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Everything posted by Shamrock

  1. Ok, now maybe if nobody else enters, I can pull off 3rd place For my entry: Grindhouse (Click for full-sized image) Source: (Also click for full) I was really trying to wait for more entries, but I got impatient. Good luck to everyone!
  2. Sounds like another great contest! And it's just occured to me how much work my entry is going to be...
  3. Wow...that Goblin........I think everyone just lost.
  4. Woo, long time no custom. Here's my entry for the Villains Contest, Ultraman, the evil Superman from Earth 3......or 2.......or Qward.... This would have been a lot easier if I had a blank blue minimate.....and some decals.
  5. Woo, long time no custom. Here's my entry, Ultraman, the evil Superman from Earth 3......or 2.......or Qward.... EDIT: Don't know if sources are needed, but here's my reference:
  6. Why thank you. And from the same story, it's tourist Joker. Ready to do some tourist like crippling.
  7. Man oh man it's been a while. I've nearly stopp collecting figures, and I don't remember the last Minimate I bought, but for whatever reason I felt like making another design. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, Red Hood.
  8. Congrats guys. I'm pretty sure 2 of those got my vote.
  9. I got my usual contst question. After the winners are announced, will we be able to see the amount of votes or points each player recieved? Or, on request, could a contestant see how many his or her entry recieved?
  10. For removeable masks and such, I reccomend Green Stuff. It air drys, and is slightly rubebry when dry
  11. Thanks for the comments. I guess I'll throw this on here to, me entry to the Comic Covers contest, GLA #4 (Click to make Big) Lets see, a bunch of Legos, a custom Mr. Immortal, a printed out floor made in photoshop, and some photoshop to highlight the shadows. Then Tenime, Lurch, and Totalus posted theirs and I realizied I shouldn't have gone first
  12. I assure you, if I had any DC mates, and some trained grasshoppers, I would have done this. And another great entery Totalus, we finally have a contest!
  13. GAH! Boobies! Why didn't I think of that!? And I prefer "non-prizewinning winners" to completely eliminate any sense of a loser
  14. Oh bugger Tenime....that's why I didn't want to go first.
  15. Um........let's get this pratty started! (Click to make Big)
  16. If I had any Spidey variants, I probably would have shot one of them instead
  17. This isn't much of a custom really, but it does have a custom in it. It's my original idea for the re-create a scene/cover contest. It was decided that mutliple frames were unfair (and I agreed) so I got another one in store, but I liked this so I didn't want to go on not posting it. The Original: With the 'Mates: And with no fancy coloring:
  18. No problem, I just wanted to make sure before I posted anything.
  19. So.....would a full comic page (4 frames) re-created, with no characters that have official Minimates (Sin City), be ok?
  20. How about Jimmy Olsen, the Batman Superman of Earth X? I hope that if we get covered in Superman and Batman variants, they're not made up. I got a bunch of designs for various Elseworlds Minis in my gallery, and I hope we get those over Hazmat Batman. Shrock's gallery, with Elseworlds, First appearance, and who knows what other Batman and Superman variants!
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