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Everything posted by rx78jj

  1. Really, WOW! Anyone got pics of those cheap minis.
  2. Maybe this was discussed earlier or not, but this one is a black mini painted silver and the original is a silver mini painted silver. Plus his red armor is a little darker than the original. His arm is also a little loose, but negatives aside i do like the C3 feet. Also my Nightcrawler had his leg amputated. Stupid joint was ultra tight and the peg broke. Aww well, gonna have to buy a new one. Love the Professors new suit. Might get another one just for the hell of it. Oh and sorry if this was discussed earlier.
  3. Interesting. I need to get these even though i do have them. But i do need a Storm especially with C3 feet. But so far no cigar. Damn
  4. Damn just went to Target again and no minis. Im so pissed. Cus i gots money and no minis to spend it on. I'm surprised that the Wolverine has C3 feet. Kool beans.
  5. Holy son of a gun. I guess I'm gonna be going to Target for some minis. Kool baby. I always wanted another Nightcrawler.
  6. Are those the ones that are about four inches tall and look like miniature legends figures? If so i would like to buy the Iron Man figure. He would look awesome with my Giant Man.
  7. Heck if i see the new wave of street fighter for sell i would consider myself lucky.
  8. I really didnt have any problem with my Batcave. But of course i did use hot glue. LOL. Oh and i also got about four more of those caves. I wonder when I'll get around to actually adding on to the Batcave. I would've loved to have had Alfred. How bout a Toyfare Exclusive Alfred from Toyfare. :o
  9. I would love for Toyfare to do an exclusive. How bout Hush as the dead but alive again Robin. Give me a hell yeah!!!!
  10. Hey there everyone. I was wondering if anyone here has ever made a Giant Man minimate, wether it has been in the 2 inch or 3 inch variety. I would think he would be easy to do since there isnt much color to him, just red and blue. If there has been any made I would love to see pics of him. Thanks.
  11. I know that the quality sucks, but to be honest it was a refreshing feeling when i got to buy these bad boys. I would still give them a shot. Even though Speed does look a little bit like a girl. He has very pretty eyes. Captivating if you ask me. LOL. Oh and does Racer X even have a helmet in the cartoon. I dont think he wears one.
  12. Well. You all seem on the brink of letting go. I know the Speed Racer minimates didnt live up to the quality we had gotten used to, but that doesnt necessarily mean thats where the minis are going. Sure it's been a while but so what. I'm willing to stick it out till Christmas. If by then there are no more minis, then Amazing.JL is right. We would have to let go. Not because we didnt love our minis enough but because someone up top didnt know what they had going, not until the they lost it. Funny thing though, it's not only there lose but ours as well. AND I STILL WANT MY WAR MACHINE!!!!! Thor too. ;-)
  13. I got mine today! Only problem is that my Racer X has some crappy paint apps. Not only are his boots blurry but his gloves have started chipping. Man that sucks. Guess I'm gonna have to buy another one. Aww well. Oh and Speed Racer needs his helmet. Weird they didn't include one. Nice hair piece though.
  14. Speaking of Hulk Buster Iron Man as 2 1/2". What about War Machine DAMN IT!!!!!!
  15. I'd go for a 3" Giant Man. And a 2" Ant Man. 2 1/2" Omega Red. 3" maybe 2 1/2" Juggernaut. 2 1/2 Appocalypse. I think Colossus can be 2 1/2". Marvel Directory says he's 7'5" armored. So I think it can be pulled off.
  16. Already out huh? Well, I'm only getting the Iron man and the variant plus maybe a Baron Zemo. I'm really not gonna buy this for Mojo. I just don't like him.
  17. I don't know if anyone already knew this but i was looking at the M.O.D.O.K. series and the variants look pretty cool. Like Destroyer, Genis-Vell and three different wasps. All of these are variants. Man I'm really looking forward to that Genis-Vell and Destroyer, even though I really don't know who Destroyer is. I always appreciate a new Iron Man too.
  18. Hell yeah!!! Finallly something new. I'm going tomorrow, but first I gotta ask my g/f if they got them. 7.99 isn't that bad either. YAY
  19. I was wondering about the Optimus Prime. They say he comes out in September 25 according to Toy R Us's website. The thing I'm wondering about is if he has the metal parts that the original one has. I know that he comes with a talking base, but at $80.00 I do wonder if he's all plastic or does he still have those metal parts. Hmmmmmmmm
  20. I finally got my Iron Man. It did not come in a baggy and no hairpiece. It looks kool. I love it. The movie was not that bad. It had a little bit more of an adult theme to it rather than a kid style of story telling. Not that bad
  21. To me Hal is still the best. Kyle is a close second. But not no more cus he's not a Green Lantern. So BLAH
  22. Imagine he was the 3" version. That would be cool.
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