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Everything posted by MiniL

  1. We won't be getting a Daryl. He isn't a character in the comics, and they don't have the license for the show. Did get my order in from Luke, all of series 1 (sans the TRU exclusives, of course). Rick is AWESOME! There has bin talk about him going into the comic ..
  2. If we do get a Daryl they need to cover more ground like box sets and faster waves they need to cover from 1 till at least 75 b4 they release a Daryl That's just me Love that zombie officer
  3. Has any one seen a Glenn or Shane sets out yet
  4. Only what has already been said. The showed off wave 2 pics and TRU 1 and 2 pics Thanks
  5. Hate to sound like a dope any walking dead news ?
  6. If I'm not mistaking that is one of them the other is the one with chuck
  7. Have fun hell can't wait to hear and see pics of upcoming lines ...god speed
  8. I just put in an extra order with Luke as well more zombies
  9. pics or it didnt happen ;)Jeff of the Miniacs
  10. It's funny I got friends in ny running around looking for me lol I got some good friends ..let me know super
  11. Nice job Jeff I'm working on a riot gear Glenn as well as a Morgan from the books ..can't wait to get this set
  12. I have a friend that is heading to nycc and I asked him if he would pick up some stuff for me when he is there will he be able to buy stuff from the dst set up or am I sending him on a mission of hell ...if dst is selling any word on what they will have thanks again ...stil new to all this so if I come off like a tool I'm sorry
  13. So, I had to do a little digging, but I think I still feel the same way, although roughly 6 yrs later, I'd probably put GI Joe 3rd (which probably has to do more with the fanbase, which as a whole gets a big thumbs down from me these days) But Thundercats and He-man are at the top still and I don't have to customize one of these anymore, Hooooooo! I think I was the first to mention the thundercats, and then didn't see another mention for awhile ( which bummed me out, as Lion-0 is me favorite hero/character ) not too much love either for the dukes, a-team , or knight rider either back then. I think the vehicle restriction may have had everyone turned off to those suggestions. I had wished for box sets of those iconic 80's vehicles with the mates packed in, I didn't envision the deformed look, but glad they went that way, I think it works better but the delorean could have been done better I think. Oh well, it was nice to take a look at what was being said, and a lot of old faces that haven't been around for ages now (looking at you JL) A legends of wrestling would rule anything like that just take my money
  14. Oh, God, i can't unsee the difference in colors now. Dammit. What is seen can not be unseen
  15. I just put a order in with Luke last week I'm getting better at this it was my first purchase of minimates ...and I agree I didn't see the gun till I looked in from the top
  16. U live in Bermuda ? If so let me know what u got ....I got done in by toywiz ...$40 shipping
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