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Everything posted by buttheadsmate

  1. God bless you Rad for coining the phrase '' Mr and Mrs. Murder of Crows''
  2. I've just finished reading (Dec. 2007) Howard the Duck,who.... no longer smokes a cigar. Sad.
  3. I'd have figured a proctologist would be better suited. I thought about it but I prefer job satisfaction & little money rather than piles.
  4. I'd like to thank Reideen for his suggestion of sending myself a 'Secret Santa' gift. it was hard to take at first when you said ''nobody else will'' but it arrived today. It's awesome . I just knew what it was going to be & guess was! I only posted it yesterday as well. Thanks me!
  5. Well ,now I want some of these,they're great.
  6. I'm a gynaecologist so I can recognise a Highassroller when I see one.
  7. Can't somebody be persuaded (bribed or blackmailed) to run a few copies off? I would be happy to hurt somebody for one of these
  8. Welcome koi-girl! Is that koi as in carp? Do you keep carp ,if so what variety? My favourites are Kohaku carp,Tanchu carp & Shushi carp. A homophone of the word 'koi' comes from the Japanese ,simply meaning 'carp' & many of us here coincidentally keep carp. I believe TBT has a Skrull carp ,Rad a Tardis carp & Amazing .JL has all sorts of carp which Ivan is compiling into a Carpdatabase. MMM/Carpverse is a wonderful forum with people enjoying Minimates and carp. I think you'll love it here but a word of warning...... I often discuss Minimates with Highassroller & everything he says is crap :biggrin:
  9. I can't add much to what you've posted but I also have cases, just like yours, from AFX. That's how I read it. Then Rad posted his comment,so I read through the whole lot again So I'm thinking 'what does Rad know that I don't?
  10. Those silver things they come with :tongue: are made from vibranium. I'm not sure but they might be universal ,vibrating things ....that vibrate universally.
  11. Did I miss something? Even if that's true do not tell me that that's true Please tell me what I've missed ? :sad: I've been through the answers page twice and can't see any sign of Mine, Titan's, or anyone else's mention of Cap B barring TM2's query regarding the Marvel UK licence. To me that suggests that DST are pissed off being asked about a Cap minimate and are essentially refusing to answer it. Of course they have the right not to answer. All the same I'm a bit down in the dumps about it. Chin up old boy! No news is good news
  12. Did I miss something? Even if that's true do not tell me that that's true Please tell me what I've missed ? :sad:
  13. I expect they originally said good things about Captain Edward John Smith ....he was at the helm as well All the best to you Shane & everybody else here ...... the lifeboat :biggrin: Ice anyone?
  14. Did I miss something? Even if that's true do not tell me that that's true
  15. A truly invaluable resource for any Minimate collector. Amazing.
  16. This is a grate sight & this is 3 grater sights & this is a lovely sight
  17. 'You canNOT be serious'......Star Trek Tennis 'mates? What episode was that Bjorn? ' Trouble with Tribbles'
  18. I'm going to go off at a tangent here so bear with me. The question is ,is it an original ? Original in what sense ? An original which has been manually drawn or painted onto a unique piece of paper,canvas etc. by an artist ? :biggrin: A digitally printed copy off of an 'original computer disc' ? A lithographic/gravure processed original image first edition ? I would love it but I'll stick my neck out (not far) & say 'It aint the first option because it would be worth $, it aint the third option because the set-up cost is prohibitive That leaves us with a digitally printed copy off an 'original computer disc'....its worth a few dollars (& I would still love it)but someone,somewhere has the disc & they aint going to sell just one
  19. There has obviously been a lot of time & $$ spent on the Ghost Rider Movie Wave . I know the GR Wave has been previously discussed ad nauseum but R.I.P.? I'm not so sure now
  20. You mean like a transexual? T. Shut up guys. She's a part of the group X-Men, so she's an X-Man. The group's not called X-People of Various Genders, so I refer to the members as X-Men Rouge ,ex-member of the X-Hermaphrodites ,real name Jen Genderless . Jen Genderless was shut up with U-Guys before she mutated into various member-less X-Men. Got that? Is Magneto bi-polar & is he attracted to Iron- Man ?
  21. I'll confess its a long time since I've read it but my favourite book is 'The Seven Pillars of Wisdom' ,the autobiography of T.E. Lawrence. Glamourised in the film 'Lawrence of Arabia',it's his account of how the Colonial powers shat on & double-crossed the Arabs during & after the First World War. We still 'reap the whirlwind' today.
  22. Holmes: ''It looks like he was 'cock gag beaten' '' Watson: '' Does it look like fowl-play? '' Holmes: '' I believe so Watson... the bird is a good lay..... & I believe ...Rhode Red ! '' Watson: '' How on earth do you know that Holmes'' :o Holmes: ''Elementary Watson ... I checked the pecker...
  23. Scotty : Cap'n I think she's gonna blow... Kirk: Give her all you've got Scotty... Spock: Is there a malfunction? Uhura:No its OK ,he's finished
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