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Rate the Mates!!!


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Let's start a new rating thread for every wave of minimates that come out. Here you can rave or rant on what you like or what you hate about characters included in which ever series that's under the microscope. Hopefully DST, AA and DCD will read these comments and take note on what the fans like and don't like about the products they make for us.

Rate your mates on a scale from 1 to 10.

Here's mine:

Power Girl: Very cute mate. Captures the essence of the character: Although not necessary, I love the chest piece that allows for her bigger clevage to be painted on. 10 / 10

Dr. Fate: Very nice mate as well. Love the inclusion of a hair piece for when Hector Hall is not wearing the helmet of Nabu. 10 / 10

Robin: Captured the look of silver age to a tee! Love the detail (fish scales, elf booties and facial expression). 10 / 10

Penguin: Ok minimate love the facial expression and the sandle feet to make him shorter. Don't like the colors they used for him or the fact he's wearing a repainted Kingpin suit coat. He should of had a tuxedo tailled coat with his pintstriped pants and CLASSIC COLOUR SCHEME (navy blue and purple). 7 / 10

Superman (battle damaged): Nice mate, no real complaints. Would rather have had the red and yellow emblem instead of black and red. 9 / 10

Braniac 13: Amazing mate and the first of the 2.5" body type for the series. Nice chest piece and great use of the tendrills that fit in his back. 10 / 10

Booster Gold: Cute mate! Love the mask (see through visor). Nice incorporation of Skeets as an accessory. Wanted extra non mask hairpiece. 9 / 10

Blue Beetle: Okay mate. Not a big fan of the goole eyes on mask. They make his eyes look to big. Don't like the lack of a hair piece for Ted Kord and I don't like the way his face is almost identical to Bruce Wayne's from series 1. 7 / 10

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I didn't get my case in last week because of some screw up with the UPS people. I ended up finding them all in Memphis when I met Mark Waid and got the Robin/Penguin. Based solely on what I've seen:

Robin: 10 out of 10. Spot on, simple and a perfect execution.

Penguin: 7 out of 10... ONLY because he's in all white and it's a blatant re-use of the Kingpin part. And while it looks good, yes, I REALLY wish they would've done him in the black/blue and purple (like Mini_Myte said above) or in black and white. Besides and in spite of that, he still looks great.

Blue Beetle: 10 out of 10. Pefect execution. Only needs a hairpeice.

Booster Gold: 10 out of 10. Again, spot on but needs a hairpeice.

Battle damaged Superman: 8 out of 10... only because the symbol is different than the regular one, meaning we're going to have to get a Battle damaged yellow symboled Superman and a regular black symboled Superman at some point and I'm not ready for that yet.

Brainiac 13: 10 out of 10. Looks really great... but why couldn't they have made either the all silver 80's "Super Powers" Brainiac or the Silver Age classic green skinned one instead?

Power Girl: 10 out of 10... spot on. Too bad the cape is attached to the chest peice, though.

Dr. Fate. 10 out of 10. Great figure and the one I was looking forward to most. Also, while I like the Kent Nelson character better, it's easier to make one of those than the Hector Hall one... so I'm glad of that.

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Robin (7/10): I really don't like this version of the Robin costume, but the Minimate itself is very accurate to the spirit of it. I still think that the cheesy grin is a little bit overdone. I think the hairpiece and batarang are good too, they should come in useful for customs.

Penguin (8/10): Bit of a strange choice of colours, but other than that very well done. The face is full of character (love that monocle) and the top hat works well. The umbrella is pretty ace for an unconventional and fun accessory.

Power Girl (9/10): I'm not sure about the bulky chestpiece, although I see why they did it. Other than that perfectly done, and I like the new hairpiece as well, need to pick up a few of those for customs.

Doctor Fate (8/10): I was extremely happy to get hold of a Doctor Fate Minimate, but there are just a couple of nagging issues. I think the collar piece is a little off, I would have preferred a similar type of idea to (or even a repaint of) the Magneto cape. Another little annoyance is how on the DCD Minimates the pants aren't outlined like the rest of the design. The head and hairpiece are very cool though.

