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Everything posted by NightViper

  1. They actually made Spider-Girl red and black! I definitely was worried they'd make her blue. It's a little too bad it's not a pearly/metallic-y black to try to recreate the same sheen her costume appears to have, but still, it's better than blue!
  2. Well, grabbed a Spider-Man and Goblin set; the last set there. The next day they went ahead and removed the price sticker from the hanger. Looks like no Union Jack for me
  3. Wow, I'm not really a Ghostbusters fan, but I probably need all of those! Heck even Zuul, the Keymaster Louis and Gatekeeper Dana look great and that's something that I never thought anyone could pull off!
  4. I'm up for a hunt! Here's my custom for this year, Captain Astro:
  5. Yeah, the BSG ones are just mixed in with the Star Wars cases.
  6. Darth Vader's Anakin's Anakin's v2 Obi Wan's Obi Wan's v2 Mace Windu's Yep, I bought them all, and I'm eying the new flamey one that's due out in March. I like the design of the ship, and at that size and price, I can afford to build a tiny fleet. But yes, more BSG please! There are plenty of Star Wars vehicles that can be held back for a bit to squeeze more BSG in there. I think that the main problem is that BSG doesn't offer itself well to repaints. Most ships look identical in the fleet, which means after they release a mold, they have to design a new mold for the next ship, slowing down the releases. Still, I supposed they could try a battle damage repaint or actually put the pilot's name on the side and release several different pilots as variants (I know the black repaint of the Viper Mark II had "Apollo" written on the side, so it is possible).
  7. Revoltech is not exclusive to Transformers. They make all sorts of Japanese characters. Transformers only accounts for five of the releases: Optimus, Ultra Magnus (unarmored), Megatron, and the upcoming Starscream and Hot Rod.
  8. I love the figures...but I got to say I don't like the new shield handles. One end is filled in so that it will only go on the wrist. On all the previous Caps, I liked to push the shield up so that I could still fit a gloved hand on. It interfered with the elbow a little, sure, but I liked that look better than the spare hand look. Oh well, still amazing figures none-the-less.
  9. Well, they are making the German mechanic aren't they? You're 1/4 of the way there! The Ark ghost gets me every time I see it. That thing is just hilarious!
  10. I'm already planning on buying the Rex/Potato Head set. Hopefully with some paint and minor resculpting, Rex can make a decent beast mode for the Beast Wars Megatron that's coming out.
  11. I paid about $20 for mine. That was a couple years ago though. Pain in the ass to get he was. The seller got the money order and cashed it, then forgot that he had done that and claimed I hadn't paid him. Luckily he eventually found a receipt for when he cashed it in and sent the blue boozer on his way.
  12. No, unfortunately. They won't be out for quite some time.
  13. Nothing at the LCS, I'm fairly certain I told him to order a set... A little disappointing that Black Panther doesn't come with the full limbs, that was one of the things I was looking forward to most for him. Oh well, still looks like it'll be a good set.
  14. The "some other person" is Juno Eclipse. I'm tempted by the Imperial Transport set, now that I see it comes with a Shadow Trooper. It's too bad they didn't vary up the Troopers even more though. Like a Sandtrooper or Scout Trooper instead of one of the white Storm Troopers. And I'm hoping for an "Imperial Precession" or similar set so I can get the Imperial Guards cheaply and easily. Maybe with a TIE Fighter Pilot, Scout Trooper and Stormtrooper, so you can recreate the Emperor's landing on the second Death Star.
  15. You'd need a Rand, wouldn't you? I thought she was wearing a red uniform?
  16. Oooo, the link's working now? *Runs to go look* Cool, I was wondering if they'd make them.
  17. Yes! All please! I have to say, that Lucifer is one of the best Minimates ever. It just works perfect for him. Imperious Leader is surprisingly good too. I won't have thought that he'd make a good Minimate. And Muffit! Of course, now I'm thinking of getting a second Colonial set just so I can make a dark brown Daggit...
  18. Just found the Jack/Nina set at my local FYE. Their pricing certainly has become a little strange; the DC and BSG Minimates are $9.99 each, while the Star Trek wave 2 Minimates were $7.99 and the 24 pack was $6.99. And about the 24 pack, I'm glad they didn't put obvious breast lines on Nina. That way you can imprison any of your DC/Marvel super-villains without too much gender confusion
  19. Huh. People are getting their orders? Should I be worried that I haven't heard from them since I got the auto-response order confirmation?
  20. The only substantial difference is in the packaging. It's a baggie as opposed to a box or card. Also, the trademark information is painted in white, similar to the two-pack Cylons, not the dark gray like the Minimates that came from the Cylon case/FYE five pack. Just telling you in case you're interested in those sorts of variations.
  21. I've had no problems with Magnus, other than the usual paint chipping on the die-cast parts. Pretty much the same quality as Prime. Better plastic quality? Shouldn't that fix the stress marks/snappage problems? I'm not going to claim to be an expert on plastics, but there are some plastics that just can't be used in certain molds. It either shrinks too much or just doesn't conform to the mold as well. You may notice this in repaints, especially ones that use translucent to replace opaque parts, the joints sometimes end up looser, etc. That's because the different plastics have different tolerances. So it may be that a different (I'm not going to use "better," because this plastic may be perfectly fine for some purposes) wouldn't produce a good enough casting. Another thing to keep in mind is that this figure was designed not as an action figure, but as a model. Hasbro has said that (I'm hearing is second hand though), and I think it's clear from MP-03 that that was Takara's driving idea as well. So the figure was planned to use this harder, and slightly more brittle, plastic from the start. I have had no problems with Starscream so far, but that's because I'm treating it as a model. When I transform him--especially those flimsy-ass back wings--I do it as carefully as possible. It's definitely a figure that's meant to be appreciated, not played with. I'm not going to blame Hasbro for the plastic used, and I'm not going to blame Takara. I don't see the point of harboring such feelings towards toy companies. At one point, someone thought it was a good idea and production got rolling and there was no going back. Do I wish they had used the "normal" plastic that they use of Transformers? Sure. Am I angry that they didn't? Heck no. I'm just glad that they gave me a chance to own it at all.
  22. I'd like to see more pilots like Racetrack, Crashdown and Hot Dog, but that would most likely get pretty boring with the same flightsuit again and again. Maybe they could do a couple in the undershirt? Other than that, I guess I'd like them to finish off the human Cylons, including the final five. Hmm, not really sure who else I'd need. Just, you know, more Cylon variations I guess.
  23. The fans for insisting that Hasbro make this, even when they knew of the problems with MP-03? Takara who designed the mold to begin with? Sorry, but it isn't Hasbro's fault, or at least, not solely their fault. There's not really much that they could have done with a problematic mold and design. That is, unless they wanted to sink a heap-ful of money into it. And with a standalone product targeted toward collectors, putting that much money into correcting the problem areas probably wouldn't have been a good idea.
  24. Hmm, I thought that was just Canada, and the US was still on schedule. And the store got in everything else they were supposed to get this week... *edit* Nope, they didn't get anything in today (Thursday). Fantastic.
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