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Everything posted by bigvis497

  1. He received a 10" ToyBiz figure. Towards the end of the line KB Toys had quite a few simple repaints under the "Marvel Universe" banner but many of them didn't have 5" counterparts. Spot was one of them, I believe he was just a repainted Silver Surfer.
  2. Who are these "people?" That's the problem with making blanket statements like this. Who are these people who changed their mind for the purpose of complaining? Names. I've always preferred the non-articulated figures for smaller characters and I've always said as much. I haven't changed my stance.
  3. Did you know the Power Pack TV pilot was actually released? I thought it was an urban legend for years until I saw it on YouTube. Power Pack is a great choice, they were all over the place in the 80s.
  4. I need that alternate Maestro. Or just that helmet and I'll find a Maestro.
  5. John Watkins III was also a Citizen V.
  6. It may as well have been a custom It was a Wizard Magazine exclusive. Toyfare used to offer an exclusive mail away figure every month. They were usually just repaints but they did do Marvel a lot of fan service.
  7. That just gave me an idea for a pretty easy Minimate custom....
  8. Sorry, what I meant was it's nothing controversial or anything like that, it's just a very busy design. Lots of whites on top of blues. You'll hear a lot of artists say they hate drawing Jack of Hearts for the same reason, his design is very "busy" (and that's probably a good reason why we don't have an action figure of him either).
  9. OK, judging by your response I'm pretty sure you'll like this. They go over all of that stuff: Also, maybe give a little background for why the character should be made? Just wanted to distinguish this from the wishlist thread. Lots of great choices so far. With the popularity of Netflix/MCU I'm betting we scratch a few off of this list one way or another in the coming year.
  10. Youbastards, some friends of mine just did a podcast focusing solely on the classic Howling Commandos comics. It's called "Imaginary Stories," I can find a link if you're interested. Shang-Chi counts for his ToyBiz repaint and for SuperHero Squad. How cool was SuperHero Squad? I never followed closely but every so often I see something like this and think "wow, they made HIM?"
  11. Very cool character design. As a Spidey villain you could never rule him out completely but he's kind of minor. That costume could prove problematic to toymakers. The Toybiz AOA line had a Shadow King pack-in figure. Unarticulated but it's packaged with a figure so I'd count it. Not sure how you would articulate a psychic cloud anyway
  12. He wouldn't count since Minimates made him as Penance. But Baldwin as Speedball has never been made. Would have been a natural fit for a Spider-Man wave somewhere.
  13. There was some interesting talk in another thread about Crystal never receiving an action figure that I felt deserved its own topic. What major characters out of the Marvel library have never received an action figure of any kind, ever? I'm talking about action figures only and not just 3D representation so Heroclix and statues wouldn't count. Mego, 90's Toybiz, Minimates (which have done an awesome job with character selection), Legends, etc. would count. And by major character I obviously don't mean A-listers but the character has to be of some importance. It can't be someone who only showed up in a backup strip in an annual. And these are distinct characters only, "this version of Iron Man" or "this Rogue costume" doesn't count. Crystal is a good one. Classic Lee/Kirby creation. Served as an Avenger. Ties to the Inhumans, Quicksilver and the Fantastic Four. Was a rare F4 member outside of the core four. I was going to say Quasar until I just realized he has 3 3/4" figure that just came out. So I'll say: Night Thrasher. Led the New Warriors. Had his own series when the Marvel line was strong enough to support multiple New Warriors spin-offs ( Most of his New Warriors teammates have been made in one form or another. Has nineties nostalgia. Has a great look for toy potential. Never had an action figure. Who else? And why?
  14. I'm just saying I'm the minority who preferred the un-articulated mini-figures, has no relation to what you've already made. I know Groot is that size in the film, not sure why that's being questioned. To elaborate it looks like an interesting design from the silhouette. We haven't seen humanoid forms in that size yet, all of the mini-figures have been non-human forms. Opens up interesting possibilities for customs.
  15. I understood what you meant as well, I just don't see how an error like that would make its way to a final press release. Groot's head almost reaches Rocket's waist and hands yet those parts of the image aren't obscured. I'm betting he has a new leg/foot where it's all one piece.
  16. Why would they cut-off a press release image that's purpose is to show the outlines of the figures?
  17. Bummer about Rocket, I loved the un-articulated mini-figures. Groot at that scale is interesting. It's hard to go by just silhouettes but Mantis looks like she'll be pretty close to her comic source. Ego will obviously be drastically different. I'm guessing Taserface is a generic army builder guy.
  18. It's extremely difficult due to all the variants and retailer exclusives. The scale continued well into the late nineties long after the popularity died down. They made a ton of female figures as Puzzle Zoo (remember them?) exclusives. They were pretty lazy repaints, but we got stuff like X-Factor Wolfsbane, Shanna and Marvel Girl. I wanna say they got to Crystal eventually but I can't recall with 100% certainty. The line had some unique stuff but you also have to remember they did classic Marvel no favors. For example, I don't think they ever did a decent Cap, Thor or Hulk.
  19. I have an excel file for all the modern stuff but not the classic ToyBiz (I sold all of them ages ago). Toys were so different back then. On one hand it was cool to get so many oddball characters, on the other hand it was frustrating to have Tusk of the Dark Riders, Kylun and multiple versions of Garrison Kane but no proper Jean Grey or anything pre-Jim Lee.
  20. I never understood the love for the modern X-Force stuff. I tried reading that series a few times and just couldn't read it without laughing. It was so unaware of itself and it was so busy constantly telling you how everything was INDEED. VERY. SERIOUS. And just in case they didn't hammer home how serious and dark this comic was, the characters wore DARKER versions of their regular costumes. To deal with HOW DARK everything was. Nothing about the comic was fun. So yeah, they black and grey Wolverine's bore me. I'm 33 so I'm probably not the demographic for these kinds of books, but give me fun comics any day of the week. What I love about the Claremont run (and good comics in general) is that even when it's at its most bleak, there's still an air of hope underneath all the despair. I can't read a book that's only about misery.
  21. Just noticed the iconic character selection changed in the top left of the packaging. The last time I believe we saw that art used was on TRU19 and the characters portrayed were Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Wolverine & Spider-Man. Deadpool-ized versions of this same art appeared on Wave 65. Most of the waves since then have had a specific theme (Axis, Giant-Size X-Men) so the logo of the theme replaced the group shot. The current packaging trades out Wolverine & Thor for Hulk & Star-Lord. I wouldn't have believed you if you told me Star-Lord was going to be a top five Marvel icon ten years ago. edit: looks like the Greatest Hits packaging did this first
  22. That's the first I've ever seen of that ToyBiz Mojoverse set and I've seen almost everything. I'm guessing this would have been weird repaints like a silver Longshot, Green Quark, etc. It probably would have been a KayBee or FAO Schwartz exclusive. ToyBiz did make Spiral in late 95/early 96, a rare female contribution to the line. She was released a year after Longshot, Shatterstar, Mojo and Quark or else she probably would have been included in this set. If I can find a complete list, I'd like to to go through all of the old ToyBiz lines and see who we're missing as Minimates...
  23. Favorite: Wave 28. Alternate hands, alternate hair and a great iconic look. His smug grin and the little costume details bring me back to the time I started collecting comics. Least: Symbiote Wolverine. never liked cheesy one-shot mash-up verions of characters especially if they're from terrible stories.
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