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God Magnus

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Everything posted by God Magnus

  1. I had a blast! I got my pics up if anybody wants to see them. General BotCon pics. In and around Cincinnati. People in costumes. Custom contest entries. The Hasbro showcases. Some of my haul.
  2. I'm so glad I got two sets. From the first one I opened, the "A" on Cap's mask is printed way off to one side.
  3. Botcon was amazing! It was so awesome to see the new product reveals at the Hasbro pannel first hand. I have tons of pics that I'll be putting up very soon. I managed to find some of the Animated toys at a WalMart. A lot of the dealers had cleaned out many of the stores and were charging $20 for the deluxes and $30 for the Voyagers. I was able to find the Prime/Megatron 2-pack, all four wave 1 deluxes (Wal-Mart just happened to wheel out a fresh case while we were there), and Bulkhead. I'm so glad I found some at retail.
  4. I got mine today, as well. I haven't opened them, yet. I think I might save that for the drive down to BotCon tomorrow morning.
  5. Currently just Transformers and any Green Lantern figures from DC Direct. I also have a bunch of the DC Direct 13" Deluxe figures and I'm still debating on getting into the DCUC line. Series 1 doesn't do a whole lot for me but Series 2 and 3 look too cool to pass up.
  6. Here's the report from Wizard: Link to the source.
  7. Two sets are now on their way into my grubby hands. I really need to wash my hands.
  8. He lives in Cincinnati. Hasbro is using Cinci as an early test market for Animated since BotCon is there this year.
  9. That made me so angry! Than you sir were alone
  10. I just about fell out of my chair when I read that Heroes bit. I was thinking about picking up the Mezco line when they announced the line-up for series 2 but now, hopefully, I'll be able to get me Heroes toy fix in Minimate form. Awesome to the max!
  11. Put me in for an Elf Spock, please.
  12. Anybody else going to BotCon? It's only a week away and I'm starting to get very excited! Hasbro has confirmed that Cincinnati area retail stores are getting Animated toys early due to BotCon. I hope to find some while I'm there.
  13. Yeah, they're pretty much everywhere. Target is usually great with their exclusives (unlike a certain "Mart" which I shall not speak of). The four available are Bumblebee, Barricade, Brawl, and Jazz. Barricade comes with a red Frenzy, which goes very nicely with the blue one that came with Recon Barricade. That one's worth picking up just for that and the others are worth grabbing if you can't find the original releases anywhere.
  14. BigBadToyStore has just started a massive inventory sale with over 5,000 items at 15% off. Many Minimates items are on sale including Marvel, BSG, 24 and more! There even seems to be a few items that haven't been in stock in quite some time. Check it out and save save save!!! Oh, and the sale ends Wednesday at 12 noon CDT.
  15. BSG Wave 2 is available on clearance at BBTS for $15.99.
  16. Excellent! That'll be just what I need for a Barry Allen. Two sets it is, then.
  17. Cancelling preorders at BBTS shouldn't be a problem if you decide to go through someplace else. Stuckakid has had them back in stock for about a week or two.
  18. It's a repaint of George McFly's from the 1955 2-pack The George McFly piece was on the proto art figure, but I think that this one if Biff's. I think it might be Biff's. George's hair is pointy in the back.
  19. Preorders for Encore #11: Skywarp and Thundercracker and Encore #12: Metroplex are up at BBTS!
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