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Everything posted by insanespidey

  1. Yes it did glow...not sure what it was, just a freaky insect thing that really liked superman. I don't think I have ever seen a bug like it befire in my area. I have no idea how it got in, air vent maybe?
  2. I woke up yesterday morning and found an interesting surprise waiting for me. I have no idea what prompted me to take a look at my minimates.... This little guy was as green as kryptonite, and for the love of god I could not get him off. It was on Superman's chest at first, but after I came back from getting my phone to take pics he ended up on his head. It was really funny how he ended up giving Supes some bunny ears. I eventually pulled him off and out the window he flew. I just thought I'd share it with you guys :biggrin:
  3. I bought all of series one at suncoast last week or so. I am so happy they are carrying DC minimates, and I got into a pretty interesting conversation with the cashier. He was asking me tons of questions about minimates, since he wants to start collecting them. He said he was more into Marvel, but there were a few DC minimates he wanted, the only thing stopping him from planning to get them all is the 9.99 price.... Does anyone know when they are getting series 2 in?
  4. 1) Huntress 2) Zatana 3) Black Canary 4) The Question 5) Kon-El, modern Superboy I also wouldn't mind a Teen Titans Boxset, especially if it came with Terra. Though, I do like the way their Cartoon counterparts look more than the classic...
  5. Its Defenders for sure.....I would love an Illuminati set, but with that last clue it is so a Defenders set. It also says "3 big name Marvel characters will find themselves transformed into Minimates later this year" so it makes me think that the other 3 have not been made before, hopefully that rules out Hulk nd Silver Surfer. Namo is an obvious choice, but only a few "big name" characters haven't been made that were in the defenders. Maybe an Angel, Black Panther, Hawkeye? Who knows I just hope we find out during WWLA!!!! There is a possibility it could be a Secret Defenders Set...
  6. OMG! This is so awesome! I totally didn't expect to win since there were so many great entries. Thanks to everyone who voted for me! and congrats to Ivan and Boyd! Those were truly some wonderful wallpapers.
  7. Hey thanks guys! I'm glad you like it
  8. Top Ten: 10. Mohak Storm 9. Vision 8. Havok 7. Modern Iron Man 6. Dr. Strange 5. Thor 4. Black Bolt 3. Namor 2. Deadpool 1. Ms. Marvel Spiderman/Wolvies -Iron Spidey -Weapon X Wolverine or Full Mask from Astonishing/New Avengers Looking at my list, I might as well want an Illuminati wave...just throw in Modern Mister Fantastic and Professor X.
  9. Heres my first entry, and man did it take me a while. I tried to put in as many different lines that had some good promo pics I could use. I'm working on transfering it to the other standered sizes, so there will be all three availible. I just hope it looks good, 'cause most of the other entries are amazing so far
  10. Warning, Spoilers ahead if you haven't seen the movie. Personally, I hate how Halle Berry offed two perfectly fine characters just so she could be in charge of the team, so she'll be joining the Kellogg's mates and the new Speed mates under my trusty hammer. Awe, you shouldn't be two mad at her. The Reason Cyke died (well, we realy don't know if he died since we didn't actually see him die, which I'm sure was done on purpose ) is because James Marsden wasn't availible 'cause he was off filming Superman Returns. And The Professore didn't die for sure, which you would can see for yourself if you watch the scene after the ending credits on the DVD. He transfered himself, into the coma patient on Muir Island...I think it was just meant to be dramatic I swear, I don't think this movie had any closure. The one thing that is pretty certain is Jean's death, but even that could be turned around to her saving herself and hibernating.
  11. I went to my local target and found Cyke/Storm, Phoenix/Prof. X, Colossus/Nightcrawler, and Ben Rielly/Sandman. Unfortunatly, no Wolvie/Iceman
  12. I so need a John Stewart. I would even sell you my soul
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