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Mystery Man

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Everything posted by Mystery Man

  1. See the subject? That's what I wanna do and I'd like to hear if anybody else has had any ideas about this. Strictly quick-custom things, here, no paint neccessary. Some kinda body to go with that zombie DD unmasked head. Anybody thinkin' this too?
  2. What movie minimates do I look forward to? Nothing that will hamper Marvel comic book characters from coming out. 'Nuff said, Matt
  3. Those look great! I wish these'd start releasing already!
  4. I heard from them today too. That's nice of them.
  5. How long did it take for them to write you back? I wrote them yesterday but haven't heard anything yet. -Matt
  6. What is their customer service email? Mine broke as well and I just got it yesterday!
  7. I agree with all of this. Can anybody ask? If not, I can ask when I go to Chicago.
  8. I believe it's a Ditko Spidey. Look at the symbol on the chest. Along with the eye-pieces and the black and not blue coloring of the costume.
  9. I'm already planning on taking the metal wings off Angel, putting a caucasian head with blone hair on him and figuring out some way to put extra Hawkman wings on there. I really hope they do something about that classic Vision, though. That is some lousy shit if the classic version is the phasing one. Really shitty, that. Also, that Namor... I'm trying to figure out a quick way to make a green-trunked version. It looks like if you take off the vest and replace it with Ocean Masters belt, Dick Grayson Robin's crotch and legs and... what feet would make the painted Robin ones? I guess you could skip the Robin legs and use Gollum ones with the dirt cleaned off. But then the chest would be a painted skin with the legs a molded plastic skin tone? That wouldn't work right. Maybe use a cleaned up Gollum torso and arms as well and just replace most of the figure? The wings on the ankle parts could be cut off and carefully glued into a little whole you could cut in the feet very carefully. Man, so close yet so far.
  10. Can anyone who is at San Diego Con ask the people at the DST booth when the Ghost Rider and the Avengers sets are coming out so we can get an idea for when these'll be released?
  11. I wish they'd hurry up and come out so I could get to the good stuff in the Avengers wave.
  12. Some GREAT waves. It is really about damned time. My faith has been restored. ... wait, WHAT other mates you saw?!
  13. A Moon Boy with Devil Dinosaur would be wonderful and I'd pay a hundred dollars for it as long as they were poseable.
  14. I'd take a Fin Fang Foom or a Forbush Man. And a giant Ultimo to tower right along with Fin Fang Foom. Remember him? I'd like all the Inhumans and all teams of Avengers and lots of villains for all the heroes. Will we ever get an Alicia Masters or Aunt May or Lady Dorma? When are we gonna get a whole team of the original X-Men?! And what about the Blob and the Vanisher and Mastermind and the Toad and Unus the Untouchable!? Mimic or the Cobalt Man too! I'd love a Kang, a Dragon Man, an Immortus, an Ultron, and all the heroes and villains from Asgard. No Avengers team is complete without an Ant-Man/Giant Man, Wasp, Hawkeye, Vision, Black Panther, Hercules, Black Knight, Mockingbird and Jarvis. What about the Blackie Drago Vulture? And an Adrian Toomes while we're at it. Maybe a Titanium Man, Crimson Dynamo, Mandarin and Spymaster? Where's the Ghost? A Crossbones would be great, if only to go with a Red Skull and a Diamond Back would be nice, too. Where's the Mr. Hyde and Cobra? What about Baron Zemo and the Radioactive Man? The Melter and the evil Black Knight for an original Masters of Evil? Of course we should already have an Enchantress and Executioner for the 2nd incarnation... but we'll OBVIOUSLY get those with all the heroes and villains of Asgard. What about the Shocker? The Lizard? Man Mountain Marko, even?
  15. All right, something to get excited about! These look absolutely wonderful, even taking in to consideration all the part re-use. I hope DST does more stuff like this soon. More new characters, not character variations. These look great and I'll be pickin' up a few sets for sure. Gimme these, Avengers, and that Doc Strange and Namor and I'm good until they get more like this out.
  16. I think the only thing I'm disappointed about is that Series 6 comes out in November and Series 7 doesn't come out until MARCH. Rough chuckles, man.
  17. That they are willing to spend money on Grodd and Clayface sculpted parts vs the same old modifications we've seen in the past with minimates makes give them my money for a case each series.
  18. Were these cancelled altogether (not saying I'm believing it just yet, mind you), I wouldn't be upset at all. I'd miss getting that caretaker hat. But that is absolutely it. Bump the Avengers wave up and get back to comic book character diversity.
  19. This is the only Batman variation that I will be 100% pleased with to see and totally not mind it taking up a slot that another new character could get. It'll only happen this once. haha
  20. SA Atom/Elongated Man Kyle Rayner/Sinestro GA Starman/Alan Scott GL Orion/Darkseid
  21. Not at all what I was hoping for, but I can live with it. I like the new Nightwing and am happy that people can get him and a Flash. Plus it's Barry! Now I don't have to worry about being so careful with my Barry custom. That Batman is really neat even though we've already gotten him before. I hope he doesn't become the Wolverine of the DC stuff but I kinda figure he will. As far as NEW characters go, HOLY SWEET MOSES those look fantastic! GORILLA GRODD! GORILLA GRODD?! WOWWWEEEEEEE! And I can wait for an Adam Strange, confident that Ambush Bug is getting a minimate. Hell, between him and Ma Hunkel I feel secure knowing that an Elongated Man, Atom, Adam Strange and Black Canary are on the way eventually. Way to go DCD for gaining and consistently keeping my trust from faltering. I will continue to buy a case of each series and enjoy everything you put out. Marvel should take note.
  22. If everyone's favorite was made all at once then interest would fizzle? I think after "the drought" plus movie mates plus the drought of official release dates plus more movie mates and now zombie mates it'd be nice for a bone to be thrown to those of us who want actually, 100% new comic book characters. Y'know, before we fizzle off of buying the product.
  23. Some minimates from Invincible would be neat. I wish they'd do a whole Image series so I could get Madman and friends.
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