Booster Gold (9/10): I really like this Minimate, the expression on the face really suits the character and the Skeets beltpiece works really well. It's also easy to make the modern Booster Gold costume just by removing the collar. A couple of minor issues are that I think the eyes are too high, some areas that could be black outlined aren't, and an extra hairpiece wouldn't go amiss.

Blue Beetle (9/10): Another one I was really looking forward to and wasn't disappointed. Aside from more missing outlines and another missed opportunity for an extra hairpiece, the main problem I had with Beetle was the face. The eyes are a bit too high again, and the mouth just looks a bit weird.

Battle-damaged Superman (9/10): I like that it's the black-centred S, it helps make Superman look more evil. I also love the face, which looks pretty cool when swapped onto the Wave 1 Superman. The same goes for interchanging the arms, legs and cape, so this Minimate is useful for that as well as good in itself.

Brainiac (9/10): I'm not really familiar with this character in the comics, so I couldn't comment on accuracy, but this is my first 2.5" Minimate and I have to say I like it. The armour and tentacle things make it really stand out from what's come before.

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As I'm not big on DC comics, I can't speak for comic book accuracy, but I can comment on quality of the minimate.

BD Superman

Design: Highly detailed design carried out very well. My only reservation is using the black chest symbol in place of the yellow. While it is a very character specific detail that is inevitable for its own release, it shouldn't have been done on the battle-damaged Superman for Wave 2.

Detail: Paint application seems to be spot on in most areas. Battle-damage is represented with the fabric actually shown torn. My only concern is the costume tears around the wrists. On the figure I have examined, it seems the flesh tone wasn't wrapped all the way around the end of the arm, leaving a small blue ring between the hand and the exposed flesh. Hopefully this was a production error and not carried through the whole release of the figure.

Accessories: None, but then again, does he need any?

Penny Pinching: A complete repaint of Wave 1's Superman, though for a battle-damaged variant, that isn't a bad thing.

Overall: Great figure, with excellent attention to detail that really captures the battle-damaged look. Some design choices are in doubt and some paint apps seem to be slightly off, but overall, not a bad figure. 8 Last Sons of Krypton Out Of 10

Brainiac 13

Design: I'm not real familiar with the character, but the design still leaves one in awe of the character. The size alone makes him seem quite fearsome, as does the bulky chest armor with the huge tentacles flowing from the back.

Detail: Paint application seems spot on, again, in most areas. Some details around the legs seem slightly off, making one feel that some black outlines could have been better suited than just hoping the green and purple contrast would work on its own. No paint apps on the torso, though without better knowledge of the figure, I don't know if any would have been necessary or relevant.

Accessories: A chunk of red Kryptonite, duplicate in design to Wave 1's chunk of green Kryptonite. It seems to fit Brainiac's hand far better than Lex's, making it more suitable for this character than the last. Without better knowledge of the character though, I cannot say how relevant the accessory is.

Penny Pinching: All new parts applied to a 2.5" minimate body, with a huge bulky armor piece and six detachable tentacles. Lack of knowledge about the character leaves me no room for judgment on whether the head would work better as a sculpted helmet or a simple repaint. Again, the Kryptonite chunk is a straight reuse of the Wave 1 version, but then again, how many versions of a hunk of rock does one need?

Overall: Great figure. As the first 2.5" figure from the line, the future of the size variations pretty much hinged on this figure, which seems to bode well for the 2.5" characters. Design really helped turn this otherwise forgettable character into one of the best of the line. 9 Supercomputers Out Of 10


Design: With literally a whole flock of Robins to choose from, it seems this character is based off of one of the original character designs. The character looks great, really capturing the feel of the more campy nature of comic books from this era. My only reservation is using this version as the initial Robin as opposed to one who would better suit the more modern Batman from Wave 1.

Detail: Paint apps are crisp with attention to detail, right down to the "fish scale" design on his shorts. One minor complaint is that the pattern overextends the shorts on one leg, leaving a row of flesh colored scales. Hopefully this was simply one of those one-in-a-million factory errors and not a widespread production mistake.

