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Everything posted by Navaan

  1. I think they will sell in comic stories. Anything Marvel Zombies has sold in my local area. I know some folks aren't pleased, but I think this will do alright enough.
  2. I just bought a couple of Hand ninjas and called it good... NOT THAT I WOULD MIND BUYING ACTUAL RED NINJAS! But if they were going to do a troop builder, dream one for me would be- Viper, Cobra Trooper, BAT, Crimson Guard. Do a 4 pack, add some swap out pieces to make a Trooper officer or a female Crimson Guard and female Trooper torso and head, price it at 40-50 bucks and It will sell JUST fine. I would buy five of them, myself.
  3. It wasn't the criticism, it was the form. I don't agree with the criticism, because as someone who worked in the toy industry, in retail, I understand that with the cost of licenses, plus rising scarcity of materials, rising cost of production, global shortages and fewer storefronts for distribution, prices need to go up for the line to stay profitable and continue to be made. It is just reality. If someone disagrees with that? Fair enough. They don't need to flood a bunch of angry messages and memes and be rude to and pester the guy, though.
  4. Exactly. A very deep character roster, and I feel the Dreads need those five (Zartan, Zarana, Buzzer, Ripper, Torch) to feel complete. If you wanna add more, I put in Road Pig, Zandar, Burnout, Heartwrencher, Zanya, Gnawhyde, Thrasher, Monkeywrench, Zanzibar as the remaining in most important to least important order. While Burnout, Heartwrencher and Zanya are newer characters, they add diversity, which is mega important IMHO. Also, saw your quote; I made a Shang Chi out of some random martial arts looking pants I had (like from a gi), and then Ryu with some different hair and sneakers. Serviceable, but would love a legit one.
  5. I am stating you're acting hypocritical and that your response is tone deaf. I didn't call you a jerk, or an a-hole, or anything else. And stating your opinions is one thing, tossing out memes at the poor guy isn't helpful to the conversation. Maybe take a breath? Chill? Relax? You come across as really, really worked up right now, friendo.
  6. I didn't call any names. I just asked that you not toss memes and push away a company rep who has been really kind in his interactions to us. And really? Gatekeeping because I never signed up? Kind of an overreaction, don't you think?
  7. Absolutely hypocritical and completely tone deaf. But alright. Think what you will, I tried. Mods can deal with this, I guess. Have a good night. I hope you find some minimates to your liking in both offering and price.
  8. You're harassing an employee of a product line in the public forum of the product line fandom. I'd argue that your business is pretty out in the open. Please? Just let it go.
  9. It's not coming off as a joke. And shitposting- "the activity of posting deliberately provocative or off-topic comments on social media, typically in order to upset others or distract from the main conversation." I am politely begging you to stop and let it go. Please?
  10. Friend, seriously, *can you stop?* Regardless of how we feel about the price increase, prices in the world are going up, there are less places and chances for minimates to get out there to stores, and the options are either DST makes money to justify the creation of the toys, or we don't get them. You memeing to harass the guy from the company who has been VERY KIND to answer questions in one of the last bastions for the fandom is just not helping your reputation, or our ability to talk to one of the few people who are actually talking to customers. Hiya, Hasbro, Mattel could learn a thing or two from Zach. And you're over here shitposting the poor guy because the world is getting crappy and a toyline is trying to stay afloat. Seriously. Please stop.
  11. Not including announced characters, the ones I think are NEEDED- Joes- Flint, Lady Jaye, Tunnel Rat, Spirit, Shipwreck. Cover Girl Cobra- Tomax, Xamot, Zartan, Zarana, Buzzer, Ripper, Torch, Firefly, Mindbender
  12. ReAction figures are insulting, to me. Only reason they are successful is they are cheap as heck to make, and once the license is paid for, they just make easy money with the sheer volume. Personal opinion, but I would much rather pay for non-retro styled figures in the 4" range of TMNT, Universal Studio Monsters, etc at $30 bucks a pop, as opposed to 'barely moves' figures at $20.
  13. Wait, not Dawn Moreno, right? I think she started out as a Cobra agent, but maybe she started as a Cobra citizen, I honestly cannot recall.
  14. I swear to gosh, if it is Drag Snake-Eyes, Shipwreck, Polly, Timber, Candy (I think that was her name) and, like, a Cobra Trooper, I am gonna throw hands.
  15. Do it. I saw some guy do a miniature Ghost Hawk for the GI Joe RP game, and man, that is tempting.
  16. AND AT LAST! The HISS for my Cobras is complete! ... I had this thing for, like, four months, and just now finally finished painting it. It was an old Sigma Six mini battle pack one. Looks great! It came in red, though, and nah, not for a main tank, so black it is!
  17. Welllp, this did not go well. My efforts to resolve my issues with TFAW failed, and they have decided to charge me overnight shipping I never wanted, nor that they ever provided. Guess it is up to the bank, but the minimates were worth the trouble (I ended up getting them from my local comic book store).
  18. There was the Walking Dead one- Dwight- and then a Uruk Hai with one, and then Varric from Dragon Age had Bianca.
  19. And yeah, this. It's fine,and while I don't want to tell folks how to feel, I think this is a fair call. The stuff sold out. It was a huge hit. This is allowing people to catch up on the main characters, figure accurate V2 Snake-Eyes, cartoon CC, shoulderpads Tommy and a darker Scarlett (often how she is shown in art and merchandise, figures vary in color). This is a win-win. Now. If we get to series 6 and there are five different Snake-Eyes'.... V1 and V4 and done, tops. ^-^
  20. Working on him! Not putting insane effort into him, but all I need is a penguin head and a mouse drawn on his face and I'll be satisfied with my rendition. ^-^ And thanks, I was pleased with Big Boa!
  21. You know, that Sargent slaughter idea isn't bad
  22. And here we have the Cobras... Cobra Commander Baroness Destro Storm Shadow Zartan Firefly Major Bludd Blackout Dr. Knox Tomax Xamot Munitia Zarana Buzzer Torch Ripper Burn Out Road Pig Heartwrencher Night Adder Mad Monk Overkill Crimson Asp Flying Scorpion Guillotine Demming (from the old cartoon) Lt. Clay Moore (another cartoon character I enjoyed) Sei-Tin Night Creeper Leader/Aleph (probably my best one) Interrogator (one of my oddball favorites; I went with his Plague Trooper look) Big Boa (pretty proud of this one) Wild Weasel Ghost Bear Raptor (my Joeverse is an updated white collar criminal and hedge fund crook and master hacker with eccentricities) Scalpel (mine kinda sucks) Copperhead Four bad Vipers Two Red Ninjas Plans in place for Shadow Tracker, Tombstone, Mindbender (never liked him, but eh, needed), Crystal Ball and MAYBE a version of Vypra. Ideas for Gnawhyde and Zandar, too, but kinda debating if I care enough for the two of them.
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