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God Magnus

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Everything posted by God Magnus

  1. I have a weird feeling that we'll see Martian Manhunter in his new look, if at all. Or maybe they'll go totally crazy and pack him with Jemm, Son Of Saturn. Wait, I got it. Martian Manhunter would be a perfect companion for Despero. Now I'm crossing my fingers for this one.
  2. Colors aside, it's still a very nice figure.
  3. If the glue on yours is as weak as it was on the ones I bought, they'll probably pop open on their own, eventually.
  4. I'm a little bit disappointed that the Batman/Killer Croc set didn't come with any new accessories but, other than that, I really love this wave. The only quality problems I've had with mine is the paint on one of Wonder Woman's thighs is a bit smudged and Batman's mask is extremely hard to take off. It's going to be very difficult waiting until July for the next wave. He actually looks pretty good with Aquaman's hair.
  5. You had that problem too? Try pushing up around the bottom of the mask then kinda wiggle it off by the ears. It took forever to figure that out but it worked and the angry, beat-up Bruce Wayne face underneath is fantastic.
  6. Awesome! Mine just came in the mail today. I pity the fool who don't have this Minimate. Cut down on the jibba jabba and go get yourself one! (Just make sure it's not airmail 'cause he ain't gettin' on no airplane, Hannibal.)
  7. Well, that's really a yes-and-no kinda thing. While that style costume was first introduced in the Justice League cartoon show, it was shortly thereafter adapted into the comics when John got his new ring, cured his "self-inflicted" paralysis, and joined the JLA. This being the case, except for maybe the eyes, I'm more inclined to believe that it's based on his current comic book appearance.
  8. I'm having the same problem. I knew Cage was the wrong guy to be Blaze in the GR movie, but I gave him a chance and he blew it just like I knew he would. Downey would not even be on my list for playing Tony Stark. Its almost as if the producers asked, "who could really blow this role?", and went with it. I don't know guys, Robert Downey Jr. is a very talented actor. That and he has the substance abuse angle going for him. I'm not quite sure why but I feel very comfortable with this movie being in Jon Favreau's hands.
  9. Well, I can't really speak about "ever" so I'll just do this based on the few (40+) that I have so far. Worst: Racer X. The way they did the head just makes him look tiny. Plus, the mouth area on the one I have is about a quarter inch off center. Very sloppy. Best: Blue Beetle! Ted Kord has been one of my two favorite comic book characters, along with Dick Grayson (oh, how I wish I had a C3 Nightwing!), since I started reading comic books. The only way this figure would have been better is if it came with hair. I'm still trying to find a hairpiece that I think looks good on him. A couple are close (Riot Attack Spider-Man's hair for example) but out of all the ones I've tried so far, none seem to fit quite right.
  10. I am so happy that Deathstroke comes with hair. Now I'm more excited than ever for this wave!
  11. me too, and she made me try tofu ... so I dumped her, well, there were other reasons too. I dated vegan a girl that made me try tofu. That's how I found out that I'm alergic to soy.
  12. 44 after two weeks. 51 if you count what I have on the way in the mail.
  13. I bought the new edition of "Revenge of the Nerds" last week and I finally got around to watching it today. It's been a while since I've seen this movie unedited so a few scenes seemed completely different from my memory. Anyway, I'd say the value is great at $14.99 but I saw a $19.99 box set of all four movies at Target two days after I bought it so I returned the one I had and got the set (even though 3 and 4 are crappy TV movies). As far as extras go, this one packs quite a bit into one disc. The "I'm a nerd and I'm pretty proud of it" featurette was well done and provides some wonderfull insight by some of the cast and director. The deleted scenes were a big surprise that would have taken some parts of the movie in a very different direction. I haven't listened to the commentary yet. Also included on the DVD is the pilot for the "Revenge of the Nerds" TV series. It was so awful and I'm very glad it never aired. It even included the guy that played Oliver on "The Brady Bunch" as Booger.
  14. He missed Hawkgirl and I'm pretty sure Geo Force is going to be the mystery 11th character that Meltzer has alluded to in Wizard interwiews. Unless he's just a red herring. Well, I just read it and I must say I really like the personal interactions Brad Meltzer sets up between the characters. I was a bit confused by some of the pages being out of order but it was still a good read. I really don't think the trophy room shot spoiled 52.
  15. Cool! If they're still there next week, I'll probably grab a case.
  16. I got my Masterpiece Megatron today! Unmodified and no problems with US Customs. It is beautiful!
  17. You shall not be disappointed, my friend. I got mine a few months ago.
  18. My grails: Minimates; C3 Mini Flyers Other: Loose, complete Metrotitan (Japanese only repaint of Transformers G1 Metroplex Recently acquired: Masterpiece Ultra Magnus, Wal-Mart exclusive Transmetal Rattrap, New Teen Titans #2
  19. A quick custom of Oracle. Ginas head and torso will be perfect. oh now i see why you needed a spare wheelchair! :biggrin: Haha! You caught me. I actually got your package today. I'll leave a +1 for you in the feedback thread. Thanks, homie! Well, considering we're getting a Barbara Gordon Batgirl in wave 3 and they seem to be concentrating on the costumed characters, I'm choosing to not hold my breath on this one. I do agree that we'll see an official Oracle eventually, though.
  20. A quick custom of Oracle. Ginas head and torso will be perfect.
  21. Carded simply refers to a toy that is packaged in a plastic "bubble" (also sometimes called a "shell") that is glued to a piece of cardboard. Toys that are packaged in this way that are unopened are usually refered to as "carded" or MOC (Mint On Card).
  22. Thanks to the list and some unexpected free time today, I am officially collecting Battlestar Galactica Minimates. The first (and closest) store that I tried had a full set of wave one including the variant and the Cylon 5-pack. Now I just need to hope that I can find two Ginas when wave two hits and one of my custom ideas will be complete.
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