Accessories: A batarang. As Batman's sidekick, this is a fitting accessory, implemented differently than we've seen in the C3 sets of yesterday. While quite fitting, my greedy nature makes me wish they had tossed in two.

Penny Pinching: Pretty much all new and character specific parts, where it would have been easy to borrow from sets past. The belt/shirt bottom seems to be new, as does the cape, hairpiece, and gloves (though we will see them again). Even the batarang is a new mold. The only reuse is the shoes, which were last seen on Wave 1's Harley Quinn. No big complaint here, as they seem to match the feel of the character just fine while at the same time distancing the figure from the "just slap some C3 feet up there" mindset that has been used plenty of times in minimates past.

Overall: Another great figure. Minor paint apps aside, the character is captured well. The age of the figure does seem off compared to the modern age look of many of the other characters we've seen so far, but that doesn't really take away from how good this figure is. 9 Boy Wonders Out Of 10


Design: While not a bad looking figure, there are a few design choices that I wish to question. First, the design chosen doesn't really seem to fit the classic look of the figure in any way. I'm not a hardcore DC fan, and thus cannot speak for every costume variation the character has portrayed, but what I do know is that the character is oftentimes depicted wearing darker colors (primarily black and purple) than what was featured in the design for this minimate. Second, the way that Penguin's size was addressed seems to have been poorly implemented. With no 1.5" or 1" body mold to be used for shorter characters, it was necessary to devise some way to make the character shorter, but the recessed feet come at the cost of articulation and the lack of one of the best features to come from the old DC line: the C3 hole. In addition, no additional effort was made to emphasize the shorter character, as there was no paint applied to the leg to make it look like a normal sized foot, nor were the hands/arms adjusted in any way to better suit a proportionally shorter character. While Penguin isn't badly designed, he's just not designed as well as he could have been.

Detail: Seeing as the arms and legs lack all forms of detail, it is left solely to the face and torso to sell this character. The torso is nothing we haven't seen before, designed rather simply to portray immense girth. However, the face really helps capture the character. The level of detail really makes one forget that the character doesn't have a nose. The monocle is handled nicely, as are the rest of the facial features.

Accessories: Penguin comes with one of his trademark umbrellas. It is designed rather well, fitting the scale of the figure far better than Joker's gun from Wave 1. While one can't help but wonder what could have been (attachable weapons, exchangeable open and closed umbrella attachments for an umbrella handle, etc), given the scale of the figure, what was given works quite well.

Penny Pinching: Penguin features new molds for his hat and his umbrella (which work rather well for his character) as well as his feet. His torso is a reuse of the Kingpin torso accessory from way back in Marvel Wave 1 and features few differences in paint apps. Personally, I feel the torso doesn't seem to fit the character quite as well as perhaps something made specifically with Penguin in mind, but given that there are already few enough uses for the Kingpin torso, it may not have been justified to create a new mold that could potentially never be used again.

Overall: Penguin is not a bad figure. He looks great, its just the simplicity of the design and the implementation of the character's girth and stature take something away from what could have otherwise been an outstanding figure. If the body had been shaded a darker color, with perhaps pinstripes added to the pants, and if the "ankles" had been painted to match the "slippers" then the part choices would have worked much better. 6 Dead Fish Out Of 10

The rest to come...

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Dunno about rating em, but I'm over the moon with them. Penguin's probably the weakest of the bunch for all of the reasons above, but Brainiac 13... What a figure! It's possibly my favourite minimate ever and I don't even know anything about him! :D

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Blue Beetle

Design: Highly detailed design based on the Ted Kord Blue Beetle. I'm highly impressed with the look of this character and have no major issues with how it was pulled off. The see-through goggles are an interesting touchThough I'm not familiar with the source material for Blue Beetle, he is still the must have of the line thus far.

Detail: The paint application is spot-on with seemingly no splotchiness. The black detail lines are perfect and are used expertly for the chest detail and to separate the gloves and boots from the rest of the figure. The beetle symbol wraps around to the back of the figure perfectly.

