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DVD Discussion


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Well, since Lurch called me out, I figured I'd start up the thread again. In my humble opinion DVDs are the greatest invention since the microwave. The idea that you can get a Movie at such high quality along with wonderful special features (given the company cares to add any) is just a win win situation. So, back at AA's official forum I started a thread to discuss all things DVD. What you like, what you don't like, what you'd like to see, etc. Pretty much anything relating to DVDs can be posted inside here. We will start from scratch and see where things go.

To kick things off I have a Review:

(Reviews on a :) out of 4)

:) = 1

:mellow: = 1/2

Justice League: Season 1

The Show: Honestly one of the best cartoons of our time, and possibly one of the best of ALL time. I have to be honest that I'm not a DC fan. I've followed Batman since I was young but that was related to the Movies and old animated series. I have no background in the universe outside of Bats. That being said, I actually enjoy this more than any other cartoon that I've watched. The show is character driven which is wonderful. Why does Diana live on an island with no men? Why does Martian Manhunter stay around? Can the Flash ever be serious? These are what the show is focused on. People might think that the "Justice League" shouldn't be limited to 7 members, but I think keeping the team small and focusing on these stapes is the reason this show is more than just pretty animation.


The DVD: The DVD isn't widescreen. WB has taken care of that for Season 2. Outside of the loss of WS Presentation, the colors are vivid and the pictures are clear. It's a animated kids show so you shouldn't expect Pixar, but it's very well done.


The Extras: This is where my disappointment comes in concerning cartoon show releases. They are targeted at kids, so you get what I like to call "Kid Extras". Sure, if I'm buying a season of Dora the Explorer I don't expect to have deep insightful commentaries or behind the scenes or anything like that. However, when you are tapping into a lore that has followers of all age I think it's important to include good special features. Not to say the set is lacking, because it has a couple of cool roundtable type of discussions and has a couple of really good commentary tracks (Namely "Legends pt2"). I would just to see more. Things like beating Superman up to show the threat levels and not using the traditional Green Lantern stunts to make him more adult are the things that I long to learn as a fan. I would love to have commentaries on, at least, every story and, at best, every episode. But, in the end you still get some pretty good stuff for "Kid Extras".


Overall (not an average): :):):):mellow:

Recommendation: Buy

Alright, I'm in the middle of finishing Season 2 of Justice League. I'll have a review up in a week or so. For now, let's start the discussion. Here's a topic we can start with.

What special features (new or old) would you like to see in DVDs and how would you like them to be used?


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Well, don't everyone start discussing at once now. Man, this was Lurch's idea and he didn't even both to post. I'm saddened :(.

Anyway, since no one wants to play along, I'll answer my own question.

There is one special feature that I'd like to see become a staple for all animated releases. DVDs have become known for their commentaries. Then a number of DVDs took it a step further with pop up factoids like Spiderman for instance. I would like to see a side-by-side comparison for animated features where you can see the voice actor and the movie playing at the same time. A lot of times you hear how animated use the actor's facial expressions to help give character and life to an animated figure. As an example, take Toy Story. In the scene at the gas station you would have 1 side of the screen be the movie, playing in real time. On the split side you would have a recording of the Sound Studio where Tom Hanks and Tim Allen are. Here, as Woody says "You Are A TOY!" You would, at the same time, see Tom Hanks as he is recording the lines.

I've mentioned this to my friends, some thought it was a great idea and some thought I was a moron (not an uncommon thought). Maybe this would only be something diehard animation fans would really enjoy, but I really think it would be awesome and might even lead me to buy Animated movies that I wouldn't nessarily purchase alone **cough**BrotherBear**cough**. neo

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Venture Brothers Season 1

Finally, I have been waiting for this for a long time.

The show: I love this series and it just gets better now that season 2 kicked off last night. The show is getting darker and more adult targeted(language & adult situations), which is just fine by me. Go team Venture! The show is a play on the old Johnny Quest series (only us old-timers will remember), which I loved. Race Bannon even makes a cameo in Episode 7: Ice Station - Impossible! Venture Brothers has been growing in popularity since it first aired in February 2003 and I see a long future ahead for this classic.


