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Everything posted by cylonchaney

  1. 5 daggers (w peg hole to attach to the sash) and 2 phasers.
  2. BSG - All Trek - All DC - All (hehe) Marvel - wave 9 variant and all variants from wave 12 going forward For most of the above I have duplicates MIB.
  3. When posting please make sure you - adhere - to the rules.
  4. Apparently it's also due to your lack of google. They are still for sale at AFX as of right now. Marvel Universe Exclusive Civil War Minimates Box Set exclusive-item Usually ships in 2-3 business days.
  5. Tuco needs a sombrero. I'll buy em anyway but Tuco really needs a sombrero.
  6. Austin Powers. The characters are recognizable from their outfits which works well with mates. I would want two inch scale, of course, which would make a Mini-me Mini-Mate mighty minuscule (and possibly difficult to make). Must make Mini-mate Mustafa as well. I think there are enough characters for a couple of waves but boxsets would work as well. Oops. Not from the 80's, I just noticed that. I still say Austin Powers anyway.
  7. This is by far the weakest set I have ever bought. I still like them but that just speaks to the overall quality of the line.
  8. I was just going to post about that. I've got some ordered. Enjoy everyone!
  9. I picked up a single-packed classic Cylon for about $7.00. A week or so later, I was like hmm I wonder if they make any other characters. Now I'm swamped with mates. Grrr.
  10. Since this worked out so well for HotstufflouieB, I've been looking all over the place for a thread I saw recently where someone posted a picture that had some custom klingons in it. I can't seem to find it now. Anyone know where I can find it? Thx.
  11. I found one for about $15. Now if the mail man would just hurry up. I just found one on the shelf of a local model shop today and picked it up for $32.99 so if you can find it cheaper it's probably a good deal. I'm tempted to be lazy and just build the captain's chair. Kirk will look cool on my desk at work sitting in the chair!
  12. Hot water is for girls! I just forced mine on.
  13. I'm doing my part. I've got two of each on order from Stuckakid and will probably get at least another Colonial pack if not both locally. I love these guys! Man do I wish there were ships for them to pilot though. PS Boomer's gun is on the right. It's just that he's got one huge-ass set of keys clipped to the left side of his gunbelt but you can't see this detail on a figure as small as a minimate. There, feel better now?
  14. They've got some bad code on that web site. If you browse the products link to Minimates then click on BSG it only goes shows up to wave 4. If you browse BSG then click the Minimates link, you see up to Wave 4 plus the Classic packs plus the Razor packs. Same with Star Trek. If you go to Minimates and click on Trek you get up to Wave 3. If you go to Trek then click Minmates you see 3 Wave plus the Mirror Mirror boxset. Weird.
  15. Got an email from Stuckakid saying that the Classic BSG Boxsets will be shipping next week. I can hardly wait!
  16. If anyone is still looking for the Scarlet Spider / Hobgoblin pack, Stuckakid just got some in.
  17. This looks pretty cool. Can you post a bigger picture so we can see more detail?
  18. So do you get Web Armour Spidey with those now that they're offering?
  19. As an added bonus, when I was there just minutes ago, BSG Wave 4 is on the Web Armor Spidey offer page. I ordered two sets and a defenders pack and my order confirms that I'm getting 3 Spideys as well. That more than offsets the expensive shipping.
  20. C'mon man, this from the man pays homage to the sloth-like Cylons who, despite computer-targeting, had incredibly poor aim?!? I'd expect your "suspension-of-disbelief" and sense of humor to be better! Levitating trash-cans are spooky! Cylons had the cool "roving-eye", Daleks had the creepy-ass "squawk". I grew-up in the "Tom Baker Era" too and he will always be my favorite despite the less than stellar effects. I truly hope that we eventually get some offerings from the "classic" incarnations (even a few boxsets would be cool: regenerations, Dalek, Cybermen, etc.). However, I can't recommend the new series (especially Seasons 1 & 2) enough. It's an incredibly witty and very well done series (my second favorite show after BSG). Do yourself a favor and check it out if you're not familiar with the new stuff. Note to self: Never mess with Dr. Who nerds. Never. Will still only buy Tom Baker though. They better make a TARDIS for him.
  21. I pre-ordered from CSC. I've done a fair bit of business with them and am always satisfied. I also wandered into my LCS today to pick up a Mysterio because I could not wait. He's going to be fighting Spidey on my desk tomorrow. He's just awesome. And the variant Angel pack was there so I grabbed it as well.
  22. Are you kidding me? Darth Vader would be the ultimate addition to my minimate collection!
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