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Everything posted by blacksun1520

  1. this year is gonna be tough, soooo many mates I want and have been wanting forever, but the new house is sucking up all my $ Hopefully I'll be able to scrape enough loot up to get my hands on all the sweet new booty. so far I got the Avengers set all locked up with stuck a kid, minus the variant though, all sold out This new spidey set is sweet !! I'm psyched about Iron Spidey, though I do like TBT's version better, but the production version is cool, and all I'll ever get my hands on. Black Spidey, despite being BD is still a black Spidey. The new GG is absolutly sick, so much better than the origional. No complaints from me for 2007. BS
  2. ZOMBIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok, someone needs to make a zombie emoticon BS
  3. I have 1/8th of 1 :tongue: a Powerhouse Thing hip piece I painted black & red to replace my broken part from Nightcrawler. BS
  4. WOW... I wish that your designs could be mass produced. I am in love with your Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow, my 2 favorites from when I was a kid. Unbelievable work. BS
  5. gold wolverine... that would be sweet! now the questions is, which version of his costume to make gold? i say the classic yellow. BS
  6. i'm so glad i'm not a completist, there are WAAAAAY too many variations on figs. i don't know how you guys do it, especially with the prices that the gold and silver spideys go for. i'd love to have them, but i think my wife would literly divorce me, melt down my mates, and make me drink the molten plastic, in turn killing me.... BS
  7. Thanks T , now i can stop searching the web to find a pic. but that also means i have to get back to actually working I knew someone would take advantage of that. Thanks Shane :tongue:
  8. I'm sorry if this is a REALLY old question that's been asked before, and if it is, feel free to yell at me and delete this topic, but, what's the difference between Gold Spiderman and the Dragon Designs Gold Spiderman. I've noticed both in some peoples' want have lists. And does anyone have pics to compare the 2 ? Again, I'm sorry if this post is a repeat and causing clutter. BS
  9. man, i have got to get my mits on a john stewart gl....
  10. This is definitly the best wave in a long time, and it will be the first time I preorder a full set. Stuckakid will defintly be seeing my business for sure. :biggrin: BS
  11. that's a tough one for me, too many that I still REALLY want: Hawkeye, Gambit, Angel, Archangel, Vision, Iron Spidey, Captain Marvel (crazy version from the last run)... but I think that I'm leaning towards Hawkeye, so maybe it's not that tough :tongue: BS
  12. are those battle beasts on the bottom shelf??? i friggin LOVED those things as a kid, I SOOOO wish I had kept them. stupid me I love that sentinel though, thing is sweet!!! welcome back to the boards by the way. BS
  13. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU !!!! DST and AA... you guys have struck gold with this wave :miner: It's like christmas morning every day this week. BS
  14. welcome to your new life filled with minis and no more $$$ BS
  15. Thor/Loki Hawkeye/Vision Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch chase: Phasing Vision BS
  16. Thanks Felyxz, I'll defintly have to show her, but then she probably won't want to leave the computer for the rest of the day :tongue: BS
  17. .................... words just can not describe my happiness.
  18. Well, my 3.5 year old daughter has been asking me "where spiderman guy go?" for a while now since all my mates are at work (mostly out of fear of my 2 year old breaking them, and my wife isn't very fond of the little guys) so I picked up a Darktide pack for her yesterday and her eyes lit up. Ah, my daughter's first real taste of the plastic crack, what a beautiful thing. She must have watched the 8.5 minute movie 7 times, and she kept wanting to watch it "one more time" but she needed to go to bed. She was a bit disapointed that there was no spiderman in the pack though, so now my next purchace will probably be an old 2 pack with web head off of ebay... and what's this? my 2 pack with DD/GR arrived in the mail the same day (thanks Donny B ) oh what a wonderful day it was, filled with minimate joy. My little girl and I enjoyed making angry wolverine jump rope, or should I say cain, with ghostrider and daredevil. all the others got a turn of course, and magneto showed off by doing it solo... yes fun was had by all. so it looks like i am going to be buying 2 of every pack i get :biggrin: . now if they only made a "spiderman girl" mini, my daughter would be in absolute bliss.... Just thought i would share this heartwarming story for my fellow addicts to enjoy. BS
  19. I just got my DD/GR 2 pack from Donny yesterday and they are awesome :biggrin: Thanks again for doing this... Have I mentioned I love it here?
  20. I minimates because they me. and I can make them breakdance and they are the reason this place exists ... thank you minimates, for giving birth to the MMMV. BS
  21. This is true yes, but sometimes when it comes to minimates, the store doesn't have anymore in stock, and neither do any of the stores within miles and miles. I have returned broken mates to the store and gotten exchanges/refunds, but if you can't find those particular figs anywhere else, it can be very frustrating and people are going to want to get what they pay for without having to pay more than retail on ebay etc. and I think this is partly why DST is getting attacked so badly. BS
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