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Sorry I'm not here; I moved

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To those of you just itching to get out of your parents house and move into your own right... don't bother. It's as boring as all get out, and you stay hungry for a good majority of the time. There's not enough room for your minimates, and neither you nor your roommate can afford internet. I'm telling you this from personal experience.

So yeah, that wraps up my life for the last month. <_<

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Ah, I remember my first verture out. You know, I actually miss the College dorms at times......but it's a very fleeting thought :).

I lived in the college dorm for 3 years and had a roomate. Then I got married and moved in with my wife and have been there for the last 6 years (yes, I've been married six years, it's long I know). So, I can't really relate to being alone. I always had someone around. However, I can relate to the NO ROOM and STARVATION issues, but I was never bored! neo

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When I first went to college years and years ago, there was definitely a period of adjustment. Of course, one large part of this was that I had a freshman roommate who shared divergent political and religious views, had a rebel flag hanging on the door, would literally kick my N64 onto "my side" of the room if it straddled the center line, etc. But still, you get accustomed to living and doing things a certain way. HOWEVER, when I graduated in '02 (after also having 3 years of dorms and then 1 year of an apartment) and had no job, and no money, I had to briefly move back home.

Horrifying. Without hyperbole I can tell you that it was one of the most miserable experiences that I have ever had. After living there about 4-5 months, and being driven to New Orleans every night just so that I wouldn't have to be home, I had to get the hell out. I moved into a "house" (more of a glorified shed) that was previously being used for storage. It had no a/c, one wall unit in the living room, no insulation, huge holes in the floor, bugs all over, and it was located in a backwood redneck part of Louisiana surrounded by people who would pull a gun on you if you trespassed on their property (seriously, one guy did this to a good friend of mine while I was there because he was walking near their yard).

This place seemed like heaven to me at the time.

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