The DVD: Venture Brothers Season 1 plays in the same format it was broadcast in. As with many animated DVDs, it suffers from some very slight bleeding problems, yet the colors are pretty solid and the thick black lines (which is a VB trademark) look really good. Overall, a standard video transfer for television animation. The sound is good and the soundtrack plays well on a surround system.


The Extras: Venture Brothers: Season 1 comes in a very cool fold-out cardboard casing with the chapter-listings printed on them. It features retro, James Bond-esque animation on the inner case. Special features include: Select episode commentaries by show creators Doc Hammer and Jackson Publick, VB Pilot with optional Commentary, A Very Venture Christmas Bonus Episode, Some Deleted Scenes, Behind the Scenes of the Venture Bros. live action movie, & Animating Hank and Dean. The pilot is a bit rough, but this is how this show started out. The commentaries are a good listen, as well.


Overall: I give it :):):):mellow:


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Well, don't everyone start discussing at once now. Man, this was Lurch's idea and he didn't even both to post. I'm saddened :(
I just have to get all worked up first; then I'll post all my rants :D lol

What special features (new or old) would you like to see in DVDs and how would you like them to be used?
All animated/kids movies need to take note of new Disney movies with FastPlay and do the same. All I should have to do is put the DVD in the player and my daughter's all set, no need to hit play, no menu to select, just let it run; not me swerving all over the road trying to hit the darn select/up/play button because A Bug's Life wanted to start out on the scene selection screen :angry:

DVD's to avoid :angry:

- LOTR: Limited Editions {up yours New Line, in my mind there is no "original theatrical edtion", you have no power here}

- Alien 3 Director's Cut {don't watch the director's cut, unless you really want to appreciate the original version}

- Superman: Brainiac Attacks {CN soo saved me money on this turd; catch it on TV, rent it if you have to, but don't buy; S:TAS has movie cash for Superman Returns too so buy that instead}

Movies on DVD that are worth seeing, in case you missed them

- A History of Violence {good story, good performances, good movie, you probably missed it at theatres}

- Suspect Zero {same as above}

That's all from me for now. Totally agree with you on seeing the actor's in animated movies. JL season 2 has a good little bonus feature that shows the actors behind the voices with some cut screens of them acting, it's good stuff so check it out (GL's voice is neat to see, interesting change from normal to deep).

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Movies on DVD that are worth seeing, in case you missed them

- A History of Violence {good story, good performances, good movie, you probably missed it at theatres}

- Suspect Zero {same as above}

Saw both of these. A History of Violence on DVD, Suspect Zero in theater. Both are good, but I was much more impressed with AHOV. Suspect Zero requires your attention or you could get lost, IMO.

Also, The Hills Have Eyes (REMAKE). This is a rare occassion where the remake is a bit better than the original. However, I think its better because the budget was MUCH larger and the story is expanded upon in more detail. I think folks understand it better than the original, plus the gore is there in buckets!

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- Superman: Brainiac Attacks {CN soo saved me money on this turd; catch it on TV, rent it if you have to, but don't buy; S:TAS has movie cash for Superman Returns too so buy that instead}

What are you talking about man, that movie was awsome! I mean if you like plots that are as dry as an elephants skin or a desert. :P That movie was basically to just get some more money from the Superman movie coming out this week anyways.

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  • 2 months later...

I was looking for the DVD discussion and I found it.......on the 3rd PAGE !?!?! Anyway, I blame myself. So, in order to try and get the DVD discussion going again I have one review and a few notes. To start, here is my review of Justice League Season 2:

(Reviews on a :) out of 4)

:) = 1

:mellow: = 1/2

Justice League: Season 2

The Show: Like I said in my previous post, I never watched this show while it was on the air. So, it was completely new to me and I was completely blown away. After what I thought was a great first season, seasons 2 really steps up to the plate. These are just such iconic character and the interaction between them really makes the show. The action is there and the animation is great, but it's the Voice Acting and Dialogue that makes this show stand well above any other animated project. Best episode has to be Starcrossed. I know it was a movie and all but it was great. I didn't see the twist (spoiler free) of a certain player. It was well done. Best. Line. Ever. "Wally West, Clark Kent.......Bruce Wayne!" The only thing that's bad about this season, is the wait for Justice League Unlimited.


