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Everything posted by goods4life

  1. I didn't even know there was a new Spiderverse event coming up. I am so far behind. I wait until they hit trade paperback to read them because its to expensive to buy single issues. Pretty much Spiderman and X-Men are the only Graphic novels I still buy unless they are super cheap.
  2. Looks like I will have to do some hunting this weekend......I am not a huge fan of movie figures but I am a big Spidey fan so I will make an exception. I can always customize them to make more comic accurate.
  3. I would love to get my hands on Kraven....that would be a great choice.
  4. Funny thing is, this is one of the few events with which Spidey had nothing to do with. He showed up in some of the tie-in Avengers comics in some non speaking parts and that was it. Maybe because it was still Ock in his mind and Hickman doesn't like handling other's continuity. I am looking forward to Peter Parker being back! Down with Doc Ock. I know some people hated it but it was actually in my opinion a fun read. I always knew Peter Parker would be back. Now if they would put him back with Mary Jane where he belongs. As far as Kostisfire guesses I would love any of those ones you are guessing at. Come on Cosmic characters!
  5. Sometimes it just depends on the TRU or sometimes they don't order as many. Mine does that. Sometimes only orders one box and never orders again! Thats why its good to have forums that way people can hook each other up. Sometimes distribution is better in some areas I don't live on other things like Neca figures is a prime example. Sometimes TRU skips whole waves on me! Thankfully I know some great guys in other states that have been able to help me out! That being siad I have a hard time finding some of the TRU exclusives as well but thankfully I am not a completist! i also don't believe in little plastic coffins for me figures either though. To quote William Wallace FFFFRRRRREEEEEEEDDDDDOOOOMMMMM
  6. Thank you Mr. Shanester sir hahaha! I appreciate your help getting everything set up!
  7. Glad you made it bro! It took a little while. Now I just have to do some exploring.
  8. I would much rather have comic versions but the movie ones look fun. Either way I will give in and buy some.
  9. I am not a huge Turtles fan but I have fond memories of the movies and cartoons as a kid so I will snag them just for the fun of it. I already have zombies battling Borgs might as well have Turtles doing something maybe a face off with some Marvel characters.....
  10. I was really happy to hear that. Really enjoyed the older run even though it was a little cheesy. But thats part of what made it so fun. That would be fantastic!
  11. Wow man just wow.....You have motivated me to buy up all mini packs I see on clearance to see which ones have custom potential....
  12. Yes I am on now! Hi Ben its Steve finally got my account working thanks to Shane!
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