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Everything posted by Tim

  1. Just spotted this post. Here is Ron. Seriously. DST needs to get on the NBC train before I explode. The Office is ending this year. Parks & Rec. came close to not even getting renewed for a full season. WANT. THEM. ALL.
  2. The twin pack possibilities are endless. Jim & Pam Dwight & Michael Phyllis & Stanley Andy & Angela Oscar & Kevin Erin & Tobey Ryan & Kelly Then branch out... Charles Miner & David Wallace Jan & Holly Bob Vance & Hank Tate I would spend stupid amounts of money on these things.
  3. He did. From him, that you folks have seen, I have an Atrocitus, Billy Butcher, and Mother's Milk. I also have a Wee Hughie, The Homelander, and Red Lantern Guy Gardner, which he forgot to photograph before passing along to me.
  4. I'd buy a full set of "The Office" Minimates. A FULL SET. Even tertiary characters. Packer. Jan. The guy who owns/owned the building in a wheelchair. All of them.
  5. No, my brother was blessed with all the visual art talent in the family. I just pretend to be a musician from time to time. As for my favorites, I'm trying not to let this hobby get out of hand the way my old Marvel Legends collection did, so I collect in small bursts, or mini-collections I guess you'd say. I got hooked because of the Ghostbusters line. I still need the Scolari brothers in order to complete my "all the guys and each major ghost they fought" theme. Otherwise, I'm quite partial to my Uncanny X-Force collection, and my movie Avengers.
  6. Another set where I'll snag a two pack for one figure. Don't have much need for another Captain America, but I do have much need for that Miles Morales.
  7. So....long time lurker, maybe like...oh, third time poster? This account should do nicely - simple. Stated. That sort of thing. Anyway... I'm still relatively new to this Minimate thing. I've got a sizeable collection that I've picked up here and there over the past few years (and finally got around to displaying this year). I blame my brother. He goes by Shamrock around these parts, and only buys the things to paint and make them better. So yeah, there's that. How are you?
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