The DVD: They fixed the Widescreen error from the frist season, since this was the first fully 16x9 season they shot. The Menues leave a little to be desired, but the Episodes are crisp and colorful and look awesome on my HDTV.


The Extras: Much like the first season there really isn't much here. And, like it my first review I am torn. On one hand I know these are shows for children but on the other hand I'd like to have more commentaries and features. That being said, the commentaries here (especially Starcrossed) are really good as always. Plus there is a nice sit down with the team and a wonderful special on the Voice Actors. I would have never pictured that guy doing GL, lol.


Overall (not an average): :):):):mellow:

Recommendation: Buy

Also, I just picked up Darkwing Duck and Talespin Volume 1. They both look great. I've only watched the pilot of Darkwing Duck so far, but it was so sweet. I felt like a stinkin' kid again. I love this show and forgot just how much I did love it. Talespin is no different, I'm going to watching it's 4 episode pilot tonight. I'll be back in a week or so and get a review up for these two, but I can say without a doubt if you liked either of these shows in the past they are worth picking up.

Also, I just wanted to point out that DVD season is fixing to get BUSY. September is looking AWESOME. Just to name a few, we have "The Batman Season 2, "Teen Titans Season 2", "Lost Season 2", "Smallville Season 5", "Star Wars: The Original Trilogy", "The Lake House", and that's just the tip of the Iceberg. Plus in the months following we are getting "Cars", "The Little Mermaid", "X3", "24 Season 5", "King Kong: Extended", etc. So, it's going to be a BIG holiday season. So, what's everyone looking forward too? neo

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September Discussion:

Noticeable Releases

-Lost: Season 2 (9/5)

-Blade Runner: Director's Cut (9/5)

-United 93 (9/5)

-Star Wars: Original Trilogy Limited Edition (9/12)

-Smallville: Season 5 (9/12)

-The Batman: Season 2 (9/12)

-Teen Titans: Season 2 (9/12)

-Battlestar Galactica (2004): Season 2.5 (9/19)

-The Lake House (9/26)

-The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift (9/26)

-A Nightmare on Elm Street: Special Edition (9/26)

Wow, that may seem like a lot, but it's just the tip of the iceberg. September stands what may be one of the busiest DVD seasons ever. With big hits like X-3 and Pirates 2 and Cars and Mi:III, just to name a few, it's going to be a big holiday season.

So, what is everyone looking forward to? Personally, I'm looking forward to the Original Star Wars Trilogy. I'm not one of the whinny people who complain about dumb ol Greedo shooting first, but I do like the ability to own the original cut of the movie. It's just something about completeing a set. Plus they are all 3, 2-disc sets, so I'm looking forward to a much of new features.

Also, I'm really looking forward to The Batman and Teen Titans Season 2. I really like the first season of "The Batman" and have heard that it just keeps getting better so I'm looking forward to that. I don't follow any of these shows on TV so it will be my first time to watch either of this seasons.

Finally, in the "Double-Dip" catagory, I just picked up Blade Runner: DC today and cannot wait to get that one home. It was a great movie and I have seen it in a few years so it will be nice to watch again. Plus the Collector's edition of Nightmare of Elm Street. It was, to my knowledge, the first horror movie I can ever remember watching....and it scared the crap out of my. I couldn't have been but 10, maybe. It's one of those movies that just hold a special place in my life. Not because it was a good movie or because of the innovations in technology, it's just because of that late 80's/early 90's psycho killer type of movie that was a part of my childhood. It's just a must own.

So, the let the September discussion begin. What are you guys looking forward to? Discuss away. neo

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Finally, in the "Double-Dip" catagory, I just picked up Blade Runner: DC today and cannot wait to get that one home. It was a great movie and I have seen it in a few years so it will be nice to watch again.

Word of warning to those thinking about buying this DVD, there will be a "Ridley Scott's Blade Runner: The Final Cut" release in 2007 (1st Quarter I think) plus a multi-disc edition (3rd or 4th Quarter) with ALL VERSIONS (theatrical/directors/final cut). The version released today is the exact same as the previously released Director's cut dvd just with better sound and picture. Save your money, buy the multi-disc set next year ;) Plus next year's releases will have HD and Blu-Ray releases too.