Accessories: Blue Beetle comes with his BB gun which fits nicely into the holster on his belt. The gun is the perfect accessory for the figure. One accessory that is oddly missing is a hairpiece. With the current line of DC figures being practically lousy with extra hair pieces, it makes the absence that much more apparent.

Penny Pinching: Blue Beetle features a new sculpt for gun, mask, and belt/holster. Though the mask was a necessity, it was surprising to find the belt/holster was not a reuse of the remodeled Daredevil belt/holster. It was also nice to see a new gun rather than the overused Assault Punisher pistol make yet another appearance.

Overall: An excellent minimate representation. Blue Beetle is perfectly detailed and comes equipped with very character specific pieces. One could argue that corners were cut in the absence of an additional hairpiece, but seeing as the hair wasn't an essential accessory, nor was it crucial for the character, it is an absence that can easily be overlooked.

10 Scarabs Of Alien Origin Out Of 10

Booster Gold

Design: Based on the Michael Carter Booster Gold. Booster features his trademark goggles. He features a similar collar to Wave 1's Star Sapphire, though it seems to work much better for Booster than it did for Star Sapphire. Still, something just seems off with the implementation, leaving one to wonder if perhaps a thinner plastic would have worked better to keep the collar closer to the top of the torso.

Detail: Overall, the detail on Booster Gold is great. The line work on the chest detail and the outlining of the star on his chest look great. He even features his ring drawn on his hand, though I can't help but wonder what the Kingpin hand would have looked like on this figure. Another minor gripe is the face detail. In order to make the eyes fit better under the goggles, they seem to be awkwardly higher on the face than they should be, making an unmasked Booster look slightly odd.

Accessories: Booster comes with one of the most character specific and greatest accessories of all: Skeets. Skeets is attached to a slim removeable belt a la Nightcrawler's tail and is held in the air by a thin trail of smoke. As said before for Blue Beetle, it is an odd omission that Booster does not come with an alternate hairpiece.

Penny Pinching: Booster features a new and rather unique mask/hairpiece as well as his robot buddy Skeets. It is hard to tell if the collar is a reuse of Star Sapphire's or a new mold, but seeing as it is true to the character design, it is hardly a crime if it were a reuse. One could argue that it was a cost cutting omission to paint on Booster's ring rather than use an existing mold of Kingpin's ring hand, but seeing as none of the Green Lantern figures (whose rings are important to the characters) seem to feature the three dimensional ring, it would hardly seem fair for Booster to get the 3-D treatment for such a minor accessory.

Overall: Booster's inclusion in the minimate line before heavy hitters like Wonder Woman speak volumes for DCD's commitment to bringing a wide variety of characters to the table, and his inclusion with his buddy Blue Beetle is genius marketing. That being said, Booster's minimate representation is very good. His costume is highly detailed, as we've come to expect from DCD thus far and he hosts some very character specific items in his trademark goggles and robot pal. Still, some minor issues with the collar, minute facial layout problems, and some noticeable omissions in the way of rings and hairpieces make it hard to give this figure a top score.

8 Homicidal Robots Out Of 10

Dr. Fate

Design: Dr. Fate represents the Hector Hall version, possessing the look of his particular incarnation of the Dr. Fate guise (you have to love how many different characters can wear the same name). The helmet and cape are spot on for the source material. My only reservation is where the cape meets the torso. Though the sculpted collar looks great, it is molded to the cape, whereas in the comics, the cape has been shown as a separate part of the costume. Also, the cape looks rather stiff, as if Hector used a bit too much starch when doing the wash.

Detail: As we've come to expect, the details on this figure are superb. The chest detail is spot on and the boot detail wraps around the entire figure. The only real concern is where the yellow "shorts" meets the blue of the legs. Since the very first wave of DCD minimates, characters featuring contrasting colors on their "shorts" have lacked the black detail lines that would better suit the figure. Still, this is more a personal preference than a real complaint, and thus cannot be held against the figure as the paint apps still look good.

Accessories: Dr. Fate comes with an additional hairpiece, which is character specific in design and looks quite good on the figure. Seeing as the character doesn't seem to use a lot in the way of accessories in the comics, there's really not much else one could expect to find with the figure.

