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Everything posted by Binaryan

  1. Just hit another local TRU and scored the entire set... including Hulkbuster IM plus an extra Psylocke/Lockjaw! If anyone is in need of a Betsy/Lockjaw 2-pack... let me know and maybe we can work out a trade!
  2. I would similarly like to put out an APB on stealth, moarter and mine cylons. Any help would be appreciated. If any one is interested in 2 Raiders (sans cylons) LMK. I'm willing to let them go/trade cheap. I picked up Tory/Anders and Simon/Ellen packs today. At this price, I couldn't resist! Some nice civilian looks for customs. Perhaps a V John May minimate? Anyone else think it's weird that both Tory and Ellen are barefoot?
  3. I just picked up the Crimson Dynamo and Silver Iron Man (Go WCA!) Funny thing on my Iron Man... the very cool red metallic paint has stained the edges of Tony's face, leaving pale red marks along the edges. It's a great Minimate mug... but now he looks like he has a weird suntan or is really embarrassed! Speaking of DST and quality control... has anyone gotten any kind of response from DST Customer Service recently? I sent them an email about a missing part and never heard back. Seems like things in that department have kind of trailed off since DSTMatt was let go.
  4. Good point. The bulky suit seems to be a giveaway. Astral Plane Prof X. (isn't that when he wore the black jumpsuit? Was it when he was with Lilandra?) is a very possible alt. look. But I think the "safari" jacket is more likely. I was actually in the middle of a Prof. X hoverchair custom when this wave was announced. I stopped midway to see if they went with the suit or the safari jacket. I'm hoping they give us a two-fer here as well. If not, the torso from a BSG Galen Tyrol will work pretty well for a quick custom.
  5. I think Domino is sporting the hairpiece from BSG Kendra Shaw.
  6. I couldn't agree more! This is a major letdown and I pray that these are early prototypes and we see some significant tweaks prior to the actual release. - Jubilee - Hopefully she will get a chest tampo, more detailed "shorts" and actual sunglasses like the Doc Brown specs, cast in clear pink plastic, preferably. Her facial expression should be more... jubilant. Or at least snarky. Plus fireworks, definitely. - Bishop - Not bad. It looks like they used the same hairpiece as Capt. Britain/Archangel... which is fine by me. I like that they did use the shoulder and sleeve cuffs... but this figure needs a sculpted scarf and a big ole gun to really shine. A darker blue wouldn't hurt either. - Magneto - What an odd choice. I don't despise this costume but it was more an 80s look than a 90s look and was very short-lived. I'd have preferred Forge or an Australian era Rogue... and if they wanted to add a villain (always a welcome idea) someone like Omega Red or Stryfe were more significant to the era. - Wolverine - The obligatory Wolverine. UGH. I agree that an updated brown costume would have been preferable. Or how about Logan's Patch look from his Madripoor days with dark blue bodysuit? Or maybe a true Weapon X look with headgear? Even a Team X costume would be preferable to this "battle-damaged" look. The only thing that could save this? A giant X to shackle him to to recreate the cover to Uncanny X-Men #251! Remember the hyper-level of new sculpting and detail we saw for the Champions and Thunderbolts sets? Even Dark Avengers had tons of new stuff. This paired with the X-Force exclusive set equals 8 new figures with nary a newly sculpted piece in the bunch! It makes "exclusive" feel more like "re-tread" and just seems cheap. I realize you need to cut costs where you can but when there are customs out there with more thoughtful re-use of parts and character accurate details/expressions... DST should be a little embarrassed, IMO.
  7. I don't know about Minimates but the Night Tour of Alcatraz is a lot of fun. Be sure to book ahead of time. I live in the East Bay and have not had much luck locating 'Mates in SF. There is a single toy shop in Japantown that had a couple of box sets. There are no Toys R Us stores in the City itself sadly. If you make it to Oakland, there's a great shop called Dr. Comics and Mr. Games that has a nice selection (except for the ones I've already snatched up).