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Thanks Lurch, this might have been usefull.......YESTERDAY!!

:D j/k

I actually bought it at lunch and it's still in the secured wrapper. I might just husstle back to Target after work and get my money back. I can wait it out :). Thanks for heads up. neo

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Just picked up Gojira tonight.... I've always wanted to see the original version. Now I can, in gloriously subtitled Black and white...

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Alright guys, it's Original Star Wars Eve. Tomorrow, the original versions (and special edition versions) of Star Wars Episodes IV - VI will drop. They are looking really good, all three released alone with 2-disc treatments. Honestly, I could kick myself for wasting time picked up the Trilogy last year, because it fails to even compare the editions that are coming tomorrow. This will actually be a completion to the Star Wars Saga.

So, who's gonna be in line?? Kidding, but if this were 5 years ago I would be. However, one wife and one child later, I'll just settle for picking them up tomorrow after work. I can't wait, a couple of my buddies are coming over Saturday afternoon and we are watching all three films Back to Back to Back. May the force be with you all. neo

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I'm wondering where folks are picking up the SW Trilogy today? We all know that Wal Mart will have the best price, but I'm not impressed with their extras and I know that Target has limited art in there's. I'm going to try and talk the wife into taking a trip up there tonight and checking them out.

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Yeah, Best Buy as limited Art too and Circuit City has small poster for each movie.

Personally, I'm going to pick mine up at Target on lunch (which is 3 minutes away :D ). I am going there because it's right across the street from where I work, plus they are good about always having the cartoon DVDs (The Batman and Teen Titans are also out today) and on top of that I have a $5 gift card I got from buying LOST: Season 2. So, to answer you question, I'm getting mine at Target. neo

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I'm shying away from George Lucas and his vision, be it the original or revised. They were ok movies, but I never really found myself compelled to join the masses of Star Wars fanatics. The prequel trilogy just jumbled up my opinion even more, since the 30 years between the first and second trilogy saw all sorts of technological advancements, it made the prequel look more like a sequel from a graphics standpoint. And his revist that upgraded the original was nice at times, but overall, just a way to make more money for less work.

Anyone here pick up the Silent Hill DVD? I loved that movie and still do now that its on DVD. I just hope we can see an extended edition or a special edition with more special features down the line. I hate it when studios release discs with few or no extras on them.

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Well, good news and bad.

Good News: is I just picked up my Star Wars DVDs from Target and they were already marked down to $16.99 which is a really good price.

Bad News: There are NO SPECIAL FEATURES. Ok, let me take a step back......maybe everyone else knew that and I'm a big loser. But I knew they were 2 discs sets and expected something. What we get? Disc One: Movie with new Commentary. Disc Two: Theatrical Release and Xbox Demo for LEGO: Star Wars II. That's it. Nothing, no bloopers, no documentaries, no interviews, no nothin'. I cannot say how disappointed I was when I realized this.

In the end, I still bought them. I'm a Star Wars fan, and it's the completion of the set. It includes the Originals and the Special Editions so they are worth the money. I just really feel like Lucas missed the boat by not added at least one or two bonus features. It's just sad to watch Episode III on DVD with a 2nd disc smacked full of great stuff and then watch Episode IV with nothing. Oh well, enjoy.

On a side note, I also picked up Smallville Season 5 and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2005) season 4. However, I did not come across "The Batman: Season 2" or "Teen Titans: Season2". And there was a real jerk in the electronic section who wouldn't even look in the back to see if there was anything else. He said, "Uh, if it isn't on the floor, we don't have it." I told him, when the first seasons came out there was a lady working here and the same thing happened. She walked to the back for me and within 5 minutes I walked outta here with both Seasons 1's. He then says, "Yeah, we don't do that..." I was like, "you are an idiot." So, I went to customer service, bought my DVDs and told him they need to hire someone new for Electronics. Someone who is actually worried about the customer. Then I left :). neo

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Well, good news and bad.

Good News: is I just picked up my Star Wars DVDs from Target and they were already marked down to $16.99 which is a really good price.