Penny Pinching: Dr. Fate features new sculpts of helmet, hair, and cape. His gloves were originally used for the Robin minimate of the same wave. Considering Dr. Fate's gloves in the comics are generic by appearance, it is hardly a crime to use the same gloves for this figure.

Overall: Dr. Fate is another great minimate from the outstanding DCD line. The overall design and implementation comes across very well, with the only real drawback being some minor gripes about the cape design.

9 Amulets Out Of 10

Power Girl

Design: Power Girl is very true to the source material, sporting her more iconic costume as opposed to one of the countless others that I'm told is in existence. One design detail that had caused some concern amongst fans was how her ample cleavage would be portrayed. The usage of a larger torso covering does give her a heaving chest, but it seems odd when stood next to characters that have been portrayed as bulkier in the comics, such as Superman. Still, it works well when paired with the cape. Still, I can't help but wonder what the figure would look like with just a cape and no bulkier chest piece. Another design concern is the "shorts". Where my usual complaint is that the lack of detail lines makes them seem off, but this time, my gripe is more with the useage of the shorts. Out of all the character art I've seen for Power Girl, she has never covered her thighs in that manner (did that sound as awkward to you as it did to me?). A better design choice would have been bare legs with just the boots.

Detail: Overall, the detail lines look great. The face is simple enough without hurting the character's look. The boot details wrap around the legs and the chest details really make the character look as bossomy as her comic book counterpart.

Accessories: Power Girl comes with no accessories. But, considering she's essentially a female Superman, does she really need them?

Penny Pinching: Power Girl features a new hair sculpt and a new chest/cape piece. Her gloves are a reuse of Robin's gloves, but this is hardly an issue, as they suit the minimate well.

Overall: Power Girl looks very good in minimate form. She is very close to her source material and has been designed fairly well. Despite some slight misgivings about the bulkier chest piece and the expansion of her costume, I'm fairly impressed.

8 Drooling Dannies Out Of 10

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The four I bought...

Battle Damaged Superman: For a repaint mate, this is fairly nice. I'd have preferred the Yellow and Red "S", like most others would, but this'll do for the moment for sure, since the standard Superman is my display version anyway. The painted-on tears, except one on the lower left arm, are well done, and the expression says a lot. I give it an 8.

Brainiac 13: The biggest knock on Brainiac in general is that there is no definitive version of Brainiac, like there is for, say, Ultron. Each version is a seperate entity, and though some motiffs last from incarnation to incarnation (green skin, or the three circles symbol on the forehead), no one Brainiac has lasted that long since the Crisis on Infinite Earths storyline. That's why you can have effectively Superman's second most important enemy (when all Brainiacs are taken as a whole) and he can be called "forgetable" in this very thread. That having been said, the armor is exceptional, the tenticles were very well done, and the 2.5" size goes well to re-enforce the theme the pack has going with BD Supes. Another 8 for me.

Booster Gold: Oh, now we're getting somewhere. The implementation of Skeets is ingenius. The colors are great, I prefer these to the metallic gold and black we've seen elsewhere because the bright colors really scream "Look at me! I'm someone you need to notice!" which is the heart of Booster's character for much of his history. The collars DCD's using still need some work, though. This one gets a 9.

Blue Beetle: Best for last, I say. This Minimate is a dream come true for someone who loves the Blue Beetle legacy an awful lot. Ted Kord is done justice. I had to adjust the placement of the mask a little to get the eyes to properly match up with the goggles, but that's no big deal to me. His weapon's a nearly perfect rip from the books, though the holster's a little on the bulky side. I don't mind the face issues so much, since once I do get my Batman, he's not going to be taking off the mask very often. This one is a 10 out of 10, though I do have to say part of that is coming from my love of the character. Now bring on Jaime, DC!

That's all of the wave I managed to get my hands on. My store only ordered one case, and it was gone in less than 2 hours. I asked them about re-ordering, and we'll see what happens there since they don't normally re-order Minimates. I need a Power Girl to match up against my Rogue!!

