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Posts posted by buttheadsmate

  1. Well things didn't look too good to start with :mellow:


    but I stayed calm & opened the box :unsure:


    & that's what greeted me ...but I stayed calm even when I saw thispost-638-1195825416_thumb.jpg

    Beneath the heap of BSG & ST 2 packs was the Jin Roh Kerberos Cop which was in an unwrapped presentation box .This is a unique method of packaging ,using new 2 packs as packing . I'm not worried though because I now have a Spidey-Daylight-Armed-Robbery Minimate which was free . All I have to do ,I have read, is email AFX & they will perhaps refund me a part of the shipping cost. The carton I received, by the way, contained separate orders that I had paid( when totalled up) shipping charges of over $90 for. None of this matters because all the things that have been said about AFX are horrid prefabrications & none of this is happening,people are making it up, so I'm staying calm.

    For comparison I also received today from an 'ordinary' US ebayer a superb batch of 'mates in totally mint condition


    & the shipping.......?


    Make your own minds up about AFX, I have :verymad:


    I remained calm & I emailed the pictures to AFX .

    I have just received an apology & a shipping refund of $28.40 from AFX. They are also going to 'forward this to the warehouse & bring it to their attention'. You see's alright & there is no problem :unsure:

  2. Well things didn't look too good to start with :mellow:


    but I stayed calm & opened the box :unsure:


    & that's what greeted me ...but I stayed calm even when I saw thispost-638-1195825416_thumb.jpg

    Beneath the heap of BSG & ST 2 packs was the Jin Roh Kerberos Cop which was in an unwrapped presentation box .This is a unique method of packaging ,using new 2 packs as packing . I'm not worried though because I now have a Spidey-Daylight-Armed-Robbery Minimate which was free . All I have to do ,I have read, is email AFX & they will perhaps refund me a part of the shipping cost. The carton I received, by the way, contained separate orders that I had paid( when totalled up) shipping charges of over $90 for. None of this matters because all the things that have been said about AFX are horrid prefabrications & none of this is happening,people are making it up, so I'm staying calm.

    For comparison I also received today from an 'ordinary' US ebayer a superb batch of 'mates in totally mint condition


    & the shipping.......?


    Make your own minds up about AFX, I have :verymad:

  3. I HAVE just been totally screwed by AFX.

    I placed seperate orders for Trek Wave 2, BSG Wave 3 and The Defenders Set. Altogether the shipping charges cost me $87 (in in the UK).

    Someone at AFX decided to ship all three of my orders in one box at a cost of $35.30, which means they've pocketed an extra $51.70!

    I am NOT happy & needless to say i've emailed them about this.

    Your experience completely mirrors my own except that they're shipping a subsequent order, placed last week to secure the Spidey-Armed-Robbery-in-Daylight-Mate :tongue: , with them as well.

    We must all stay calm :whistling:

  4. I am sick of this bullshit. And I don't mean the AFX shipping policy, I'm referring to these continual posts that wail and gnash at AFX's treacherous piracy. Hate to break it to you all, but Action Figure Xpress is not the Greater Enemy. Unscrupulous retailers and scammers do exist, that's true, but AFX is not one of them.

    There's the impression that AFX is a giant conglomerate that trades on the NYSE, with board executives cackling over their successful fleecing of the masses. I don't suppose the staff at AFX totals over a dozen, the California warehouse probably has five or six employees. Shipping out a hundred plus orders is huge undertaking, one that is not going to happen instantly. Sometimes UPS trucks do fill up, I've seen it happen. Ultimately, some one gets to receive their order first, some one else will get their stuff a few days later. I don't doubt that AFX is working to get all their customers the product they ordered because it does the company no good at all to have it sitting on their shelves.

    Those of you who so righteously trotted your package down to the local UPS store to have it weighed, remember that the website ordering process must estimate what your package is going to total. Furthermore, try this exercise: take a bunch of your toys and dump them in a big bin along with your AFX order. Then trot that bin down to the UPS store, hand the guy your AFX order and tell him you need just those items picked out, packed, and shipped. I wonder what the total shipping cost would be then. Have you ever noticed the price of boxes or bubble wrap at a shipping store? And let's not ignore constantly biggest cost: labor.