Bad News: There are NO SPECIAL FEATURES. Ok, let me take a step back......maybe everyone else knew that and I'm a big loser. But I knew they were 2 discs sets and expected something. What we get? Disc One: Movie with new Commentary. Disc Two: Theatrical Release and Xbox Demo for LEGO: Star Wars II. That's it. Nothing, no bloopers, no documentaries, no interviews, no nothin'. I cannot say how disappointed I was when I realized this.

Read this review before buying these DVD's

So glad I didn't sell my box set to pick up this new set <_<

Little-to-no bonus features, crap sound & picture for the original versions (they could have cleaned it up a little), just an unjust craptastic release of the classic films :(

Great release Lucas ....


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Thanks for the review Lurch. That is good advice, however I am still happy that I made the purchase. The Original Versions of the film alone were worth the price of admission. I would only recommend these discs to large fans, and I'm not talking size ;), of the show.

On another note, I couldn't "The Batman: Season Two" or "Teen Titans: Season Two" yesterday at Target. So, today I went to Best Buy to see what I could find. I'm not a real big Best Buy fan, but when you want something bad enough you'll look anywhere. Anyway, they had both sets in stock and I picked them up. I am one of those people that don't really watch TV, I just wait for it to come out on DVD. So, I've never watched anything but Season One of these two shows (own them on DVD) and I have to say that I'm really impressed with both of them. Now, it's not Justice League or Batman: TAS I understand that, but I think it's pretty good. I can't wait to get home and start watching these tonight. I think I'll tackle "The Batman" first. I went "Teen Titans" first last time :D. neo

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Here are some new reviews:

(Reviews on a :) out of 4)

:) = 1

:mellow: = 1/2

The Batman: Season 2

The Show: I'll say it again, I never watched "The Batman" during it's run on TV, so this was my first time to watch season 2. I bought season 1 and really loved the show, season 2 is a little more of a mixed bag. The show is still pretty solid and the animation is amazing, but I had a few issues with season 2 with things that I thought season 1 did better. The first and foremost is continuity. The first season has a steady progression to a surprising Finale with Clayface. I'm a grown person and I didn't see that one coming (spoiler free). The second season doesn't seem to gel together as much. And, while there were some good parts in the finale, it just didn't live up the shock value of season 1. The other thing was the Joker. Now, we all know that the Bat and the Joke go together like milk and cookies, but I thought he was a little overkill in season 2. He goes from 3 (very practical) appearances in season 1 to 5 (often forced) appearances in season 2. Not to say that "JTV" and "The Laughing Bat" aren't great episodes, I just think there was a little more Joker than needed. I loved the intro to Riddler, although I would have preferred more of a back story and Killer Croc was also really well done. I think they should have shaved the Joker a bit and maybe added a few more new villains. However, it's not bad by any stretch. There are still some really good stories and as always wonderful animation. Very well done!

Notable Episodes:

-"Riddled": The 1st appearance of the Riddler

-"Swamped": The 1st appearance of Killer Croc

-"Meltdown": The return of Clayface

-"Grundy's Night": Nice Halloween Episode with a nice Twist

-"The Laughing Bat": The Batman vs. The Batman....


The DVD: This is a recent show so it transfers flawlessly. It's crystal clear and one of the best animated shows that I've seen in a while. It looks great and the DVD shows that. The Menus are a bit bland with no animation, but overall it's very nicely done.


The Extras: I know, this is a "Kids Show", but it's Batman. Batman is a cultural icon and is loved by children of all ages. However, they refuse to offer any substantial features. The only "feature" offered it a "Season 2 Preview". It runs, roughly, 5 minutes. It's basically a collection of season 1 scenes to bring you up to speed and then a series of quick shots from season 2. It would be nice for someone that didn't watch season 1 to bring them up to speed, but for anyone else it's pretty pointless. There is also a small collection of Trailers for other WB shows. Again, I know it's a kid's show, but even Justice League and Superman: TAS and Batman: TAS offer commentary tracks and at least one small featurette. Another week release in the features department.