  8. I agree completely with these three and would also add: - Invisible Woman - Thing - She-Hulk - Bishop - 616 Nick Fury - Luke Cage
  9. The sign of a good 'Mate custom for me... is how much it makes me wish there were an offical version for me to snatch up! Yours make me LONG for an Alpha Flight Box set! Kudos to you!
  10. Interesting announcement today... Cartoon Network has a new THUUNDERCATS animated series in the works for 2011!! THUNDERCATS 2011 I'd love to see DST snag a Minimates license! At the very least a box set with Lion-O, Panthro, Cheetara and Tygra and a villains set with Jackalman, Slithe, Vultureman and Monkian. Then you could do Mumm-Ra and Jaga and Wilykit and Wilykat as two packs!
  11. Wow. Cable and Deadpool!?! I wouldn't have been shocked if they included one or the other for broader marketing appeal... but BOTH!?! I'm glad to see Domino and Feral but sad that we're not getting a Cannonball or Shatterstar in the set. That said, these all look pretty decent. I'm not a fan of Domino's clenched facial expression, particularly given her more tongue-in-cheek portrayal these days. A cocky smirk would have been preferably. Her hairpiece is a bit odd as well. First Appearance Deadpool looks good and while I prefer the original issue, this one is all right. Feral looks spot on, though clawed hands would have worked better. Is that a new chest piece or a reuse of Nightcrawler's? Cable's facial expression is great but a fully sculpted V chest piece would have made this a much more dynamic looking 'Mate. Is the belt piece with the overstuffed pouches on Dom and 'Pool a new sculpt? Very Liefeld-esque.
  12. I'd suggest Movie Deadpool, Noh-Varr, the SHIELD Agent or maybe Apollo or Helo from BSG
  13. I'd love to see one of the following: NEW X-MEN: - Anole - Rockslide - Pixie - Dust (maybe Mercury or Armor?) YOUNG AVENGERS: - Wiccan - Hulkling - Patriot - Kate Bishop MOST WANTED AVENGERS: - Mockingbird - Tigra - Black Knight - Falcon NEW DEFENDERS: - Hellcat - Hellstorm - Gargoyle - Moondragon
  14. I'm hoping we get the whole Royal Family. Maybe if there's an FF/Inhumans Wave they could have an Alpha Primitive army builder with a Maximus variant
  15. I was thinking a purple version of either Menace's hairpiece or Jean Grey's from the first appearance box set. Heck, I'd even accept a purple version of the hair from the movie Black Widow. That'd look fierce in a lighter shade!
  16. I'd love to see a LABYRINTH set with Jareth, Sarah, Ludo and Hoggle. FIFTH ELEMENT would rock! Imagine Korben Dallas, Leeloo (in her two iconic costumes, Ruby Rhod, Zorg, a Mangalore mercenary and Plavalaguna who could make the coolest looking 'Mate ever!) GLEE is such a hot obvious choice! Imagine a basic box set with Rachel, Mercedes, Kurt and Finn... plus a Cheerios box set with Quinn, Santana, Brittany and Sue Sylvester. Unlike a lot of TV properties, GLEE's characters have very distinctive looks and costumes that would translate well to 'Mate form. STAR WARS... the only Universe of characters with the depth that Marvel and DC offers. I'd give my eye teeth for a Luke, Han, Chewbacca, Leia boxed set. Or a Power of the Dark Side Box Set with Vader, the Emperor, Darth Maul and Count Dooku. The options are so endless it blows my fanboy mind! A series of movie and music icons would be cool. Who wouldn't want 'Mates of the Beatles (classic and Sgt. Pepper gear), a James Dean and Marilyn Monroe 2-pack, and Elvis Through the Ages (classic, Jailhouse Rock, black leather jumpsuit and rhinestones in Vegas!) plus Madonna through the Ages (Like a Virgin, Material Girl, gold cone bras, Vogue) and of course, Michael Jackson (Billie Jean look, Thriller, Bad) Kick-Ass... c'mon. Who wouldn't want a box set of Kick-Ass, Hit-Girl, Big Daddy and Red Mist?!?
