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CRISIS Survivor

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Everything posted by CRISIS Survivor

  1. virtual boy i don't know if this has been said but is the new sonic game coming out on the wii i am getting conflicting reports on this i love Nintendo but i also love sonic (not the games after a2b they have all sucked ) and i can only afford to get one of the next gen consoles oh and if any of you haven't sean it yet hear is the trailer for the new sonic game
  2. all time top 5 1. sonic adventure 2 battle(gcn) 2. final fantasy 2 (gba) 3. legend of Zelda ocarina of time (n64) 4. crono trigger (snes) 5.captin America and the avengers (gen) most played 1. tetris (gb) 2. 007 agent under fire (gcn) 3. stat wars battle front 2 (xbox) 4. soul caliber 2 (gcn) 5. super smash bros. melee (gcn)
  3. well i was older than her when my grandpa (not a bird but it still might help) passed away even thou i was older it was still the first time i had to deal with death but after they found out that he died my dad (it was his father) piked me up and took me out side set me on his knee and said that my grandpa had "passed away" and was in a place where he would not feel pain and that even tho he was gone he would want me to remember all the good times we had and that as long as i remembered that then he would live on in our harts but be sure and use the term passed away not died, died has always seemed so cold to me that's all i got seeing as i don't have kids and i have not had to deal with this yet oh and sorry about Mr./Mrs. bird Ady -c.s.
  4. don't kill me but i really really want them manly tucan Sam and tony tiger but the others look cool two
  5. the good - TM2 dinobots old dancing avatar the bad - that time the forum was shut down for about 2 days the ugly - mask less Dr doom
  6. if you want to know the sad truth i had completely forgotten about this thread but i do have couple pics from before my camera broke hear they are flash and my attempt at the bug with hood down my first aztek attempt ya i know they suck and more suckyness to come soon (provided i can bye/borrow a camera) p.s. thanks for reminding me about this deadpool
  7. good bye sorry you had to leave on a bad note sad you want be getting the death stroke mate and i memory of you i will never use this :deathstroke: again
  8. *hugs all but deadpool hits him in the head with a pipe deadpool lays on the ground twitching* Hey, now that's not even a punch. Anyone want to supply me with some guns? ya well i know how to really hurt you dead shot kicks deadpools ass just kiding deadpool wins
  9. *hugs all but deadpool hits him in the head with a pipe deadpool lays on the ground twitching*
  10. ok i put a lot of thought in to this and hear it goes huntress / question Alan Scot / vandal savage red super man (because every wave needs a super man) / parasite azreel / aztek just kidding about the last two those are two i would like to see cat man / dead shot verint blue super man
  11. he likes caption America i like him all ready welcome and stay away from this weirdo deadpool he eats kittens and minimates which is more evil ... you decide
  12. i will get one to day i will try to be careful
  13. IF you don't mind me asking, what was this mistake/incedent? If you do mind, just punch me and move on, I understand it's probably personal. I've made a few mistakes too. Some bigger than others. it was a suicide attempt not much more i wont to say other than it was more than once and it was stupid
  14. TM2 i may not be in the "real world" yet but i know how it is to go through depression but i took it further than i would like to remember lets just say i made a mistake before i got help but to this day (the incident was about a year ago) i still walk a thin line between happiness and depression what i did was stupid and i wish i could change what i did but i cant and some days i still don't see a reason for getting up in the morning but i look at it this way i may not see the light at the end of the tunnel but as long as i keep going forward i will find it eventually C.S. aka Austin
  15. i think it means that at his computer at work wont let him watch the video because of its virus protection
  16. i would be willing to help sort out lists
  17. go with the one that works at tru just kidding i had a bad experience while going out with one of my friends she expected me to be her boy friend and friend but at times it was convenient for her and like rx78jj her parents hated my parents and after a bad brake up she told me we were never "going out" we were just "friends with benefits" so after i sulked for about a week i came to this confusion it is hard to date a friend but i am a hole lot younger than most of you so don't take what i say about relationships seriously but i say do what you got to do and have no regrets good luck rx
  18. are we able to do more than one pic of our custom or just one
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