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Drgnrbrn316 - Any chance you would be interested in doing reviews for MMHQ? I am serious. I'd love to recruit you. I've been struggling to find an angle to challenge Danny and his reviews at MMC. I think I've found it!

Send me a PM if you are interested.

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I have nothing insightful to add, but after having a week of fun with my DC and X3 mates, I figured I would make a few comments......again, nothing we haven't heard.

Robin is classic. The style of the figure is the best of the wave. It brings a very old-school feel to the mate. In a way it reminds me of the Spider-Man/Peter Parker Mate, in the way that he looks like he just stepped off the comic page. The Batarang is a nice addition, but in my opinion this figure wins the design of the wave award.

Penguin is a little different. He is the opposite of classic in the fact that I don't think I've ever seen him in a white suit. Of course, I'm not an avid follower, but white did seem a bit out of place. Even still though, the looks is great. The hat looks perfect and the addition of slim-line feet is a wonderful idea. Plus the Umbrella mold is flawless. He should be purple or grey, but overall he's good.

Power Girl is hot. You would think that would change in the transfer to a minimate but it doesn't. The hair pulls off that seductive look she always has. By far she has been my favorite female mate so far.....of course Wonder Woman does come out next month ;).

Dr. Fate is really cool. I know nothing about this figure except for what I've seen on JLU, but he looks great. The helmet is awesome and the addition of the grey hair was nice. Nothing spectacular but he looks good.

Booster Gold and Beetle, like Dr. Fate, and lost to me. I don't think Beetle was on the JLU show, but I know Booster was.......and that's the extend of my knowledge. I like that Beetle comes with a gun and I LOVE the little robot ball belt that Booster wears, very cool. While I don't know anything about these two, I love the mates and am glad they made them. If I had one complaint it would be that neither of them came with a hair accessory, that was pretty weak.

BD Superman is one of my favorites of the wave. It's the face, those Red Eyes are spot on. In fact, I feel like putting him in a drawer at night because he scares me, lol. Seriously though, they captured the feeling of a beat down Supes and I love it. People have complained about the different symbol, but I love it. And, in fact, I would welcome another Superman with the Black logo....I like Superman.

Brainiac is probably my favorite of the wave. Not so much because I like the character but I like that he is a bigger size. I think it's great what DCD is doing by allowing AA to use larger mates. Then, add in the tenticles and Brainiac actually looks like a force to be reckoned with. Much more frightning than 2 inch Juggernaut, lol.

Overall I love the wave. While I liked the 1st better and I'm going to like the 3rd even more, this was still a much above average wave with some great characters. This is a Must Buy for DC and Minimate fans alike. neo

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Ok, I haven't got these yet, but based on the pictures, here's my thoughts.

Robin & Penguin - *Disclaimer* I don't like the Silver Age. I got in to comics more recently and positively cringe when I've read some of the sixties stuff. I love some of the earlier characters (like Plastic Man, etc.) but there are some eras that really should be brushed under the carpet.

Of course, I'm not in the majority when I say this. Therefore, whilst a lot of people seem to really like this Robin, I think he's a bit rubbish. The pants just make be feel a little uneasy looking at him and, combined with the cheesy grin, remind me of the "Batman as a paedophile" thing.

Penguin is... interesting. I love the face and like the idea of the smaller shoes, but he doesn't quite look right in the white coat.

Superman & Brainiac - I love the look of Brainiac, though I don't find him that recognisable - I'm more used to the JLU version. The size difference seems just enough to be realistic, and makes me look forward to Croc and Bane.

Superman looks good. That's all really, I don't read DC for the big characters. Hopefully AA learn from the Marvel waves and don't give us too many Superman/Batman figures. It's looking hopeful so far.

Power Girl and Dr. Fate - I love Geoff Johns' JSA so I was really looking forward to these two, especially after I found out the good doctor was Hector Hall. Both figures look good, though Fate does suffer a bit from being a bit simplistic. Not a major problem, as you wouldn't want more detail added than the character actually has. Power Girl looks great and is probably as close to the comics version as a minimate can get.

