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Everything posted by Josh2382

  1. I'm really pulling for a wave based on All-New X-Men.
  2. Woah. Where did this information come from? This is pretty exciting. The only one I'm not all that excited for is punisher due to digging the best of pretty well. Eh..more guns, more funs.
  3. Either way, I'm thrilled for this wave. I can only speak for myself and as a compliment to the DST team, but I feel like they've really turned up the heat on these past few waves. I've always loved minimates since I began collecting...and sure, there will always be QC issues...but DST is really outdoing itself. I'm becoming more and more impressed and astounded by the waves as they go on. Thanks, Zach, for being so good to us. This wave looks awesome
  4. Everything is going to hit on the same damn day. EVERYthing. and I will cry ten tears for each dollar spent.
  5. I love this. I kind of feel a 90's Xmen wave or boxset coming soon. It's been far too long as far as blue and gold goes. I don't find myself personally in need of a magneto because I truly adore the MvC one. I guess my best of 3 sets would be somewhere in this area.... Cyclops and Jean Gambit and Nightcrawler Sue and maybe another Torch...but we just got two pretty decent mates of him...or take the route of some of the non-matching packs and throw in a classic Ghost Rider Carnage and Doc Ock I'm trying to keep in mind that these are well known characters and not just the ones I want. Storm is also a possibility, but I don't see the entire wave 3 going to Xmen. I do want to see it lean more towards Xmen, though, since the past two have swung away from them for the most part.
  6. ....The wait from one wave of mates to the next is a curiously odd purgatory. Look what it does to us. I was under the impression that these mates were coming out next week. Has this been pushed back?
  7. I do care..quite a lot more than I should, haha. I guess, for me, it depends on whether or not the series spanned more than one wave. A removable gi makes for easy battle damage. The thing about Dbz(and Naruto, since this thread is titled for this purpose), is that there are far too many "forms" for a lot of the characters. We all see how bent out of shape we get when a marvel mate doesn't come with a hair piece at all, but imagine how upset some of us would be if Goku didn't come with(or be made at all as)his super sayian forms. Along with Naruto having many "tailed" forms as well, it's incredibly huge ground to break. I personally would rather have Goku. Explosive babble, over
  8. Woah, awesome. I didn't expect the skeleton suit. Happy to see the silver centurion updated. Heartbreaker is nyce.
  9. I think the characters would fit nicely as minimates, but I always have expected Dragon Ball Z to be before Naruto IF they were made. But either fit the mate style nicely.
  10. As far as "Igor" and "Gemini"? Or most of the armors we've mentioned in this thread?
  11. What...does...that..face...mean...Zach?
  12. I agree with what's being said. As much as I, like most of us, would love to see all new's much more likely that we get a mix up. I could see Igor being a new sculpt, maybe some of the others..but take silver centurion for example, I expect to see a "best of" repaint of sorts.
  13. Welcome aboard! You're picture is Gambit, so that earns you even more points with me!
  14. Well guys...I'm going back to bed now. My day is made.
  15. Were you referring to yesterday's armor's or today's? And that's one hot pepper! (Give this to me. I rushed to this website for this pun.) Igor makes quite an exciting thought for minimateage...but he also brings up the defining line between what this boxset will be(New mates or re-release). The other suits could kind of be made through repeated parts or even repeated mates...but he's a whole different animal than a regular iron man mate. For those with more suit knowledge than I, is that some sort of cannon on the "red snapper"? I want the "gemini" bad...
  16. Yeah, absolutely. There's too much "maybe" and "what if" in it right now. I hope it clears up a bit in the coming days. The "shotgun" armor looks quite killer, hope we get it.
  17. Oh man, those are wonderful looking. I would take any and all. Has there been word on the number of mates in the boxset? I don't think it will be a 34-pack lol. Maybe, if they are armors, they'll have interchangeable parts to get more looks out of each one? Just speculating. That's a safe bet haha. and yeah, that's good speculation. If they ARE armors, I think we'll get more than if they were other things(It's a safe call that it's armors, I believe). I do wonder if the three new armors in the regular wave are going to be included if it's a hall of armor, or just left to the wave.
  18. Oh man, those are wonderful looking. I would take any and all. Has there been word on the number of mates in the boxset?
  19. Oops! My apologies, friends. I skipped over that. That is, however, a relief for me. That's at least a bit of money saved.
  20. I really like the extremis solider. I can't wait to see who he is packaged with at TRU. Zach, I know we're all beggin' and askin' and preppin' our pitchforks for our mobs in this forum...but could we possibly get a number on how many mates are in the boxset? Or is that pushing it? I'm aware of the large amount of speculation on this boxset..but honestly, I cannot say I have any idea what the boxset will hold aside from -possibly- armor.
  21. Yeah..that's a great way to look at it, Monkeycrumb. Every minimate in all of our collections are going to be ready at any given time to head out in a suit and tie.
  22. Ha, thank you. Now I'm all full of nerves. I believe I'll wait until after the movie with that kind of response. At least Aldrich has a wonderful tie. The avengers stamp unsettles me for some reason.
  23. ^I share this method of lurking. Also, I really love the final metallic painting of the suits. It makes me THAT much more excited for the extended box set(By the way Zach, if you'd like to reveal that today..I would be okay with that. I'm trying to see how poor I'll be in April.). I think I would be more into the civie characters if I knew who they were. Can someone fill me in on who Maya and Aldrich are? It kills the packs for me simply because I can't get behind their stories.
  24. I had no idea this was even going on. My goodness, I'm thrilled! Will the "many faces of wolverine" boxset be kept away from this wave...or are we going to get a huge burst of Wolverine goodness in one month?
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