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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Wow. Life sized. That is awesome. I'm sure I left my spare $8000 in my other jeans . . .
  2. How have you got it? I thought only selected people got it? My bro got it but I didn't. I wanna play it, it looks interesting.
  3. Thing is, unless they are changing it completely, Cap should have his old shield, not the round one when he is unfrozen.
  4. I still want a Brotherhood boxed set. Pyro Beefy Juggernaut Avalanche Toad Classic Sabretooth I haven't bought any recent boxed sets, but this one I would. It's one of the last groups that I want.
  5. Yay! Comics are back. I've been looking forward to these for ages and when I saw your post was updated I got excited. And for good reason it seems. This comic is awesome as ever! Nice one.
  6. Games 5. Ocarina of Time. N64 4. Mass Effect Xbox 360 3. Gears of War 360 2. Oblivion 360 1. Halo 3 360 Films (in no order) Star Wars Ep 3 Spider-Man 3 Transformers Jumper LotR RotK
  7. I know this is a very old topic, but I couldnt think of anywhere else to put it. So I read the whole of Ulitmates 3 over the last few days and I have to say it is the biggest pile of shit I've ever read. The new guys took everything that was good about the Ultimates and flushed it down the proverbial toilet. Why the hell did they change all the costumes from the kickass Ultimate ones to copy the boring 616 costumes. Ult. Iron Man armour was the best designed thing I've ever seen and I'm sure many people would agree its the best armour. So why did they change it to be similar to the 616 armour? WHY!? And Thor. Why did they make him look and sound like a sissy. THIS IS ULTIMATE! THOR IS COOL! And they just changed Mjonlir to the crappy 616 one, rather than the kickass Ultimate one. What was the point of the whole Cap pretending to be Black Panther? Pretty pointless to me. WHY! Basically I'm choosing to ignore this whole arc.
  8. I hadnt seen that. It looks pretty good. Is it going to be on the RvB website or what? I guess we're the only two who like RvB.
  9. I've loved RvB for ages being a big halo fan. I am enjoying this series, but I wouldn't say its the best. I think it is too serious and much prefer the comedy of the earlier seasons. Nestle, did you see all 6 endings to episode 100? They were brilliant. My favourite character is Sarge. This is why. I also really liked 0-800-MAGIC based on shadowrun by roosterteeth. That was good.
  10. Yeah, though this isnt the place to discuss it. Drop me a PM if you wanna talk about it.
  11. I've read the Zombie Survival guide. It's a good book, very enjoyable. I've been meaning to pick up world war z for a while now. I saw that RvB vid when it first came out. Me and my mates devised a zombie plan where we each steal a car (we dont have our own) and meet in town and raid this shop that sells swords, bows, crossbows, pelletguns etc, and arm up, then stay on the move til the zombies are all gone. Maybe stay on B'hams canals, as was said, zombies cant swim.
  12. -I have Fable 2 and Gears of War 2 on pre-order. I am looking forward to GoW most, but Fable does look amazing.
  13. And thats just fine. Maybe try to confine it to one post? I'm not picking a fight, or having a go mate, I'm sure Chaz appreciates your comments.
  14. Two Face, you don't have to respond to every comment posted. I like the look to Red Skull as a whole, though I agree that the face needs more black to really bring out the red. Especailly around the mouth, as he does look like he is smiling a bit gleefully. I think an evil smile is more fitting.
  15. It's not like we've got much on topic to talk about until the pictures come out anyway. I still wanna know whose the most used name was!
  16. Man, I wanted that one! Good for you.
  17. So has anyone been on Halo since Wednesday? If anyone isnt up to date, there was a new update which gives 30 new achievements, and new playlists. Atm you can get 250G of 10 new achievements, but there is 500G more to get when the Mythic maps are released (6 new maps). I really don't like the idea of having a different rank per playlist, as you already have a level in most things and it hides your original rank. I was a Commander, now im a private or lower in all games, which sucks. I like getting new achievements, after having 1000G for such a long time. In other news, I have 10,000G now. I got my xbox for christmas so I'm pretty happy.
  18. Sorry if this already exists, but I looked manually, and did a search and couldn't find one. So who do we still want? Mine are Billy/Torey Cavill/Aaron Anders(flight suit)/Hot Dog(flight suit) Variant- Anders(black tank top)/Hotdog This way we get 3 more pilot bodies, a few more Cylon Models and one of my favourite characters, Billy. Please try to avoid spoliers. I have.
  19. I don't know anything about the Spirit, but I really like the Minimate. I like the whole Black and Red thing he has going on, and the long coat, and the hat. He looks pretty cool. I may try to get him on his own. edit: ok I just watched the trailers. This film looks awesome. I can't wait.
  20. I can't wait for the next installment of your comic Winker. Been waiting for it for ages. I've read tour old one about 12 times waiting for this. Those covers look really cool.
  21. Deadpool, I've been after that t-shirt for years! I don't think I have a picture of me. I generally dont take them.
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