Blue Beetle & Booster Gold - These guys are some of my favourite characters. The Skeets accessory is a genius idea and seems to have been implemented extremely well. I would have preferred a slightly less neutral expression for Ted (or a word balloon that could be attached, saying "I'm more mature now, I have a heart condition!") but overall he's great.

Overall the wave is nice. Creepy Robin aside, they've picked a good assortment of characters, and the variety pretty much ensures that I'll just have to get everything that DCD put out.

Here's looking forward to wave 3 though.


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I was going to pass on the BD Supes/Brainiac 13 pack but after the raves I read here about the 2.5 body I picked it up today. I must say Brainiac is one of the best 'mates out there. Thanks for the reviews everybody. Think they'll use the 2.5 body for a new Hulk?

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I was going to pass on the BD Supes/Brainiac 13 pack but after the raves I read here about the 2.5 body I picked it up today. I must say Brainiac is one of the best 'mates out there. Thanks for the reviews everybody. Think they'll use the 2.5 body for a new Hulk?

Not a chance in HECK! The Marvel / DST contract does not permit any minis over 2" tall.

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  • 4 months later...

Ok, sorry to bring up an old thread but i'd thought i'd add my reviews

Superman- I like this figure, the expression is good and you can imagine him blasting a villain with his heat vision. I personally like the black symbol (like he uses in Kingdom Come and the old fleischer cartoons of the 30's). The detail of the battle damage is good to. The red kryptonite is a nice touch 9/10

Brainiac 13- I do like this figure, even though I would prefer the Animated/JLU version so Im not really familiar with this version. Im was little annoyed at first that he was a 2.5 mate, as I wanted to combine him with Lex Luthor (like what happens to them in JLU) but that cant happen. Hes still a good figure though and the tentacles are a nice touch. 8/10

Blue Beetle-I love this minimate, the expression is nice and the helmet with the see-through eyesare a nice touch and holster/BB Gun are nice accesories, the gun also fits nicely in BB's hand only let down is the lack of a hairpiece. 10/10

Booster Gold-the other part of the Blue/Gold team of the 80's League, I liked this one lot, the collar is good (you can remove it to make him look like his other costume) and so is the helmet/visor, the smirk is very booster like to. I liked how skeets was added to him, he fits in well without restricting the movement, like BB the lack of hairpiece is the only downside. 10/10

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Part 2

Robin- I like this minmate, based in the classic dick grayson (unlike the C3 robin which is based on the current Robin Tim Drake), his expression is good- showing off a simpler time in comics as opposed to the gore-fests of today. of course this robin has the classic the pixie boots which work well here. He comes with 1 batarang 9/10

Penguin- Honestly, I felt this was the worst one in this wave. The colouring is odd, I dont recall the penguin wearing an all white suit, his purple/blue tux would have been better though the piece is good for showing his large belly. The face is good though with his typical monocle and snarling face. He comes with an umbrella, though an extra version with a weapon would have been nice 6/10

Power Girl- While not a fan of powergirl this minimate is nice, the costume is nice, while showing her "ahem" assets, DCD made it work quite well on this minmate, i like the hairpeice as well, its a nice new piece. 8/10

Dr Fate- the doctor and power girl are teammates in the JSA so thats why they are packaged together. this is another cool mate, the detail is nice and the helmet is removable and comes with an extra hairpiece 8/10

This was a very good wave with the good outnumbering the bad


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Booster Gold 10/10 - He's my favorite mate from this series. I love Booster Gold and they really capture him perfectly in this mold.

Blue Beetle 9.5/10 - He's basically perfect, I think sometimes his goggles are a little weird but I look pass that.

Battle Damaged Superman- 8.5/10 - He's cool, I like him, not my fav though

Brainiac 13 10/10 - He's amazing, I think Brainiac is such a great villian and I'm so excited to see him in minimate form.

Powergirl 9/10 - I love her

Dr Fate- 9/10 - I was a little worried they wouldn't be able to do dr.fate justice, but I was wrong, he's great!

Penguin 7/10 - He's my least favorite from this set, I never really enjoyed the penguin anyway

Robin 7.5/10 - I would give him an 8, but i am holding a grudge against him because why did he come with a batarang and batgirl and batman didn't????

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