    Ultimately, AFX told you what you were going to pay, there are no devious offshore billing scams going on here. At some point in the checkout process, every one is given the choice to buy the products for the listed total cost.

    Live like ignorant babes-in-the-woods -- whatever; life will be a long series of rude awakenings for you. What really pisses me off is to see libelous posts declaring the individuals at AFX to be criminals. This crying out that AFX is the Ultimate Evil is pure crap. This is a company that has existed for some time, I hardly think their goal is to steal from the fan boys' pockets. Like any accomplished retailer, they understand their success depends on satisfied customers and return business.

    If you want to be angry fanatics, spend your deductive energies helping us understand what's going on in Iraq. Or figure out what to do when the price of oil goes so high, we can't afford the basic foodstuffs that are transported to the grocery store (I'm sure that will be a shipping conspiracy, too), let alone buy the petroleum-based toys we all love so much.

    And Webhead, I don't consider you to be an ass. Although your rather inflammatory title did set me off. Posting "AFX Rip Off" in bold letters, then clarifying that "ok, things worked out" in a mid-thread post, is classic sensationalistic media methodology.

    For you Yankees: Happy Thanksgiving. I know I'm thankful for receiving a cool new Web Armor Spider-Man.

    It would be difficult to find fault with anything you've said so I won't try. The crux of the argument is that AFX ,albeit innocently ,have stirred a lot of shit for themselves. Unfortunately what should have been a pleasurable experience (getting a unique addition to our collections)has turned out for many into a fiasco. Whichever way you look at it ,it has not been AFX's finest moment.

  5. It would be cool to get an army builder set or even a "wave" of sorts. There are so many generic armies in the Marvel U that could benefit from the concept. Right off the bat, I got:

    * Hydra

    * AIM

    * RAID

    * The Hand

    * SHIELD

    * "Capekillers"

    * Purifiers

    * NYPD

    Another character to benefit from the army builder would be Jamie Maddrox, the Multiple Man.

    All that being said, I don't see it happening. AA/DST has never shown much interest in army building. The closest they've come is the Cylon assortment we've gotten over the past year, starting as a collector set and expanding into the first two waves of the BSG line. If the concept were to expand into the Marvel line, I doubt it would last more than a single exclusive set or part of a "wave" at a local retailer.

    Whilst I was busily listing my ideas you've done the job for me,thanks. I think Capekillers would sell well !

    I appreciate its not a Marvel license (so forgive me) but I'd love to see an army of Jin Roh Kerberos cops .


  6. There are 2 main ebay sellers of PALz ,corndogcollectibles & bigsnowtrading. They are both ex-directors of Palisades ,Ken Lilly & Mike Renegar respectively. Corndogcollectibles has just about everything ever produced by Palisades whilst bigsnowtrading lists pretty much the same stuff each week. My current (temporary) avatar features the PALz Buffy line exclusive ,Nightmare Xander & Flukeman from the first X-Files Series. The outhouse featured was an actual accessory with the Flukeman & is typical of the way the PALz lines never took themselves too seriously.



    Look at the owner of the dunny .....Lilly Sanitation :biggrin:


    I take no credit for the photos, these are from the excellent Michael Crawford reviews.


  7. I believe that is the first and the last time i will ever see lesbian and illegal alien in the same sentence......

    You're still young. I'm sure you'll see it plenty more times in the future.

    I'll miss the ape but Who's the brilliant new avatar. Now then ..deja vu ...I've got the feeling I've seen that before.

  8. Yeah Palisades always had problems with sales, and with getting (or rather not getting) any interest from any of the big box stores for distribution... I think their Muppets line had some of the best toy sculpts ever though, and it still kills me that they went under right before the Sesame Street line went into production. At least they got the Muppet penguins out there though, those were wicked...

    The only Palz I bought were the first wave Mulder & Scully, and I think they did a great job on the likeness. The amount of accessories was impressive, but they would have been fine with just guns and FBI badges. Never had any problems with arms breaking or paint apps or anything. I really wanted the second wave Scully in her green autopsy scrubs, but by then they were blind-boxing them and there's no way I was going to buy box after box trying to score a chase (I think it was like 1:60!?)

