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I am publishing a book.

TM2 Dinobot

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I... don't think i started a thread on this. I am sharing this because we are close knit, as far as internet communities go. I have written a book (actually I am working on my 4th one) and now need to find a publisher. I kind of wanted to do this by the book, so to speak. Send out a letter, get a positive response and sell it on my very first try, thus snubbing all the people who say "Writing is hard work. You struggle for years to get published." I now realize the fantasy of that situation. I just don't like writers. :P My mother kept encouraging me to ask for help, saying "It's not how you write but who you know."

Well, I'm reaching out. If anyone knows anything about the publishing biz, please LMK. If you know people in it, mention me to them. I just need a foot in the door, people.

About the book: It is a Young Adult fantasy novel. Very slightly allegorical. It could be viewed as a blend between Narnia and Star Wars. It is the first in a series of 7 books (maybe 6), that focus on 13 year old Cale Tannor. You know what? Here, just read the blurb.

Thirteen year old Cale Tannor’s life was a sheltered one. He’d never even been off his farm, until the night his family was murdered in a mass attack. While escaping the tragedy in his homeland, he forms a bond with the last Spirit Sword, one of the legendary talking swords of old. He is joined by a beautiful Indian princess, and a one-eyed ex-Ranger. As the last Imperial Knight in existence, Cale and his friends must work to unravel the mystery of the Night of Sorrow, and save their land. But first they must stay alive. Can they overcome the forces of evil to accomplish this quest?
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Hey, good luck with that TM2! Can't say I know of any good publishers over there, though some of the genre fiction-based independent presses might be a good start. (I wouldn't really know, I just browse the Tor and Strange Horizons sites every now and then.)

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You are fortunate Dino has never been easier to publish a book. Why not just publish it on the Internet ? Failing that,thanks to short-run digital printing you can circumvent a publisher altogether & get a run printed yourself. Distribution is the crux .......publishers have networks but then so do you,friends (? :D ....sorry),neighbours . I'm not too hot on books when it comes to classics & their authors but I do recall that a guy called Charles Dickens published much of his early stuff in periodicals which caught the attention of his contemporaries who ,like me, never really 'did' books but had the time to read Try the Internet ,try it on a blog,Twitter or somesuch platform which will allow you a certain amount of exposure & immediate feedback .

Finally be careful to date everything you write ,make hard /paper copies seal them in envelopes & send them to yourself via the mail & keep them unopened. You live in an age where everything copiable IS & if your idea is a winner then at least you stand a chance of proving it was YOUR idea.

Good luck.

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Sounds nice. Don't forget about us little guys when the movies come out! ;)

Seriously, good luck with this, man. Maybe you can try contacting Scholastic or Knopf Inc.? This might help, too:

Edited by fnwebslinger
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Looks great so far, I like the blurb and would love to read more!

as for publishing, I have the stack of rejection letters for my book, most that say they would love to publish my poems, if I had a few books under my belt already...gotta love that!

so I published it myself at - check it out and if you have any questions about it or want to know more about my experiences witht hem drop me a line!

Jeff of the Miniacs

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I heard a story on NPR the other day about the conflict between publishers and writers over e-books. Hot on the news of Amazon selling more e-books than hard copies, the Wylie Agency announced it was setting up an e-book only publishing house. Keeeerazy stuff is happening in the publishing world.

Anyway, like BHM said, you may want to start by publishing something rather than everything. Try turning chapters into short stories and work on getting those published in literary or genre-specific magazines, websites, etc. Three to five pages in a monthly or quarterly magazine is much less of a risk than three to five inches of shelf space at the book store. If you can build a readership, I would think you can then you can have some leverage. I guess. I've never published anything, but I do have friends who have had work published in magazines. No book deals. Good luck!

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A true story.

My good friend Richard ,a huge guy who would kill you with the flick of his wrist if he so desired ,is also one of the quietest ,most amiable guys I have ever met. He's a talented builder & stone-mason ,very useful to one such as I,as is his love for Marvel Comics. ;)......he's my pimp for current stuff whilst I'm his source for the old stuff . It works well! Richard can,on his own admission, come across as a tad like 'Eeyore' from Winnie the Pooh....quietly-spoken with a lazy delivery & to a stranger this might actually come across as an indication that Richard might not be 'the brightest star in the sky' . He's in his forties now but looks about 35 & when he was 19 decided to 'clear off' for a while & 'go fishing' . Not for him ,'Poohsticks Bridge' way, he was off 'Lake-fishing' in North America.....Great Lake fishing. End of story or so I believed until about a couple of years ago when he lent me the US fishing magazines that he regularly wrote for & the videos of the TV show that followed the exploits of the quiet young English guy who had decided to descend upon Lake Michigan & show the buggers how to fish. The last few words are mine not his......I've seen the videos.

