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Everything posted by Deadpool

  1. I recently played through Resident Evil 3. I'm still working on some of the extra stuff. I still play Halo 3 and Super Smash Bros Brawl all the time. Me and my girlfriend are also playing through Resident Evil 0 together.
  2. No problem. I'm gonna get around to emailing Michael Crawford too. Maybe he could throw up a link.
  3. Hey guys, I emailed the guys at OAFE and they put a link to the auctions in their blog, so if you wanna go to their site and check it out.
  4. Wow Neo. You managed to reference 3 things that sucked (one of them that is only at issue 2, so is still debatable) in the last 70 years. How about we try: Infinite Crisis, Identity Crisis, Hush, 52, Sinestro Corps War... That's 5 to counter yours. I can see now hoe some people get annoyed when you write something off without giving it a chance. Wow guys, MK vs DC sure does suck eh? The 5 seconds of gameplay and 8-10 screenshots REALLY just kill all my faith. I mean, only SIX playable characters! COme on guys, aren't we better than bashing something we know so little about?
  5. 1. As far as licenses go, you guys have made some pretty diverse choices. I know you've said that you're fans of The Man With No Name, but to me it seems that as good as the movie choices have been, there are movies out there that are just as big. Could you give any particular reasons for choices like BTTF, 24, and SOTL? 2. With the return of the oh-so beloved box sets, I have to ask: How are they doing? It seems to me that box-sets would sell as well as a wave, if not better. How do they compare? 3. Why is James Rhodes the variant in Wave 23? He is FAR more recognizable than Tony in the armor. Making him the variant just seems like a pain in the butt for people who want the definitive War Machine. 4. The Hulk Moviemate prototypes seem to have been changed based DIRECTLY on complaints from fans, such as the waist piece. I will also say the Hulk looks really good now! Were these changes really influenced by us? (Will you finally admit our power? ) 5. Do a Deadpool, seriously. Its a heck of a sad world where Tarantula and his pointy shoes get a minimate before Deadpool! Come on, he even resembles Spider-Man somewhat! Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions!
  6. You know, I hate to bring back such an old thread, but my life really is so good that I feel the need to shout about it. My school is far better than it was Freshman year (I switched), and this upcoming year should be even better. I have a ton of friends for once who'll play games with me and don't think I'm completely lame, I've been able to afford a decent amount of stuff, I've got a wonderful girlfriend who accepts my toys completely and is a sort of geek herself, my parents didn't bust my case for grades... I really do feel that my life is as perfect as it needs to be. Anyone else wanna shout about their great life? (or bring back the complaint thread? )
  7. Oh, HELL no... Transformers Mighty Muggs. I'm gonna go broke. I really am. If I get a job, it'll only be for toys. I might have to sell my GIRLFRIEND for toys. Its not fair, all the toy companies listen to fans nowadays and give us what we want. Except Shocker Toys. You have to HAVE fans to listen to them.
  8. Jazz is part of wave 4 along with Swoop, Sentinel Prime and Elite Guard Bumblebee but he's been available on ebay for a while now... Picture of him from my blog along with Soundwave... Jazz is Wave 3, isn't he? Him, Soundwave, Oil Slick, and Snarl are wave 3 deluxes, while Swoop, Sentinel, and Elite Guard BB are all wave 4.
  9. I think it's honestly because these came out when interest in Minimates was still rather relatively low, so they weren't ordered in huge quantities. Now that they're gone, there is much more demand for them.
  10. You guys are. We get A Bridge Too Close next week! I can't wait!
  11. Eh, I don't know. Maybe. I paid 15 bucks at the Gamestop for Megaman anthology, and the other VC NES games are 5 dollars. 15 bucks for just one NES game would seem kind of high at this point. But its not just an NES game! Its Mega Man 9!
  12. They're up high on a shelf in my room. They may not have much play to them, but they make some GREAT display scenes. They are perfectly posed
  13. I have all the G1 ones myself. I skipped all the movie ones save Dispensor (the MD robot, he ROCKS!). I've heard that the Universe ones have shown up somewhere. Anyone else here planning on getting all of those too? I just think that they're far better than the other lines, what with their slavish G1-ness, more so than Classics, IMO.
  14. I'm sure it'll be more than five! It's a complete game, after all. You wouldn't pay 10 or 15?
  15. Needless to say, as a Wii owner and Mega Man fan, I'm pretty stoked. Its basically a new NES game, for the love of God! Thats simply amazing! I'm really shocked, but really glad they ended up going 8-bit for the graphics! That is sweet beyond belief. As of right now its unknown if it'll be for PS3 or 360, but God knows Nintendo needed some third party support, and I'll be damned if Mega Man 9 isn't one heck of a support.
  16. I did win Cell, I believe. I won these: They appear to only be on a French eBay site, but with shipping to the U.S. Some of their items are listed in Euros, some in U.S. dollars. This set, with shipping included, is under $15 U.S., probably because they are cheap-o quality. But still, the Goku and Piccolo looked too good for me to pass by. Here is another one that he posted: Again, thanks to Danez for letting me know about these. I'm really anxious to get them, even if they are knock-offs: Hey, they may be knock-offs but they're damn cheap for kubricks. I'm going to have to save up to get me a Cell then.
  17. Join us. . .you can not resist the Kubrick horde. . . BTW, I just won another DBZ Kub auction that danez clued me into. I'll post some pics and my thoughts on them once they get here. Didja win Cell? I love me some Cell... Man, I seriously cannot stress how awesome DBZ mates would be... TO THE Q&A TO BE A FANBOY!!!
  18. Come on guys! Two days late! Where's the hype for this line?
  19. Nice job on my self-portrait there, though I look a little fat...
  20. Oh snap, there's a Cell one? I'm THIS close to getting into Kubricks... DARN IT!
  21. Man, they could do ANYTHING. There are just sooooo many characters, and outfits, and yadda yadda... It really could last forever.
  22. That would actually make a lot of sense, considering licensing and what not. Actually, the more I think about it the more I realize that Video game Mates would for the most part be best suited to having box sets just like movie mates. Most games on their own don't have big enough casts to sell the waves. Another great idea, if possible, would be to have four packs with four main characters from different games. Imagine having Mario, Kratos, The Master Chief, and Megaman in a four pack. Now THAT would sell like hotcakes.
  23. Dear god they come out too fast. Thank god none of those have shown up here yet... Though I haven't dared check Target for Prime...
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