Overall (not an average): :):):)

Recommendation: Buy

The Wild

The Movie: Wow, I was actually pretty excited for this movie. I love CGI movies and I love Disney so it was really a no brainier...right? WRONG, this is actually not a very good movie. It came out much later than Madagascar so it had some big shoes to fill. I think in the end this film fails to find it's place between comedy and reality. Disney takes a realistic view of the animal kingdom as opposed to the cell-shaded comical view of Madagascar, so right away you think it's going to be based more in reality. You then watch as these animals are riding around in a garbage truck in downtown New York and no one notices them. In fact, there is very little interaction with humans of any kind, once at the beginning in the zoo and the other by scaring the Garbage truck driver with a snake. Then, the lion learns to drive a tug boat which does all the way to Africa. Then, to top the cake, at the end of the movie the lion wins by roaring. You heard me right, he roars and wins. Overall this is just not a very good movie, IMO. The humor is lame and often forced, the plot has more holes than a piece of swiss cheese, and the only character worth remembering is the Koala bear. This might not have been as bad if Madagascar wasn't a movie, but in reality it's just a generic copy of a much better movie (which surprises me with Disney). The best example I could give of how bad a copy it is, if you could imagine Disney making a realistic looking movie with a large green "troll" who takes part if lame fairy tales and has a supporting cast that equals the talent of the women on "The View", if you can picture that than you might get an idea of why "The Wild" went wrong.


The DVD: This is something that Disney is good at. Their DVDs are always very crisp and colorful. There is no difference here. The DVD looks really great. Sharp picture, vivid colors, and sweet audio. The Menus are animated and nice to look at as well. Also, the DVD features Disney's "Fast Pass" where you can skip directly to the movie and features. It's a nice addition to the Disney DVD family. So, it looks good, but you are not going to want to "look" at it often.


The Extras: There are a few music videos and two small features that run around 4 minutes a piece. There are also the standard Disney Trailers. Overall they are OK for a single disc release, but it really comes back down to why would you care about features for a mediocre film? The answer to that question is, you won't.


Overall (not an average): :):):mellow:

Recommendation: Rent or Buy Madagascar


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Broke down and just picked up the Star Wars original cut dvd's today, now I need to figure out what to do with the special editions that came with it :rolleyes: I already have the boxed set that was released a year or so ago and don't think there's anything on these, that's not on my boxed sets, right :huh:

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to any of the parents who have little ones, I'd highly recommend buying the new Curious George movie. I picked it up on a whim yesterday because my 2 1/2 year old has been going nuts for the commercials.

We watched it twice last night and are working on our second viewing tonight already. It's much better than most of the crap passing for children's tv right now (IE "My Gym Partner's A Monkey") and it's not a bad little show. At an hour and 30 minutes, it's just a little long for him, but he sits thru most of the show with very little distraction.

Picked up Curious George the other day too and I agree with Reideen. It's a great flick for kids, it's not the top quality animated of a Pixar film but the storybook look is excelent. Have watched it twice already too and it's a fun movie. Also the soundtrack is very good too, definitely recommend for kids and adults!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow, this discussion slipped to the second page. Dunno about you guys, but it's been a s-l-o-w couple of weeks. I did pick up Over the Hedge last week, by the way.

However, this week saw a few nice releases. Today I picked up Nacho Libre, Monster House, Batman Beyond: Season 2, and Justice League Unlimited: Season 1. I didn't get to see Nacho or Monster House in the theaters so I'm looking forward to watching them this week. I will be watching Nacho tonight. I'll try to get a review for them up pretty soon, for those who care. It will probably take me a little longer to get through Batman Beyond and Justice League which are both 4 disc.

So, anyone else pick these up today? neo

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  • 1 month later...

You know what, I feel so bad. I started this discussion about the same time as the Video Game one and I just neglect the DVD discussion all the time. Do you know where I found it? On the 3rd page. I'm ashamed.

Anyway, November and December has been an HUGE and I mean HUGE months. Seriously, I can't believe that I had any money to buy Christmas Presents because there has been SO MUCH coming out. This is what I've bought in the last few weeks:

-Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

-World Trade Center

-Talladega Nights

-007 Ultimate Collection Volume 1-4

-24: Season 5


-Mission Impossible III (end of Oct)

-Superman Returns

And I found time to finish JLU Volume 1.

