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Everything posted by Logan

  1. The Ugliest: Tie betwen Mariko and Mary Jane Not Existed: Peter Parker/Spider-Man or Mariko(really, what did she do? ) I Hate: Mariko Can you tell I don't like Mariko?
  2. For a regular one: $10.99. For a chase: $ 15.99. It sucks
  3. Now there's where I disagree. It may just be because I'm used to it, but I love the fact that my Woverine is as big as my Juggernaut or my Bruce Banner is the same size as my Hulk. I don't know what it is about them all in the same scale, but to me it just screams "FUN!"
  4. Yeah, I love Fujis Wave 15, but I would change the chase to Angel and have Archangel as the regular one(I think more people recognize Archangel because he's had more exposure than the regular Angel). But for Wave 10,I feel that people actually HAD to get that chase because it was a seperate charactor, wherareas, with all the other ones, their just varients of one of the other mainstream charactors in the wave. They didn't HAVE to get those ones(but they probably did anyway ) BTW: They= Minimate Collectors
  5. I agree totally, TM2! I think that 2" is perfect(why change it), 2.5" is pushing it(IMO) and 3" completly sucks(once again, IMO)!
  6. Yeah, but IMO, I hope that's all it was: Control Art. It's not necessarily what the actual product is going to be. Hopefully....
  7. Hey, I'm not trying to start something Fujis, but I don't think they willl have a Seperate Character(Dr. Strange/Vision on your list) as a chase. I feel that when they did that in Wave 10, there was a bad response to it.
  8. Mine's a tie between Tiger Stripe Wolverine, Spider-Man, Classic Collossus and Frosted Iceman. Astonishing Wolverine would be somewhere in there if it had a mask!
  9. Yes^^ Very nice! The face on her is spot on!
  10. I want a Batman(or, if possible, a Batman Rouges Gallery) themed wave with a GL wave coming at at a close 2nd.
  11. Hey, I don't have a story, but I'm soory to hear about you and your girl .
  12. Amen to that, even though the CFL Regular Season started yesterday, but I more closely follow the NFL anyway. Also, I watch the highlights on TSN, not ESPN. BTW, Is Sweeden still in the running? I watched one of their games, (and my heritage is partly Sweedish), so I'm cheering for them!
  13. Green Goblin? ^^ EDIT: Just realized(I think) that Ady is talking a bout Spideey from the AA Boards....
  14. I honestly don't know what's going to be in the next couple waves. I hope for a Deadpool, Archangel, Classic Bishop(yeah right ), Apocalypse, Gambit and a Classic Beast. One Variant of an existing Mate I would like to see anytime(not just in Waves 14 or 15) is a Red- costume Iron Fist with an angry expression(kind of like the Marvel Legends version of the Red-costume Iron Fist ).
  15. I want hair peices and different weapons.
  16. OK Guys, I know I'm not a Mod or anything, but I just want to step in and say: Calm Down! Fujis idea for this contest is a good one, but I'm also with Tim on the Quick Customs thing. Like Tim said, A Quickie can sometimes be more striking than a fully-fledged custom. I also agree with Fujis on taking this to PMs. That's just my two cents on this matter...
  17. Yes. my point exactly, neo. Before I absolutly despised Supes, but now, If The JL is with him, he's OK! BTW: Just like neo said, JL season 2 is the only must-have for me!
  18. I love that Mr. Sinister and the Hobgoblin!
  19. That's even better than I thought it would be!
  20. I'd really like to see the X-Factor 25 Cover made into a set.
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