    Scully scrubbed up.


  9. The suit reminds me a tad of Snake from MGS. Sweeeeet terrorist. That'd be a great army builder pack.

    Amusingly the vest is based on one from a MGS2 generic soldier Kubrick.

    As for the color scheme, I had a substantial number of Rhino's lying around so logistics said that I went with a slightly lighter grey than I initially wanted, but the more I look at it the more I'm happy with tha choice it makes the darker parts more contrasting.

    I want to eventually make a bunch of these types of guys, more terrorist/bankheist/villian designs, SAS , SWAT & general Spec Ops type guys.

    Personally I think there's huge potential that isn't being used here as kids love to play toy soldiers, and there's no licensing issues as they would be generic figures. If they wanted to they could swap equipment and weapons etc between them.

    I also think that there's also the video game market where guys are out there playing CounterStrike, Rainbow6 and CoD4 who would love little versions of the soldiers they play online.

    What does anyone else think?


    Brilliant custom TBT & I know, only too well ,your awareness of the Kubrick Special Forces Series 1-6. Series 5 was sub-titled Enemy's Posse & 6 out of the 7 figures were ...loosely christened West & East Gang. The recent Sgt. Rock obviously lends himself to the 'toy soldier' role because he um... a soldier & will be a template for many future military- type customs I'm sure, Sgt. Nick Fury for a starter.

  10. its part of his secondary mutation, dont you read the comics? he can squirt milk in his enemies eyes while fighting hence his tagline "im the best there is at what i do, and what i do is really gross" :P

    Logan has 'creamed' most of his foes.

  11. post-638-1195383396_thumb.jpgpost-638-1195383445_thumb.jpgpost-638-1195383472_thumb.jpgpost-638-1195383500_thumb.jpgpost-638-1195383550_thumb.jpgpost-638-1195383631_thumb.jpgpost-638-1195383679_thumb.jpgpost-638-1195383713_thumb.jpgpost-638-1195383750_thumb.jpg


    I put this in another thread initially but I've decided that this should have its own thread . Kubricks are always being compared to Minimates which is, I feel , like comparing cats to dogs,they are so very similar but oh so very different. They are both block figures different in size & articulation , Kubrick is a hybrid word of the Romaji (Japanese) 'Ku (9) '& bricks . Kubricks are generally bigger than Minimates. My favourites in the Marvel line of Kubricks are Logan & Cap. My favourite in the Minimates Marvel line is the Symbiote Spiderman, simple .. iconic. The Kubrick version of the little black guy, like all there Spider-Man versions, are just ....sad. Kubrick Iron Man really grows on you as would the Hobgoblin if it didn't keep falling apart,an Osbourne family trait! Colossus (MM) would be awesome if he was Kubrick-size but he's not because of the Marvel licensing restrictions...come on Marvel ,sort that one out. Finally check out the Minimate version of Doctor Doom which in my opinion is stunning compared to the Kubrick Vicvondoodoo .....terrible.


    What do you think?

  12. I've tried it & liked it . I initially found that downloading a comic was very slow which is always very irritating but I'm sure that is my system. I have one of those 'CD Rom Complete Spiderman' efforts which ,when I loaded it, went down as one of the biggest disappointments of my entire life. I mention this because Marvel has finally done it the right way by remastering the originals & not just scanning & pasting old comic pages. I think there are a few things that have 'been lost in translation' with these digital comics but I have waited years for this format. Thankyou Marvel.

  13. Are they any different from the regular cap/iron man/hulks? If not, it's kinda pointless to go looking for them...

    Minimate Central says it all, but in a nutshell they are all different from the regular versions . Captain America is probably the true variant,he has a different expression & the lower part of his torso costume is different i.e. white/red /white etc. not red/white/red etc.

  14. I didn't know these even existed just found one at a local drugstore (they have a discount cd and dvd section). The movie came out a while ago but the one I bought didn't have a minimate with it. Is it collectible? I already have that Hulk so I'm not planning on opening it. If anybody knows about this I'd love some info.

    K-Mart exclusive ,very collectable esp. outside US. Minimate Central describes it in more detail but the main difference is that it has a later copyright date . Definitely one for the packaging freak.

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