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Everything posted by Logan

  1. Yeah, for some reason it won't let my bring up the Fast Reply thing..... Is it just my CPU or is this happening to other people?
  2. And what an upset! France beats Brazil 1-nil in regular time!
  3. In not sure if I want you cheering for us, I think you're cursed Well It's a fact. I'm cursed. Portugal beats England 3-1 in Penalty Kicks! DAMN!
  4. And Germany Advances. 4-2 over Argentina in Penalty Kicks!
  5. OH MY GOD! The back view is awesome! It makes the custom even better!
  6. Where did you get those arms for Doc Ock? Those are sweet!
  7. Hey, let's get some linkage, there Drgn!
  8. Hey, good to see you posting again, Drgnrbrn316! How's about putting up pics of your customs?
  9. I really hate the fact that Wolverine does not come with a f***ing mask! I really don't mind Kitty the way she is.....
  10. Can we get a back shot? I want to see the back of his head
  11. ^^ LOL Funniest thing I've seen,heard or read all day!
  12. Seeing as Sweeden's gone now, I'm cheering for England, but I think Brazil's gonna take it home... BTW: After Sweeden got the boot, I was cheering for Spain, but they got booted too, So then I started cheering for England!
  13. I know I kinda hated having to find the new news on my own or hear about it from you guys. AA should've had someone tell us about thier new products and stuff like that. It would have saved alot of hassle on Google, MSN Search. etc.
  14. Logan


    No, the Cuboyds(on average)! Very Funny though, JP
  15. Who knows? I hope not... I'm really getting a vibe from this show.
  16. That's awesome! I love the error page!
  17. How about a Blade one, Fujis?
  18. So, how'd you all like the series premeir? I loved it!
  19. I think that the PP/SM Mini was a good concept, but DST/AA dropped the ball on him.
  20. Logan


    How much are they?
  21. OK, that would be perfect!^^^^^ I would love that, you can see what your getting, and(if your like me) you can save the boxes!
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