10 or 12 new DLC for this game as rumored?
  20. Is it bad that I would like to see Blanka, Jon Tolbain & Guile added as DLC.. SOLELY for the chance that they might finally get minimated? I've always enjoyed the Capcom Marvel fighting games and I have followed the games like a collector (owning X-Men COTA, MSH, XvsSF, MvsSF, MvsC, MvsC2, MvsC3 as well as Darkstalkers and Pocket Fighter) and as of 10 years ago I hoped for certain fighters in the game because I enjoyed playing them.. now because of my MM addiction of the last 6 years.. I find myself hoping a character is in a game just so I can get a minimate of him/her. That's a strange journey.. p.s. you gotta admit that the werewolf prototype from the earlier Capcom minis looked groovy..
  21. after two days of searching: Man, the only Thor left in the 3 TRU's I checked is the Odin two pack.. I'm surprised movie mates have sold this well.. The X-Men First Class Movie mates are in plentiful supply. I guess you just can't take a month off in this (collecting) business.
  22. So glad they went with a BTTF2 hover car!!! Now I wish even more that that stupid wave 2 box set wasn't ridiculously impossible to purchase..
  23. I think they missed a great opportunity with the Silver Iron Man in this wave.. it was the perfect time to recast that hand piece and make the first minimate that is flipping the bird.
  24. Anyone in Utah still seeing a civilian Thor/Asgard guard two pack on the pegs? I've check TRU on 33rd South and in Sugar House to no avail. I've been a bit distracted lately and I missed the fact that this two pack came with the rock that the hammer was stuck in.. gotta have it.
  25. Wait a second... you mean Jubilee is not supposed to be bigger than Rhino? I've got to quit watching 90's cartoons on acid.
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