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so, i've been kinda out of it lately

TM2 Dinobot

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You may or may not have noticed that I haven't been prowling around here as much lately. That's partly because things haven't been going so hot IRL, but mainly because things have royally sucked for me online. I was dis-welcomed from one of my favorite websites that I loved going to. The Allspark is nothing but a little commie camp, and I only hang around the art forum to keep in touch with friends. But even that has gotten boring, and the Willis/Botcon/Movie furvor has bubbled over into there. DeviantArt is okay, but it's not much of a community. There's another site I go to, but it's mainly a bunch of jaded people, and I don't really feel accepted there. Kinda like the kid in the jock shower room.

And then there's here. I've been feeling a little cold flowing my direction on here lately. I don't know what I did, but I don't like it. That's why I haven't been hanging around. i think some people (I'm not gona name names. I don't even know who myself) have gotten it in their heads that they don't like me. Well, that's fine, you either love me or hate me, there's no middle ground. It doesn't bother me. It just makes me not want to hang around. But I like hanging around here. I like you guys. We have great fun. I don't know, maybe we're growing so fast that I'm feeling left out. Something.

Anyways, I just wanted to say sorry for not being as active lately.

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*Picks Dinobot up and dusts him off*

I havent seen any obvious signs of negativity towards you TM2, maybe you're right and it's diffent vibe caused by growth, maybe you're imagining it either way if you're not sure then it seems silly to withdraw because of that.

If someone is openly hostile report them to a mod, if it's more subtle then well that's life & you're gonna have to tough it out, we all have people we get on with 'less well' than others.

I hope you dont become a stranger because you feel 'left out' but at the end of the day that's your choice...


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Hey, I know what you're feeling. I've felt that vibe myself sometimes. It's mostly in your head. Best thing you can do is to just keep being yourself and not let it bother you. Everyone has their quirks that rub people the wrong way, but true friendship is when people find ways to overcome those little setbacks. I'd like to think that everyone around here is for the most part friendly with one another. I think most of the hostility and grudges died with the old AA forum. So, dust yourself off, your amongst friends here.

Besides, if we can still get along with Tim despite him sitting around naked while the rest of us on the island do all the work, I think we can get along with anyone. :thumbsup:

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I too get that vibe sometimes. But you know, in the end I know most of you still love me. Except DonnyB, who lost his heart in a car accident, and now cannot love. :tongue: . Anyway, you got to stay! Who else loves transformers like you do? And I'm just getting started!

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Hey 'Dinobot! My best guess is that, not too long ago, you were posting a lot. This is not a bad thing, since I always enjoy your opinions. But, sometimes the board slows down, between releases and what not. When you're the only one posting (it seems like) and no one answers your posts... well, that cold vibe comes up.

Rest assured, you're a valued member of the community. Since we're settled into a drink at the Minimates' Arms, give me a man-hug! :)

(And Shanester, I'm intentionally not partial-quoting your post... I'll leave that to Cloneme. ;) )

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Yeah, as my dear old Dad says, "I'm not prejudice, I hate everyone equally" :lol: Seriously though, forums can definately be for the thick skinned at times ;) But don't take things to heart, things aren't always directed at any one person. Not to mention, it's hard to read members intentions in their posts. Which is why I always use way too much emoticon's at times, since things don't translate without them :confused: So stop feeling sorry for yourself and get back into the game sourpuss :tongue:

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