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Everything posted by NINTENDOwii

  1. Neo is right about how you play games. For example, I layed down 60 bucks for Fable 2. Looking back on that, I realized that I should have rented it, but cannot due to the fact that I have the game. So with that said, my pre-christmas goal is to keep playing Fable 2(Don't forget CoD 4 also) untill christmas. On the other note, Gears of War 2 is coming out on Friday and is allready getting good reviews. I know that I will buy this game but wait a while and avoid the rush of First-day release.
  2. I am really surprised that Fallout 3 is that short. Maybe the lack of online competitive multiplayer makes games seem longer than they are. I know that Gears of War 2 is going to keep me in front of my X-Box for a very very long time once I get it. Right now for the sub-mainstream games and some mainstream games, I might start making more stops to Blockbuster (movie and game rental place) or just get Gamefly.
  3. Yeah, that was another complain that I had with Fable 2, ITS TOO SHORT! It took me a week to beat and to buy the castle. The length was the only disappointing factor of the game though.
  4. Got done with Fable 2 over the weekend. Overall THE GAME IS A MUST PLAY! Seriously at least rent it if you are not sure on pushing $60 towards a new game. Like everything that is good though, it has some bad aspects. 1)Crowds- I found myself going around the game (Mostly Bowerstone Market) and getting trapped in by a ocean of people. This is annoying beacuse there is no way that you can weave through people like GTA 4 of Assassin's Creed and you have to kill them just to make it to your next spot. Very bad if you want to be "Good" in Fable 2. 2)Jobs- They just get boring over a while and make you wish that you didn't have to work to make $$$ Other than that, this game is awesome. From the scale of the game world to the expressions to the weapons and to all of the things you can buy, this game is worth while. OVERALL SCORE: 9.0 PS: Time to play through Fable 2 again, see you in Albion!
  5. Well in 2 hours I will be playing Fable 2. Overall it has gotten good reviews and looks like one of the many games to play this holiday season. See you in Albion!
  6. It was just announced that FABLE 2 wouldn't have xbox live multiplayer from the start, but will get the multiplayer about a week later for DLC. My guess is that it would be free, considering the Monyleux said it would come when the game shipped. But enough of that. My thought that it would be cool for all of the people who get FABLE 2 before the xbox live multiplayer comes out to have a contest to see who can make the most money in the game. And then once the multiplayer is up, we could go into each others' worlds and see where we stand amongst other multiverse members. Please feel free to post any of your thoughts on the "contest". PS: Fable 2 still comes with offline co-op!!! But the bad thin is that it will be like the lego games, as where both players share the same screen.
  7. I have just pre-ordered my copy of Fable 2. Has anyone else done the same? That game just seems to be getting better and better by the day. Oh BTW 24 more days left untill the release of FABLE 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Yeah.... October is gonna be great. I most definitely will get Fable 2 and maybe Rock Band 2. As for now, I might pick up Gears of War over the weekend after I get back from the Cross Country meet up in Jacksonville.
  9. I second that! I must say that I visit that that site at least once a day! I am addicted!
  10. Amen to that Brutha! I <3 LOVE <3 the head/hair that you used for Niko! My plan is that I will make a few gta IV custums by Thanksgiving !
  11. Syphon's filter, Logans Shadow got good reviews. And another copy of a lego game could't hurt much
  12. Pretty awesome, if you ask me. But Tim, you left out the Zombie Iron Man!
  13. Can't agree with you more, no offense to any DC fans, I still love ya too! Allthough I have also been cutting down on my purchases recently so I can save up for some of the newer mates coming out and a PS3!
  14. Look for a demo in August, along with a demo of ........... STARWARS: Force Unleashed!!!!!!! I am looking forwards to The new StarWars game because of the sheer amount of things you can pull off with the force.
  15. More Captain America, dont forget to put a Red Skull in there also!
  16. Forget Scarecrow,put a Bruce Wane.....or....... Insted make there be the "The Dark Knight" Wave of dc minimates: Batman+Joker Two Face+Gordon Harvy Dent+Rachel Daws Bruce Wane+Lucious Fox (Screw Alfred, I want a Morgan Freeman Mate! )
  17. The Mastermind behind the STARWARS movies decides to make the Lord of the Rings Movies. Very funny, esp. if you think George Lucus has no new ideas on how to make movies...
  18. (waves hand)Pass, Good movie please!
  19. I can't make it this year- too much XC pracitice and a Slipkont concert to attend to..... might be able to make it next year
  20. Can/Where could I get this FIRST Gears of War Demo????
  21. I might get a PS3 this Christmas, when the 80gig finally gets its price drop to be $400. But I will stay play most of my games on the xbox, the only games I wan is Resistance 2 and Killzone 2.
  22. About time someone on this dang board agreed w/me... What do you mean "gears of War" demo? If there is one up somewhere then please let me know asap!
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