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Everything posted by Slipperyduckie

  1. Maybe the logo changes sorta Venomish when he has the symbiote ttached to him?
  2. Okay, heres a size comparison with the original custom I made:
  3. Heres my newest custom. It's my first fully painted custom, and it's a 3 inches! May I present: Awsome Andy (version 2) It was made from a Gene Simmons KISS minimate. Of course it doesn't relly match up to anything like luke or antacost's painted customs, and I still need to learn how to put details on it, but I hope you enjoy it.
  4. ow, my tounge hurts now. Or maybe since their are two Spider-man's in that one scene, (before anyone says anything I know it was his reflection), maybe it's the JAckal as the fouth villain and we have a clone saga and Venom in the same movie! :blackspidey: vs. vs. vs. vs. vs.
  5. The trailer is awsome! It stinks that in the the trailer that they only show Harry wearing the testing gear for the goblin glider and not his new suit. I just had a thought...what if Gwen becomes the Black Cat? That would be pretty cool. Or maybe Harry kills Gwen in this one. :blackspidey:
  6. What are you talking about man, that movie was awsome! I mean if you like plots that are as dry as an elephants skin or a desert. That movie was basically to just get some more money from the Superman movie coming out this week anyways.
  7. Either Nightwing or Justice League Batman. But I give it to mym main man who used to wear a speedo...Nightwing!
  8. I never log out and it's fine for me too, wonder whats's going on? Even Spider-Ham is confused! :spiderham:
  9. he's the guy on Superboys left that's extending his next. Remember people, this looks close to what Teen Titans did when it first came out and look how great that turned out. Of course I have never read LOSH but it must be good to get a tv series.
  10. did you have a bad expierience with that man? Welcome!
  11. NOt really man, sorry, you have to do it to a site. I suggest
  12. I have to go with Shadowpact and X-Factor. (IN fact I was actually going to do a Shadowpact during the Summer since I'm getting into the paints and miliput since I got some time now since it's summer. But antacost would probably put mine to shame. )
  13. he's only one man! Let him have some time to rest.
  14. maybe I'm just old fashoned but (regular) Spidey all the way!
  15. Hide these from Timbo or we'll never see the end of them!
  16. Geez, Spider-man is on a rampage : :blackspidey: :spiderham: :spiderman2099: :spideysense2: Great job Fujis!
  17. Yeah, but man if it was a minimate, lets say Angel then it would be: Name:Angel Hair:Angel Torso:Angel Arms:Angel Hands:Angel Crotch:Angel Legs:Angel Feet:Angel Other: Angel wings
  18. I mentioned whoozy here and heres Ady's response. As for Whoozy god knows... stoped returning my emails around the time of their vanishment, hope all is ok.
  19. I remember seeing a couple of custom Tri-Sentinel's on ebay, but not the jcastick showed.
  20. Those are all awsome man, especially the Blue Beetle and Iron Spidey. It's probably a sure bet hes going to be made since their is all this Civil War madness.
  21. I must have magical boyd summoning powers... These must be put to good use. Great to see ya man.
  22. Yeah but is'nt Bishops M painted on? So it might be a challenge to remove it.
  23. Yeah it's a pretty nice set, even the figures cool but they should have had a "The Batman" Batman instead. It was really by luck that I found mine, the guys and gals at my comic shop found it in the back and sold it to me for $15.
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