  17. You can view them all at the Minimate Database at this link: HAMMER Drones The match up seems pretty obvious to me...
  18. my guess is the line up will be ------------------------------------ ironman(bleeding edge(is that what its called?) reborncap(unless they put him in the other set) and 2 people from the avengers academy or something Hmmmm... well that explains the absence of Cap's new "Super-Soldier" look in the "Through the Ages" box set. I agree that Cap and Iron Man are shoe-ins for this set. Other possibilities.... - Secret Avengers Beast - New Avengers/Thunderbolts Luke Cage - Hank Pym as Wasp - Tigra - Justice - Modern Hawkeye (new series) - Modern Mockingbird (new series) - Gorilla-Man (oddly present in print ads) I pray there's no Spidey or Wolverine in this set since at least with Cap and Iron Man these are all-new looks. If I had to choose, I'd go with Tigra and Luke Cage to round this set out. Beast has seen a lot of new 'Mates in the last year as has Hank Pym. The last attempt at Luke Cage was pretty sad and this would be a great time to slip Tigra into the mix. Plus, she and Cage would not be likely to require extensive new sculpted pieces to make a convincing 'Mate.
  19. I support this message. (That is, as long as Shatterstar/Rictor were as easy to find as the last 4 TRU exclusives...) (And, even though I'd rather have a current X-Force Domino. Even though I already do. Can we put Feral in that 4-pack, instead?) I think we're looking at a Domino, Shatterstar, Cannonball, Feral set. A Stryfe/Boom-Boom 2-pack would rock... though I'm not sure which look they'd use for Boomer.
  20. Interesting that this offering was so poorly publicized. I wonder if DSTMatt's position handled most of the publicity/web presence? I'm guessing that this set will be a prelude to the CAPTAIN AMERICA movie and then we'll see a Wave of movie-Mates (Cap, Red Skull, Bucky, Peggy Carter, etc.) and then DST will follow up with the long awaited comic version supporting cast (Sharon Carter, Falcon, a couple of new villains).... just like how they're currently releasing IRON MAN related product.
  21. I'm surprised we didn't get a Nomad variation as it is one of Cap's more distinct alternate looks: His get-up from SECRET WAR could have been cool as well:
  22. We've seen that version already: click here. And a 90's Professor X without his hover-chair is like Ghost Rider without...oh nevermind. I wonder if Prof X will be in a suit or his more rugged khaki jumpsuit with the x-symbols on the sleeves? I'm hoping that Warpath is a bulked up 90s version to complement the Liefeld era X-Force set (Shatterstar, Domino, Feral, Cannonball?)
  23. The real question is... is there enough left from IRON MAN 2 to do an additional wave? Seems like they've pretty much tapped the core characters (IM, War Machine, Black Widow, Fury, Whiplash, Pepper and Happy). Personally, I have a hard time envisioning enough "hidden" characters/incarnations to merit another wave of Minimates... Me? I'd rather see a Classic Foes line that used comic incarnations of Whiplash, Madame Masque, Blizzard, MODOK and the obligatory armor variant (Hulkbuster? Pepper Potts as Rescue? The newly released Heroic Age armor?)
  24. This wave does look nice but I'm not a completist when it comes to movie variations. I passed on the Borders exclusives but did snag a TRU Black Widow 2-Pack today, She looks great now that I've added the red widow symbol to her belt. I have a spare 2-pack if anyone is in need.
  25. I tried the Beast fix and it came out GREAT! I used a sharp knife to cut down the narrow end of the "furred" extension and then drilled out the middle so that it forms a nice cuff. This left some white plastic showing where the hands/claws connect, which I covered with a blue permanent marker. While I had it out, I also did a quick "wash" treatment on Beast's hairpiece, carefully avoiding his cute pointy ears. This added some nice contrast and makes his ears stand out more. This took this from a 7 out of 10 figure to a near perfect one, IMO!
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