Plus, today Invicible, Jet Li's Fearless, Lady in the Water, and Little Miss Sunshine all come out. December is looking to be the best DVD month of the year. I thought I'd get things rekindled by talking about a few of my new purchases.

First up is Pirates. I loved P1 and P2 was even better. This is why I love going to the movies. It's fun and adventurous and funny and action packed. It was everything you could want out of a movie. I went for the 2-disc Collector's set and there are some GREAT things on the second disc. For one, did everyone know that Bill Nighy was actually on the set and was part of all the takes that Davey Jones was it? P2 created a new technology where you could where a motion suit in the actual frame and they could digitize around you. As opposed to the old fashioned way of acting by yourself in front of a bluescreen. They also had a nice featurette from the scene where the Kraken takes down a boat. They show how they shot it and how they added the CGI. I've only watched a few of their features and they are great. If you are a pirates fan or if you know one who is, don't skimp out on the cheapo single disc, the 2-dics is WELL worth it.

I am comfortable enough with you guys to tell you that WTC made me cry. It was real people, that really happened to American citizens. Man, even years later it's still an open wound. They did a really good job with the movie, IMO. Nic Cage is one of my favorite actors and he did great in WTC. I bought the 2-disc edition but I haven't watched any of the special features, but there is a lot on the 2nd disc. It should be well worth it.

Can there be any better gift than the 007 Ultimate Collection? Honestly, how can anyone that likes James Bond not fall in love with this sets. Wait, how can anyone not love James Bond. Either way, they are packed with with Remastered Movie Transfers and each movie has a complete 2nd disc filled with info. It will probably take me all of next year to go through the entire set......and I'm completely alright with that :D.

Finally, let me mention JLU. We've had this discussion before, I'm a JLU virgin. I never watched it on TV. I loved JL on DVD and was counting down the days until I had JLU. Well, it took with a little while this close to the holidays to get through all 4 discs but I finally did and I have to ask, why the CRAP isn't this show on the air anymore? Honestly, has they ever been a better, all around cartoon? It's well acted and written even better. The animation is 2nd to none in NA and the heros and battles are unmatched. Then, you take all of that and you wrap up the season with "Epilogue" which is probably one of the single greatest one-shot TV Shows that I've ever seen. Whoever decided this show should not be on the air anymore need to get a batarang up the.......well, you have an imagination ;).

Well, I guess that does it for me. I'm hopfully going to be getting some more new DVDs for Christmas so I'll to take care of this post a little more and keep things going.

Here is something to get us started. Janurary is already looking like a good month, but I'd like to mention 2 releases that I'm really looking forward too. The first is the "Definitive Edition" of "The Passion of the Christ". To be honest, I'm not interested in sitting through the movie numerous more times (it is very hard to watch), but there will be a feature commentary by Mel Gibson as well as a 2nd disc filled with special features (Source: The Passion). Then, they are releasing a 2-disc Deluxe edition of "Fiddler on the Roof". As one of the greatest movies of all time, it will be nice to see it finally getting an in-depth DVD treatment (Source: Fiddler on the Roof).

So, that will at least get us though this month and we'll go from there. neo

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok guys, I need some DVD assistance. I've heard a lot of good things about Battlestar Galactica, but I've never seen the show. I was talking with an old friend of mine over the holidays and he is completely in love with the show and said that I need to watch it. And, since the Minimates are coming out this year, I thought it would be a good time to start watching.

So, I know they have a "Classic Series" on DVD and then they have a 2004 series in seasons sets complete with Season 1 (including Mini-Series), Season 2, and Season 2.5. I had a few questions and I figured that some of you guys should know:

#1. Is the series really that good? I would hate to spend $50 on something that is "so-so".

#2a. Do I need to watch the Classic Series First?

#2b. Should I watch the Classic Series?

#2c. Which series is better?

#3. Can someone explain Season 2 and Season 2.5? Are they the same thing with different features or would I need to buy them both?

#4. Finally, is there anything that I should know before watching the shows?

I guess that does it. I was thinking about getting season 1 within the week, but I wanted to talk with you guys first. neo

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