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Everything posted by Reideen1313

  1. Huh!! we just had a page of posts talking about AF Spidey and you are suddenly talking about the Spymaster mini. I'd love a Crimson Dynamo or Mandarin Minimate BUT the storyline where those versions of the 'warmachine armor' were introduced had spymaster as the major villain so he IS a perfect fit... I really dont see what the fuss is about. Manderin and Crimson Dynamo are much more Tony Stark bad guys than Jim Rhodes ones. T. Don't sweat it T. we are a fickle bunch...first we demand obscure characters, then when we get em, we A don't buy em and B bitch about em, because they didn't make someone else instead. we must all remember you can't please all of the people all of the time. In the meantime, enjoy what we DO have and thats one to grow on Best response ever MOC. Nicely done.
  2. Six of One will be up on's site for an early showing today at noon (eastern). (They're running a Dr Who marathon right now. I'm assuming it's leading up to the premier ep of Sara Jane Adventures tonight. Gotta say, I love Rose.)
  3. While I'm sad to hear she's moving on, I have to assume she has her reasons and that she's doing what's right for her.
  4. Maybe there saving Tot for the end of the line and there making a half-melted Tot variant. I like tots. I admit, Sonic makes some mean cheesy tots.... Toht on the other hand was one mean mother....
  5. Here's Luke's pics:
  6. Can we make it so certain posters always have to have 5 more posts before they can start threads?
  7. Just got done checking them out over at RTM Luke. Really top notch stuff, as always!! Great job representing the community!!
  8. He said 'partsy' which we all know means to bluff. You guys were probably playing cards and he cheated...
  9. Ah ha. Sorry. I should've known you'd have already checked there first.
  10. Thanks Shane. That helps with the size thing. I wonder if all the upcoming IM mates will be this tall....
  11. You might check with SillyGooser - he recently had one on ebay that didn't sell.
  12. Just curious. Is Iron Man taller than Smart Hulk?
  13. So they're stealing the concept from BSG? No wonder I don't read/buy comics anymore. (My Beyonder comment was a joke - I had no idea he'd recently made an appearance. Just thought based on the clues in this thread, logically he'd fit.)
  14. I've been catching up on BSG this week, thanks to Sci Fi showing back to back episodes prior to the 1st ep of the final season. Unfortunately I'm the only sci fi geek in my house, so my time to see BSG (and Dr Who) is limited... I'm guessing the only way I can see Razor is on DVD at this point? Regardless, I'm in for a case of the Cylons. Probably just a set of the regular figs.
  15. Those are fantastic! Did you just attach magnets to their capes? (They'll go well with my LEGO magnetic figures.)
  16. Gotta agree with Timbo. They are very pretty. IMO, they're very fragile though. Aside from a White Queen fig being broken right out of the package, these are the only mates I've ever had breakage on. I think I've lost 4 or 5 due to knee joints breaking apart.
  17. Yes. They have released a Lost Tomb set. If you zoom in on the set and then zoom in on the grey hieroglyphics, you'll see a little surprise there... Here's everything that's out currently: I know of 4 more sets due to be out around the time the movie is released.
  18. Has he been looking at sets that haven't been released yet? There are some from the movie yet to be shown here in the US. A couple of those could fit the description if you can tell me a bit more about what's in it. It could be the Jungle Duel set - that one deals mostly with a sword fight (although Indy isn't involved). The Jungle Cutter set looks AWESOME, but I don't think Indy comes with any swords in that one. (A bazooka, but no swords.) LMK and I'll see what I can dig up.
  19. You guys have seen the Bi Beast proto that showed up on ebay recently, right? I'll probably pick up a few I want - Bi Beast, Valkyrie, Absorbing Man and Wendigo - and leave the rest. Son of Hulk, King Hulk and Red King just don't do anything for me. The McG Hulk is going to be an impulse buy at best. Doc hasn't ever been a character I've been able to get into, so he's going to be passed over by me as well. (Not to mention, I don't really like the sculpt on him.)
  20. DC Direct won't be of any assistance. They'll direct you back to the store where you purchased their product.
  21. Trek classic and BSG classic are both a draw for me. Maybe Trek would be a slight notch higher. New BSG vs new Trek? No contest. BSG hands down.
  22. I know this is, for all intents and purposes, the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii thread, but thought I'd mention Professor Layton and the Curious Village is a very fun game for the DS. I've recently rediscovered my DS by trading in a crapload of old stuff and getting some fun titles to pass my free time. Prof Layton is one of those I've picked up. Very good story, great animation, music is not too annoying (like sometimes repetitive music can be) and it's challenging at times.
  23. Starro is the big starfish responsible for the formation of the Justice League in the pages of Brave & the Bold: One of my fav Starro arcs: A boy in NY (IIRC) found a piece of Starro while fishing. Some starfish can regenerate from a single arm and Starro apparently has this ability. Once he regenerated, he started taking over the inhabitants of NY. The most powerful members of the JLA fell under his spell.
  24. This came out this week: It will be behind my DC 'mates if I can find one at a reasonable price.
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