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Everything posted by bigvis497

  1. Thanks for the detailed insight, Hellpop. I think we've got similar tastes in what we're looking for in Minimates. I'm only really interested in Maestro and Mr. Fixit. I can't wait to get these from Luke, Maestro is from my favorite period in Hulk comics and I'm glad to hear he's as great as he looks. And I know we got Strange Tales, but SAVAGE Tales? Where did I miss THAT announcement?!?! Savage Tales: Man-Thing/Ka-Zar/Zabu/Black Brother. (Nobody knows what I'm talking about...)
  2. Wolverine is a shorter guy, however this is comics and a certain level of artistic license just needs to be accepted. A Dave Cockrum Wolverine will look different than a Humberto Ramos Wolverine. A Sam Keith Wolverine will look different than a Jim Lee Wolverine. So just because He looks like a troll when drawn by artist A and looks like an average-sized man by artist B it doesn't mean you can point to one or the other as gospel. His official height is 5'3". I don't ever want to see Wolverine use a different sized body just because he's a few inches shorter than the average guy. KEEP MINIMATES SIMPLE. Fussing over a difference of a few inches is just over-complicating things. Part of the appeal of this line is the uniformity of the scale. My opinion is that only in extreme circumstances should the aesthetic be changed. I don't believe we've ever seen children in the Marvel line yet, I do think an exception needs to be made if we ever see something like Power Pack. As MisterPL said, it's about proportion more than actual height. I'm ok with shorter "adult" characters using slipper feet. But kids need to look like kids and not small adults. That's the only time I want to see the Peter Pan parts used in the Marvel line. YMMV.
  3. I don't want to see shorter body types used unless it's absolutely necessary. Franklin Richards, maybe. Wolverine, no.
  4. Mini-Myte, that Mr. Fixit pic is awesome! Can't wait to get mine. Can anybody who reads current comics give some backstory on Barbarian Hulk and Composite Hulk?
  5. Well, this is as far as from what would interest me in a Minimate set as humanly possible. I'm glad that some people seem to enjoy it, and Deadpool's a popular enough character that I'm sure it will sell great, which is all that matters. I'm just hoping this isn't a sign of things to come for the line.
  6. Hmmm...I'll take it on faith that you guys have something cool planned, but 'toy line specific' costumes walk a very fine line and I have to say the thought of that affecting Minimates makes me nervous. Anybody that ever walked into a Kay-Bee Toys during the '90s when Toybiz was making Spider-Man toys will know exactly what I mean. Youbastards, this is exactly how I feel. I've been a figure collector since the early 90s, and I've bailed on every line once they hit this stage. Part of the reason Minimates became my favorite line was that they were "better" than that. If it's some kind of promotional deal that can be ignored, like a Santa Spidey, I have no problem with that. If "made for toy" costumes start filtering into the main lines, well.... I won't say anything more until we have something concrete, but I'm worried.
  7. Zach I looked at this issue before posting. Its a completely different suit
  8. I'm in the minority but I really don't like that space Wolvie. Part of the reason I like Minimates so much is that the character variants we get are based on actual comic stories and not made up for the toyline. Overuse of that gimmick led me to stop buying a lot of lines I used to like. I really hope this doesn't mean we're going to start seeing Minimate Samurai Iron Man's and Deep Sea Spideys.
  9. Can anybody who reads current Marvel tell me if the spacesuit is from a specific storyline? The only one I know of is the Fatal Attractions suit and this is not that.
  10. I guess I misread something, but I thought we would be getting a Marvel "reveal" here. We've known about that Wolverine set for months. Oh well.
  11. They are both much, much shorter than average humans.
  12. I think Sasquatch turned out as best as he could. Some characters no matter how cool they look just don't translate well into mates, in my opinion. Sasquatch has huge shoulders which kind of slope around his head that make it somewhat hard to fit into the Minimate aesthetic. You're going to lose/limit articulation no matter which way you go with the design. The version we got looks perfectly comic accurate, you're just very limited in how you could pose him. If DST went the other way and gave us a neck that could turn, I don't think it would look as good as what we got. In summary, I think DST did the best job they could with the design. I'm curious to see how characters with similar issues like Man-Thing or Guido would be done.
  13. I really never understood how that worked with Peter's costume. It doesn't even make sense from a pseudo-science perspective.
  14. Yep, and that was during the 'Dark Times'...R.I.P. Wave 15 Just think, in the near future, we will be flooded with Guardians of the Galaxy merchandise. Think about that for a minute. Think if you heard that in 1992. Or even 2000.
  15. I've never had the paint rub off of any Minimate I own. In fact, I think minimates "hold up" better then any other line I've collected.
  16. Spineless ones? Seriously?
  17. Off the top of my head, 616 Steve Rogers Cap's that haven't been made: Heroes Reborn Nomad Geared-up 90's Cap (pre-Armored Cap) Man Without a Country The Captain
  18. The Kleinstock brothers were originally triplets until they lost one of the brothers. They merged into a singular form which would require all sorts of unique tooling for Minimates and pretty much disqualify them from any kind of army building. I'm not saying I don't want Acolytes, as a matter of fact I think they would be an awesome addition to the line. However it goes back to what I said about thinking realistically. Unfortunately, lower tier groups that don't have much individual identity probably have the least likely chance of being 'mated. Lower tier solo villains like Stilt Man, Spymaster? Just stick them with a big name. But usually when teams are made, DST sticks with it and makes pretty much all of them. I just can't see multiple Marauders or multiple Morlocks, Acolytes, Imperial Guard taking up spots on the schedule. The ones that have a greater solo presence like Gladiator, Callisto, I'm sure we'll see eventually. But guys who don't like Riptide, Smasher, Blockbuster, Scanner, etc. I can't see happening. Even though I would love to see all of them made.
  19. There aren't "generic" Acolytes. They all have their own identities. Unless they do alternate heads on generic bodies ala Fury/Commander Rogers. Two Acolytes in one pack is pretty unrealistic.
  20. I don't count minor characters or new characters, that said, Snowbird has never changed her costume.
  21. Why would Super Adaptoid be an Army builder? Unless I'm missing something, there's just one, not counting the brief time when Yelena Belova was one.
  22. I really don't understand why people are talking about Blackheart as if he were on the same level as some of the more iconic unmade villains like Strucker, Blob, Wrecker, etc. He is an extremely minor character who has only appeared in a handful of stories, none of which are very memorable or important in the grand scheme of the Marvel Universe. I think people's opinions are skewed because he was in a video game, therefore he must be a major player. He's so low on the totem pole that even when he appeared in the Ghost Rider film, Marvel didn't put him back into circulation in the comics, and they ALWAYS try to do that whenever possible (William Stryker in X2). He would definitely look cool as hell as a Minimate, but he really doesn't belong in these types of discussions.
  23. Gladiator is a Dave Cockrum design so that automatically means he translates well into toys. Minimates and Universe are very different when it comes to marketing. I wouldn't assume the Minimate would peg warm just because the Universe figure does. I say bring on Gladiator and everything else from that era of X-Men.
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