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Well, i've got 6 proposals off for the book. I've got another 2 to edit, one a continuation in the series and one which i will be self publishing, and then i am currently writing a play for church for christmas, but also so can get paid. :P Maybe i should re-examine calling myself a 'writer'...

Still will anyone who has read it would get back to me. the only one that showed any passion for the story itself is my sister. :)

Here was my proposal letter if anyone cares. It is only slightly form letter in nature, as I add in personal bits and names in each one.

Spirit Sword

By Sam Ford





Into darkness and turmoil the valley people plunged the land of Ras Shamara. One hundred and ninety sever years ago they slaughtered their king and the entire royal family, exterminating the Imperial Knights and their fabled Spirit Swords. Seemingly unaware of their own actions, the people were being influenced by Shadow Dwellers. Demonic creatures trapped underground for far too long; unable to escape their prison until it opened exactly two hundred years after the last Imperial Knight fell.

Cale Tannor, the youngest of five peasant children, lived a sheltered life on his parents’ farm. As most thirteen year olds do, he felt his world was going nowhere fast. Then, one night, his entire family was massacred when his village was attacked. Lost and without direction, Cale set out to find out who killed his family and why.

While running from an attempt on his life, Cale discovers a Spirit Sword, one of the legendary talking swords of old. The living weapon forms a spiritual bond with the boy, declaring Cale to be the last Imperial Knight in existence. Sword acts as a mentor, guiding Cale upon the path of truth and justice.

In their quest to discover what has happened, they meet Jazreal Bloodmoon, a beautiful sixteen-year-old Indian huntress. Enslaved the same night Cale’s family was murdered, Jazreal escaped, vowing to return and free her people. With her own interests to peruse, she and Cale have their fair share of friction.

The two teens meet Vyk Draco, a one-eyed ex-Ranger with a shady reputation, broken past and a heart of gold. He and Jazreal soon develop feelings for one another, leaving Cale in the cold.

An Indian huntress, an ex-Ranger and the last Imperial Knight, Cale and his friends now work together to save Ras Shamara from the unseen threat of the Shadow Dwellers, and solve the mystery of the Night of Sorrows. But first they have to stay alive. Can they overcome the forces of evil to accomplish this task?

My 53,000 word young adult novel, Spirit Sword, is a timeless fantasy in the vein of The Chronicles of Narnia and Star Wars. While Spirit Sword follows in the traditional spirit of these sagas, it carves its own unique path in the hearts of the readers.

This book is targeted at young adults, both boys and girls. The audience, ages 12-18, is not coddled or talked down to. “Spirit Sword” contains real characters and a story that does not contradict the rules it has set up for itself. Even though it is a fantasy, readers will still be able to pick up the elements that transcend time and speech - Love, loss, friendship, betrayal, fear and courage. The young reader will identify with the characters as both are determined to finish the quest they set out upon together, whether it be finding the Spirit Swords or reading the book. While the young adult demographic is the target audience, the story is appropriate for all ages. “Spirit Sword” is the first book in the series. I have outlines seven books in total, with a possible stand-alone novel targeted specifically for girls.

I have several ideas concerning promotion. The first, and most foundational, is a website. This will contain a blog, updates, artwork, multi media, and listings for book signing and convention appearances.

The internet can be used in several ways. Flash banner ads can be created, strategically placed on sites such as Disney, Club Penguin, Neo Pets and Facebook. These, and other sites that young adults frequently travel are key, and would be invaluable.

I am interested in promotion at the traditional book signing, as well as the not-quite-so traditional convention. These might include San Diego Comic Con, Wizard World Conventions, local sci-fi and fantasy conventions, as well as other anime and literature conventions. By using these outreach sources, I feel the key demographic to be better targeted in their own realm.

A soundtrack for the book is in development, and there are plans to launch with the website. A downloadable code for the music could be printed at the back of each novel. With several tracks it will keep readers wanting more and help their imaginations while reading the novel.

As technology expands at an ever-increasing pace, we sometimes struggle to keep up. I have vast experience in the previously mentioned areas and will be able to work successfully on promotion. I am eager to partner with ________, as you place value on hard work and a long relationship.

Thank you for your time and consideration of Spirit Sword. I look forward to hearing from you.


--Sam Ford.

Edited by TM2 Dinobot
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